Just as Jade Liuli finished speaking, the man on the altar died tragically, and instead, there was an unstoppable vibration on the ground.


A huge sarcophagus rose vertically from the ground.

"Hahaha! I finally got him out! After taking his power, I will become the king of zombies!"

Kaiden smiled happily and lifted the coffin lid off.

At the same time, Qi Ming and Jade Liuli looked over involuntarily.

There was a humanoid monster inside.

He is half-dressed in black, but his feet cannot be seen under the clothes.

The exposed skin of the left hand staff was blue-grey and looked a little dry, like tree bark.

The most eye-catching thing is probably his head.

Under the two long horns extending upward is not a face, but a blur of darkness, as if there is an invisible force covering his face.

Just when Kaiden stretched out a hand, two green lights suddenly appeared on the monster's face!

"Did you lift my seal?"

A hoarse voice sounded, making Kaiden stunned for a moment.

"You've been sealed for so long and you're still not dead?"

"Even so, you have to be my strength!"


Kaiden punched it and the coffin exploded, but there was no sign of the strange monster.

"A little zombie dares to attack me?"

Just when Qi Ming and Qi Ming thought that this guy would fight back with his staff, his body moved and his old dry fist hit Kaiden in the chest.


His chest shattered and Kaiden's health bar dropped to the bottom!

An elite boss was killed instantly!

The Nine-Sealed Corpse Lich: Hadley (the only one)

Level: Lord boss

Level: 30

Health value: 50W

Magic value: 50W

Physical attack: 8000

Magic attack: 8000

Physical defense: 5000

Magic Defense: 5000

Skill: Corpse Bane: Can resurrect any corpse, including incomplete ones. Even if you die multiple times, as long as you have enough body parts, you can be resurrected and have stronger attributes than before you were alive.

Skill: Journey of the Immortal: Causes 500% magic attack damage to all enemies within 50 yards of the target, and resurrects all corpses within the range. The cooldown time is 30 seconds.

Skill: Immortal Body: After death, it will be resurrected within a certain period of time.

Skill: Final Corpse Scourge: Cast when the blood volume is less than 10%, resurrecting all corpses within 1000 yards centered on itself. After using this skill, the body dies and no longer has the ability to fight for a short period of time.

Skill: Advanced Undead Power: Causes 5x damage to any non-undead creature. When facing low-level undead, it has great suppressive power.

Introduction: An extremely powerful and special existence among lichs, no corpse will be spared wherever it passes. But he was sealed for some reason, and now even if the seal is lifted, his power is still gone.

After seeing the other party's attributes, Qi Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

After showing so much strength just now, he thought he had encountered some great boss, but it turned out to be just a level 30 lord.

"Emerald Beauty, when will you share the mission with me? There are not many seals left, right?" Qi Ming said.

"Instead of talking about this, why not face the boss first? Look at him..." Jade Liuli's eyes were a little dull.

"The journey to immortality!"

Along with Hadley's deep voice, a black power burst out instantly.

Directly kill all the guard zombies that were alive just now, and then resurrect them!

After being resurrected, they all turned into ordinary boss-level monsters!

Hadley's Zombie Minions:

Level: Ordinary boss

Level: 30

Health value: 10W

Magic value: 10W

Physical attack: 2400

Physical defense: 2000

Magic Defense: 2000

Skill: Corpse Explosion: Causes all remaining health damage to all enemies within 20 yards.

Skill: Low-level undead power: Causes 2x damage to non-undead creatures.

Introduction: The zombie resurrected by Hadley has become stronger. You need to be especially careful about its suicidal attacks!

Although the attack and defense attributes are unchanged from before, the blood volume has more than doubled!

In this way, Zeerei's ultimate move will not be able to kill them instantly!

Moreover, the only corpse explosion skill made Qi Ming panic. If all the zombies in front of him exploded collectively, even if he had the life sharing skill, he probably wouldn't be able to withstand such horrific damage!

For a moment, the scene fell into an eerie silence.

Even though the boss's attributes were not very high, Qi Ming did not take the lead in attacking because the opponent did not take the initiative to attack them.

"Emerald Beauty, you are an undead professional. How about you talk to him and let him wait for death? Then you will share half of the loot." Qi Ming whispered.

As soon as these words came out, Jade Liuli couldn't help but darken her face and said: "If I can convince him to die, why can't he give me all the spoils?"


At the same time, Hadley's eyes fell on the emerald-glazed Death Ghost, and he spoke slowly.

"It seems that Rotli's seal has been lifted by you humans."

"He should be dead, right? He only left one heir."

After a slight hesitation, Jade Liuli replied: "Yes, he attacked us after lifting the seal and was killed."


Hadley seemed a little surprised and said: "It seems that he has lost his mind during the long years of being sealed."

"Human, I see that you also have the power of the undead, and I don't want to do anything to you. So, you'd better retreat."

"It's okay to retreat, but you have to tell me where the final seal is!" Jade Liuli said directly.

"Hahaha! My strength is not that great, but my ambition is quite big."

"Do you know the reason why we were sealed?" Hadley asked with a smile.

"I probably know a little bit about it."

"Really? Then do you know that we are actually just part of the final seal?"

"With the help of our power, a more powerful undead was sealed. I thought that this seal that could only be lifted with pure vitality would be sealed forever, but I didn't expect that humans can now enter the territory of my undead clan."

"Don't say it's useless, tell me the location of the final seal!" Jade Glaze narrowed his eyes.

"Forget it. We were plotted back then and used as nourishment to seal that guy. Now if he is released, it might be more interesting."

Hadley waved his hand, and a virtual map appeared in front of Qi and Ming.

It was supposed to be the Nine Immortal Seal, but there were ten locations in total on it.

Nine of them are intertwined with each other, forming a nine-pointed star pattern.

And in the center, there is a particularly conspicuous spot, which should be the final seal that Jade Liuli mentioned.

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