Online Games: I Have A God-Level Reset

023. The First Reflection, Realizing The Extraordinary In The Present World!

"It's dark, don't run too far away." Bai Xue didn't doubt it, but subconsciously told Bai Feng.

There are no wild beasts or zombies in the base city, but this does not mean that it is absolutely safe in the base city. After all, in any era and in any place, there must be people with ulterior motives.

Humans are sometimes more dangerous than wild beasts and zombies.


In response to Bai Xue, Baifeng stood up and left the dwelling.

The No. 100 homeless area at night is dark and crowded.

The narrow road between the houses and the warehouse was filled with refugees in a hurry. Through the cold moonlight and the solar street lights on the roadside, you can see the exhaustion on the faces of every refugee.

The vast majority of refugees are engaged in the lowest level of manual labor in the base city, working no less than twelve hours a day. When I get off work every day, I am exhausted.

If it hadn't been for the emergence of Intelligent Brain "Zero", Bai Feng would have been like them before long. Engage in hard work and live a mediocre life.

Good thing.

I went to Bai Feng in "Starry Sky and All Realms" with the help of "Zero" Intelligent Brain, and my fate has been reversed.

About half an hour later, Bai Feng came to an area in the south of Refugee Area No. 100. All you can see are dilapidated old buildings, and the ground beneath your feet is even more uneven.

It was clear and cold, no living beings could be seen, no sound could be heard.

This was originally a gathering place for refugees in the early days of Lingdong Base City. Due to its age, it was too dilapidated. Therefore, the Lingdong Base City Management Bureau issued an order two months ago to relocate the refugees in this area to other areas in the No. 100 Refugee District. place.

It won't be rebuilt for another month. Therefore, this area is now equivalent to a ‘no man’s land’, which is suitable for Bai Feng to reflect here.

Selecting a dilapidated building, Baifeng climbed all the way to the top.

"It's time to start reflecting."

After looking around, Bai Feng sat cross-legged on the ground on the top floor of this dilapidated building and used his talent "Synchronized Reflection".

The next moment, the clothes on Baifeng's body moved automatically without wind, making a hunting sound. A powerful aura burst out from his body, looking like a raging tornado.

[It has been detected that the host is mirroring the results of "Starry Sky and Worlds" into the real world! 】

[The "Zero" brain perfectly accommodates the "Starry Sky World" game system and regenerates the character panel! 】

[Congratulations to the host’s qualification for changing from ‘good level’ to ‘genius level’! 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully reaching level 1! 】

[Congratulations to the host for successfully reaching level 2! 】


Mechanical beeps kept sounding one after another, and the mysterious energy floating between heaven and earth surged towards Bai Feng and submerged into his body. In conjunction with the talent "Synchronized Reflection", Bai Feng's appearance in the real world was quickly changed in an incredible way. qualifications and rapidly improve his level.

The body shone brightly, and streaks of blood appeared in the sky.

In just tens of seconds, Bai Feng has undergone earth-shaking changes.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully reaching level 10 and entering the extraordinary world! 】

boom! ! !

It was as if a door had been pushed open in the unknown depths of the inner world, and a mysterious power surged out from it, overflowing into Bai Feng's limbs and bones, helping him to achieve a transformation. From then on, he broke away from the category of ordinary humans and embarked on the extraordinary journey. way.

[Congratulations on successfully reaching level 11! 】

[Congratulations on successfully reaching level 12! 】


[Congratulations on successfully reaching level 14 (150/15,000) (first time entering the extraordinary)! 】

Because of his special talent "Synchronized Reflection", after Bai Feng achieved transcendence, the energy of heaven and earth that poured towards him not only did not slow down, but instead poured towards him at an even faster speed, cooperating with the unknown depths of Bai Feng's body The overflowing mysterious power accelerated his extraordinary process and quickly synchronized his level to the same level as in "Starry Sky World".


at the same time.

Another part of this "no man's land" is on the top floor of a gray high-rise building nearly a kilometer away from where Bai Feng shines.

"What amazing energy!"

Along with these surprising words, there seemed to be two lightning flashes in the darkness. In fact, this is not lightning, but a person's gaze.

"It seems that someone is here to activate the extraordinary...and judging from the degree of energy gathering in the world, this person's qualifications are not low!"

After a while, a man in black walked from the dark corner to the broken window illuminated by the moonlight. The man's body is extremely strong, twice as strong as an ordinary person's. Through the black clothes, you can feel his explosive muscles. Like a horned dragon entrenched, it is shocking. It is conceivable that once he fully explodes, he will have unimaginable power.

"Looks like we won't have to work hard to find suitable prey tonight."

Feeling the gathering energy of heaven and earth, the man in black looked through the window in the direction of Bai Feng, his eyes filled with bloodthirsty light.

"First time into the extraordinary...very qualified...perfect prey!"

................................................................. ............

PS: Thank you [290-464-5036] for your monthly support! ! Today, due to busy schedules, the update is late and sparse. Please include it.

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