Online Games: I Have A God-Level Reset

087. This Fight Is Not About Fighting, It’S About Money! ! [4X, Please Subscribe, Please Automatical

If most of the property and treasures in this area had not been collected by Bai Feng into the [Scarlet Ring], I am afraid that the energy wave formed by this attack would have destroyed even more 'realm coins' and spiritual essence!

"You stupid Jiao, you deserve to die!!"

An angry word covered the deafening sound of the explosion, and then Bai Feng, holding the [Dark Star Gun], jumped out of the energy aftermath.

Bai Feng, who hit the [Bloodthirsty Dragon] and [Dragon Tail Thousand Strike] head-on, seemed unscathed!

The power of "Jiao Tail Qianjun Strike" was completely eliminated by the four-star spear skill "Spear of Divine Might".

In this fight, Bai Feng and [Bloodthirsty Crazy Jiao] were evenly matched, and neither could be accurate.


Bai Feng's eyes looked a little red at the moment, this time not because of excitement, but because of anger.

The energy aftermath destroyed so many 'realm coins' and treasures, and Bai Feng saw them all.

That is all living wealth!!

In Bai Feng's view, all the wealth and treasures in the treasure room no longer belong to the [Bloodthirsty Jiao], but to him, Bai Feng!

So much was destroyed at once, Bai Feng felt really distressed and felt like his heart was bleeding!

Horse riding, this fight is not about fighting, it is about money!!

No, you must first move the remaining wealth and treasures into the [Scarlet Ring], and then deal with this dragon.

Otherwise, I will suffer a big loss if I step on the horse!

Thinking of this, the four-star body technique "Phoenix Dance Six Illusions" was launched. When the speed reached the extreme, two light and shadow clones suddenly separated, each possessing 50% of Youzhen's combat power.



Two streams of light, one silver and one green, flew into the hands of the two light and shadow clones, but they were two one-star peak storage rings.

The next moment, Bai Feng's body and two light and shadow clones, like the erratic cloud flow, like the uncaptured breeze, like the phantom phoenix dancing in the clouds, flew towards the treasure room in three different directions, at an indescribable speed. 'In pieces', 'in pieces' of moving treasures!!

I'm afraid that in the small world of "Qin Shi Mingyue", Bai Feng, who holds the title of "King of White Birds", would never have thought that his special skills were not used in combat after being learned by a young man from another world. , but used to loot treasures.


The scene in his sight shocked the [Bloodthirsty Crazy Jiao].

It didn't expect that its "Thousand-Jin Strike of the Dragon Tail" would not only fail to cause any harm to the hateful human boy, but it would actually cause itself... After being superimposed with five layers of some mysterious mark, that mark It exploded with a bang, taking away about 10% of its vitality.

This is incredible!!

It is the level 99 gold BOSS that has dominated the entire Taoyuan novice area for decades [suppressing hundreds of wild BOS$ and unable to lift their heads!!!

‘Invincible’, ‘great’, ‘Taoyuan novice zone’s combat power ceiling, etc. are all synonymous with it.

However...its angry blow, in addition to destroying its own wealth and treasures, failed to turn that hateful human being into a pulp as expected.

This fucking... is so nonsense!

[Bloodthirsty Crazy Jiao] couldn't help but secretly cursed something he learned from the human world.

What the [Bloodthirsty Crazy Jiao] didn't even expect was that the human boy who was fighting it brazenly just now ran to plunder its treasures in the blink of an eye.

He also used some powerful physical skills for this purpose...

This made [Bloodthirsty Jiao] feel both ridiculous and angry.

What's the point of leaving this fight alone and running off to do something else in the middle of it?!

[Bloodthirsty Jiao] I feel that I have been despised and insulted!

"Stop it, my king!"

While roaring, the [Bloodthirsty Dragon] was like a moving red mountain, crushing towards the nearest one...that Bai Feng.

[Bloodthirsty Jiao], who is not very bright-minded, can hardly tell which glowing light and shadow is the real Bai Feng.

Anyway...I'll beat whoever I catch.

Typical reckless thinking!

"When I finish collecting these treasures, I will stop even if you don't let me stop."

The three 'Bai Feng' are 'working hard' in three different areas, conscientiously implementing their own plans, with only 'realm coins', spiritual essences and treasures in their eyes... completely ignoring the furious [Bloodthirsty Crazy Jiao] 】.

And with the extreme speed and agile footwork brought by "Six Fantasy Phoenix Dances", the offensive of "Bloodthirsty Dragon" seems wild and fierce, but it can't help but Bai Feng in a short period of time.

Bai Feng's main body plus two light and shadow clones are like an ethereal and elegant phoenix.

The [Bloodthirsty Jiao], who goes on a rampage and only knows how to win with brute force, is like a dog being walked.

Time passed one second after another, and the entire treasure room was filled with the helpless screams of the [Bloodthirsty Dragon].

Nine out of ten.

Eight out of ten.

Seven out of ten.

Bai Feng and the two light and shadow clones, like three hard-working porters, caused the wealth and treasures that "Bloodthirsty Jiao" had stored for decades to decrease rapidly.



After all, the combat power of the light and shadow clone produced by "Feng Wu Six Illusions" is only 50% of Bai Feng's main body. It is not easy to persist for such a long time under the attack of [Bloodthirsty Crazy Jiao].

Accompanied by two shattering sounds, they were successively smashed to pieces by the [Bloodthirsty Crazy Dragon]'s [Shui Yuan Zhi] and [Raging Sea Raging Waves].


Before the two light and shadow clones were crushed, they threw the storage ring containing a large number of treasures to Bai Feng.

Seeing that the treasures that had been saved for decades were not left, and the hateful human boy was still plundering wildly, with no intention of stopping. In addition, after fighting for so long, only his light and shadow clones were destroyed.

[Bloodthirsty Jiao] is already crazy!

""Whatever you force me to do is all because of you!!"

At this moment, scarlet flames rose from the huge body of the [Bloodthirsty Jiao], which was clearly a water creature. A violent and terrifying aura is awakening in its body

Upon closer inspection, one can see that what beats in the body of the [Bloodthirsty Crazy Jiao] is not fire, but the energy that overflows from the body after burning the essence and blood.

The 'crazy' [Bloodthirsty Crazy Jiao] finally used a special move that he would not use unless he was in a desperate situation - "Sea of ​​Sinking"!

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