Sub-Titan: Vakron (only)

Level: Legend

Level: 22

Health value: 15W

Magic value: 15W

Physical attack: 10000

Physical defense: 8000

Magic Defense: 8000

Speed: 1000

Attributes: Strength: 5000, Constitution: 5000, Intelligence: 5000, Spirit: 5000, Agility: 5000

Skill: Whirling Dual Knives: Causes 200% physical attack damage to all enemies within 5 yards, cools down for 1 minute, and consumes 500 magic points.

Skill: Cowardly as a Mouse: There is a probability of triggering when the blood volume is lower than 10%, and you may be too scared to attack again.

Skill: Gold-touching Hand: When attacking an enemy, there is a 10% probability of stealing gold coins equal to the opponent's level.

Skill: Incomplete Titan Bloodline: All attributes are greatly improved. When the level increases, all attributes are increased by an additional 100 points.

Skill: Titan's Wrath: After use, transform into a Titan. It can cause an instant kill effect on enemies whose grade and level are not higher than itself, but has no effect on enemies larger than yourself. Lasts 3 seconds, cooldown time is 24 hours.

Introduction: The bandit leader who merged with the soul of the incomplete Titan transformed from the inside out. Maybe in the near future, he might become a real Titan!

"Such a high attribute?!"

Qi Ming was shocked. Is this still the good-for-nothing Wakron?

Especially the Titan's Wrath skill, which actually comes with an instant kill effect!

No wonder Waklen can directly crush the players of the Nine Heavens God Dynasty when he gets bigger.

It's just that the duration is a bit too short, it only takes 3 seconds in 24 hours.

"3 seconds of real man? 3 seconds of fast man?"

"Wakelen! That's awesome!" Qi Ming praised.

"Hey, that's not what big brother gave me. If you have something like this in the future, you have to think of me!" Wackeren said with a wink.

Then, Qi Ming turned his attention to the players of Jiutian Divine Dynasty, his expression slightly indifferent.

"Seven Beauties, Brothers Two Heavenly Kings, I'm sorry for what happened just now."

"If you want to attack me, I have nothing to say and you can start at any time."

"Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!" Ertian Wang said hurriedly.

Being an enemy of this great murderer, even if you think about it with your feet, you are asking for bad luck!

"Five Heavenly King! Apologize to the God of War quickly!" The Seventh Heavenly King also looked displeased.

"Apologise? Why should I apologize? Not only did he steal our boss, but he also allowed his pet to kill someone just now. Shouldn't he pay the price?" The Five Heavenly King frowned slightly.

"Lao Wu, please go back to Split Wind City. Don't stay in Dongman City." Ertian Wang suddenly said in a calm tone.

"What? Second brother, why do you want me to go back to Split Wind City?"

The Five Heavenly King was stunned for a moment, then suppressed his anger and said, "Didn't the president say before that he would move the entire guild to Dongman City for development?"

"Why do you think I let you go back?"

"Just for him?" The Five Heavenly King was so angry that his whole body was shaking, and he stared at Qi Ming with a sinister look.

"You're right. The president said before that you are young and there are some things that can be allowed to you, even if you go too far. But there are certain bottom lines that you absolutely cannot touch."

The Second Heavenly King spoke slowly, not only for the other party, but also for Qi Ming.

Now, he is the bottom line of Jiutian Divine Dynasty!

No one can mess with him!

"Fifth Vice-President, the Sun and Moon God is indeed very strong. He didn't do it on purpose just now. There's no need for us to embarrass him, right?" the Nine Heavens Knight Commander whispered.

"That's right! God Sun and Moon definitely didn't do it on purpose. Fifth Vice President, I think you are making a fuss out of a molehill!" Jiutian Lingling also said the same.

"Do you have any right to speak here?!"

The Five Heavenly Kings were furious and said: "They are just two followers of Xiaoqi, and now they dare to point fingers at me? Get out!"


Jiutian Lingling's expressions suddenly turned ugly.

"That's enough! Old Five, go back to Split Wind City! Never come to Dongman City again without the Guild Master's order!" Ertian Wang's face became increasingly cold.

"You... are very good! Just leave! Don't beg me to come back in the future!"

After the Five Heavenly Kings finished speaking, they even quit the Jiutian Divine Dynasty Guild!

"Resigned?" Ertian Wang frowned.

"Second brother, don't worry about him. I'll probably add him back after a while."

The Seventh Heavenly King shook his head casually, then turned to Qi Ming and said, "God of War, I hope you don't mind the unpleasantness just now and continue to lead us on the mission, right?"

Qi Ming did not refuse. After all, the Five Heavenly Kings were driven away by them, which was a great honor for him.

There is no rush to leave. If we go forward, we will soon reach the territory of the vampires.

Before you actually go in, you have to complete all the preparations.

To be on the safe side, Qiming gave Erward's mask and boots to Elwen.

"Sister, put on these two pieces of equipment."

"Okay, thank you brother."


"Elwen's favorability level increases by 10 points."

"Hey, good sister."

Qi Ming felt happy, then turned around and said, "Ottavel, come here."


"I need to ask your opinion on something."

"Really? Just in time, I also want to ask your opinion on something." Ottavel said directly.

"Oh? What's the matter?"

"Goudan'er and I come from the same place, but now it seems that part of the power has been sealed away." Ottavel's voice was very slow and soft, as if she was remembering something.

"You mean... you can open its collar?" Qi Ming asked in surprise.


Hearing this, Goudan'er on the side also spoke.


As early as the first time it saw Ottaville, it had a very familiar feeling.

"Have you two known each other before?" Qi Ming was slightly surprised.


Goudan'er shook his head, but it felt a little familiar.

Afterwards, Qi Ming did not hesitate and said: "Ottavel, go."


After she fiddled with Goudan'er's collar for a while, the system prompts sounded.


"Complete the mission: the royal hound that has been buried in history, Goudaner's attributes have been greatly improved."

Royal Hound of Eftene: Goudaner

Level: Legend

Level: 22

Health value: 12W

Magic value: 12W

Physical attack: 8000

Physical defense: 6000

Magic Defense: 6000

Speed: 800

Attributes: Strength: 4000, Constitution: 4000, Intelligence: 4000, Spirit: 4000, Agility: 4000

Skill: Heart of the Hunt: The damage when attacking beast-type monsters is increased by 5 times, and the explosion rate of killing beast-type monsters is increased by 5 times.

Skill: Agile Body: After use, the movement speed is increased to 10 times, lasting for 30 seconds, cooling down for 30 seconds, and consuming 1,000 magic points.

Skills: Goudan'er's five-hit combo: Instantly attacks the target enemy five times, causing 500% physical attack damage each time, with a cooldown time of 10 seconds and a magic consumption of 1,000 points.

Skill: Noble Bloodline: When upgrading, all attributes will be increased by an additional 100 points.

Skill:? ? ? (not unlocked)

Introduction: The Hound of Eftene has been released from the seal. With it, you may be able to explore the tip of the iceberg of the most powerful empire at that time.

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