Online Games: I Have A God-Level Reset

043. Three Extraordinary Transformations, The Crazy Bai Feng!

Huo Ling'er, who is in the process of three transformations, is protected by the supreme power in the dark. No external force can enter within three meters of her body.

Therefore, the Bai Feng at this time was not rushing towards Huo Ling'er, but towards the [Heavenly Demons] and [Earthly Demons] who had become chaotic and disordered due to the flame impact caused by the [Sacred Fire Talisman].


The black magic pattern engraved on the [Three-Pointed Spear] seemed to come alive at this time. This is a manifestation of Bai Feng's power operating to the extreme.

The spear broke through the air and stabbed an [Earth Demon].


Although this shot did not use any spear skills, Baifeng put all his strength into it. [Earth Demon]'s skin, as hard as rattan armor, was cut open directly by the [Three-Pointed Spear]. The flesh and blood with weaker defense inside can no longer block the deep thrust of the [Tri-pointed Spear]. The tip of the [Three-Pointed Spear] carries an indomitable momentum, passing through flesh and blood, going deep into the inner cavity, and piercing the heart.

[Successfully killed the level 30 bronze monster ‘Earth Demon’ and received 10,000 energy points! 】

[When a dead unit is detected around you and killed by you, the "Energy Orb" automatically stores 50 energy points! 】

Pulling out the gun, without even looking at the dead [Old Demon], a circle of gun light bloomed.

But it was the four-star spear skill that had been cooled down again - "Spear of Divine Power"!





The three [Heaven Demons] and two [Earth Demons] that surrounded Bai Feng turned into pieces under the circle of gun light.

[Successfully killed the level 30 bronze monster ‘Tian Mo’ and gained 12,000 energy points! 】

[When a dead unit is detected around you and killed by you, the "Energy Orb" automatically stores 50 energy points! 】

[Successfully killed the level 30 bronze monster ‘Earth Demon’ and received 10,000 energy points! 】

[When a dead unit is detected around you and killed by you, the "Energy Orb" automatically stores 50 energy points! 】


[Congratulations on successfully reaching level 25! 】

[Congratulations on successfully reaching level 26 (23,000/27,000) (mid-stage of extraordinary second transformation)! 】

In an instant, Baifeng's strength jumped by two levels.

Just one point away from reaching level 27.

Without any pause due to this small breakthrough, Bai Feng rushed towards four more monsters that were only a few meters away from him with awe-inspiring momentum.

There is no avoidance, no dodging. With the protection, deceleration and anti-injury capabilities brought by the three-star peak [Frost Spike Armor], and the "blood drain" life provided by the four-star peak [Scarlet Ring], Bai Feng is like a crazy person. The 'Reckless Man' fights against the monsters and is more like a monster than the monsters.

[Successfully killed the level 30 bronze monster ‘Tian Mo’ and gained 12,000 energy points! 】

[Congratulations on successfully reaching level 27 (08,000/28,000) (late stage of extraordinary second transformation)! 】

After a while, a [Heavenly Demon] was killed by Bai Feng, and he entered level 27.

At this time, Huo Ling'er on the other side completed the third transformation and reached level 33 (25,000/34,000) (the early stage of the third extraordinary transformation).

Boom boom boom! ! ! !

Boom, boom, boom! ! ! ! !

As soon as Huo Ling'er stabilized his cultivation, he formed a seal and threw out the third [Sacred Fire Talisman].

[It is detected that there are dead units around you that were not killed by you. "Energy Orb" automatically stores 25 energy points! 】

[It is detected that there are dead units around you that were not killed by you. "Energy Orb" automatically stores 25 energy points! 】


Through the sound of the energy value stored in the "Energy Orb", Bai Feng knew that this time 6 [Heaven Demons] and 4 [Earth Demons] died under Huo Ling'er's [Sacred Fire Talisman].

The monsters in the cave not only represent rich energy values, but also determine the quality of the final reward. Every time Huo Ling'er kills one more, it is a huge loss for Bai Feng.

Not to mention that Huo Ling'er is killing movies after movies! !

"Hurry up, faster!!!"

Bai Feng became more murderous and his attacks became more wild.

In order to pursue the ultimate killing efficiency, Bai Feng completely gave up defense and dodge, and only pursued offense. As a result, many monster attacks fell on him, and the accumulated damage triggered the special effect "Ice Heart" of [Frost Thorn Armor].

call! ! !

Waves of ice-cold power were like surging tides, covering 9 monsters within 2.7 meters around Bai Feng, causing their vitality to drop by 2%, and their combat power and speed to drop by 30% in the next 5 seconds. .

What's more coincidental is that Bai Feng's crazy and continuous attacks caused the special effect "Chasing the Enemy" attached to the [Three-Pointed Spear] to be triggered at this breath, gaining a 50% speed boost.

Between this drop and a rise, the gap between Bai Feng and the nine monsters became even greater.

In Bai Feng's eyes, the 9 monsters were like 9 bulky snails.

Their movements are full of flaws! ! !

Like a rushing light, like the god of death, Bai Feng cut off the heads of these 9 monsters one after another.

[Congratulations on successfully reaching level 28! 】

[Congratulations on successfully reaching level 29! 】

[Congratulations on successfully reaching level 30 (19,000/31,000) (first time entering the third extraordinary transformation)]

The deaths of 5 [Earth Demons] and 4 [Heaven Demons] brought Bai Feng to the critical level 30.

The energy flowing through the body surges like a river, and the extraordinary three transformations that Bai Feng has been hoping for begin! ! ! !

................................................................. ............

PS: Holding the grass, it feels like there is no one alive. Have I officially entered stand-alone mode? ! ! !

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