If the Shadow Monarch was really a person who did such a heartless thing, then he would be escorted back to the Zhen Demon Division to be interrogated in the three top camps!

At this time, the crowd suddenly erupted into a burst of head-to-head ears, and there were even many whispering voices.

"The Shadow Monarch is actually a pretender? No way? I don't believe it!

"Hehe, this guy has finally revealed his true face, even if he is not a pretender, this crime of attacking his companion is a stone hammer!"

"I support the Shadow Monarch in my real name, this is impossible, he just saved our lives twice!"

"Harm, it's really hard to say, especially the Shadow Monarch's exaggerated growth rate, if he is a pretender, then everything makes sense..."

Genius to be suspected? Have there been few super geniuses in our Terrans over the years? "


The player group itself was the first to split into two completely different points of view, and the debate was very fierce.

Moreover, this matter had been reported back to the Bright Sect by Ross, a level-breaking powerhouse on the spot, almost immediately, and the Bright Sect also notified the high-level of the Zhen Mosi at the first time.

The reaction speed of these two top camps was amazing, and in just one minute, a large forbidden magic array had been launched in Sky City, and it instantly enveloped Qin Feng in this demon cave battlefield where they were.

[Hint: The current area has been covered by a large forbidden magic array, and all teleportation magic is temporarily invalid......]

At this time, a neutral prompt appeared in front of everyone on the scene.

As soon as this announcement came out, it meant that Sky City had already known about this matter, and the arrival of the people of the Zhen Demon Division on the scene was also an immediate matter.

"It wasn't me who attacked Corey, but he sneaked up on me first."

Qin Feng's appearance was very indifferent, he could fully understand everyone's nervousness, after all, the invasion of the disguised demon race was originally very terrifying, if there was really a disguised demon race to kill their own people in this way, it would cause a big panic.

He explained in the briefest possible sentence, while revealing the last remaining drop in his hand.

[Pretender's Heart (Special)

] [Type: Demon Realm Props

] [Function: A prop that communicates and transmits between the high-level disguise

Demon Race and the Demon World across planes, and has black magic that directly connects with the Demon World across the plane] [Description: The place where the Pretender completely hides his nature, which contains all the dialogues that the Disguised Demon Race and the Demon World have communicated......] ......

The Pretender's Heart is the only thing that Corey drops, but it's not a power-up.

This thing has no effect on the real Terrans, only the High Disguise Demon who created it can activate it.

For professionals, the Pretender's Heart has only one use, that is, it can be used to affirm who is the Pretender hidden in the Terrans.

As long as the Pretender is killed, it will drop this thing.

"Corey is a high-level disguise demon hidden among us, this is his pretender's heart, I need to contact the high-level of the Zhen Demon Division immediately."

Once Qin Feng took out the heart of the pretender, the doubts of many people around him were instantly eliminated.

The pretender's heart can directly display the creator's ID, and this thing cannot be blamed.

Since this thing shows Corey's ID, then this is the most solid stone hammer, Corey is definitely a pretender!

"So, Corey took advantage of the chaos of the fog of death to kill you inside?"

When Moon Shadow heard that Qin Feng was not a pretender, he immediately secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said at the same time.

"And you actually killed him..." Ross

, who was still extremely wary of Qin Feng just now, finally woke up at this time and realized what an outrageous thing this was.

A level 100-breaking powerhouse sneaks up on a newcomer who has not yet turned at level 70, not only fails, but is also counter-killed by the other party?

At this time, even more fierce arguments suddenly broke out in the crowd!

"How to say, I just said that the Shadow Monarch will not be a traitor!"

"You still care about this? Corey is a traitor, which means that the pretender can already infiltrate the ranks of our level 100 powerhouses!

"My God, it's really scary to think about it now, there are even people who are pretenders among those top bigwigs?"

"Who else can we trust now? I lean, don't do this!

"Everyone calm down, you must calm down, this matter must not cause panic!"


The strong argument that broke out in the crowd at this time was no longer as simple as just surrounding Qin Feng.

If Qin Feng is a disguised demon race, it is easier to do, this is just an example of disguised demon race infiltrating the human camp and killing the strong.

This kind of thing has not happened in recent years, and the disguised demon race can now disguise itself as a professional above level 50, which everyone knows.

But almost no one knows that above the level of the level of breaking the hundred, there is also the figure of the disguised demon race!

So this time it was revealed that Corey was a disguised demon, but the panic caused by it would be even stronger!

Because before this, most of the professionals believed that although the disguised demon race was disgusting, they could not penetrate the ranks of those top powerhouses of the human race.

After all, he is a demon after all, he is a demon race, he disguises himself as a human, although he can also carry out seemingly normal activities such as upgrading and changing jobs normally.

But with the strength of their disguised as professionals, it is generally considered impossible to climb to such a high position of a strong person.

But now that Corey's living example has appeared, the panic it will cause can be imagined.

"Wrong, we shouldn't have dealt with this matter in public..."

At this time, among the three level-breaking powerhouses, one of them had already woken up.

The handling of this matter, the three of them really handled it too poorly, and actually let this kind of sensitive matter involving pretenders be directly exposed to ordinary professionals.

If this incident is triggered in the real world and on the world channel, they can't afford to panic!

At this time, Moon Shadow and Ross were also awakened, but it was already too late!

"Everyone calm down!"

At this moment, a small but extremely majestic voice appeared from behind them.

When everyone turned around, a spatial crack had opened directly behind them, directly crossing from the Zhen Moji's base camp to here.

And the one who came here urgently to deal with this matter turned out to be Huang Lao!

Although the influence is great at this time, Elder Huang is a god-level powerhouse of the Terran race! In any case, this matter will not be the turn of someone of his level to come out and deal with it!

But because this matter involved the high-level disguise demon race, plus Qin Feng's name was in it, Elder Huang decided to take a trip in person.

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