Nine Sealed Slaughter Bones: Oakden (only)

Level: Lord boss

Level: 30

Health value: 60W

Magic value: 40W

Physical attack: 10000

Physical defense: 7500

Magic Defense: 2500

Skill: Sword and Shield Assault: Attack a single hostile target five times in a row, causing damage equal to 500% of physical attack, and being stunned for 5 seconds, with a 1-minute cooldown.

Skill: Heart of Killing: When killing a unit, 1 killing point is accumulated. Every 100 points will trigger a fatal attack, which is ineffective against enemies higher than the own level.

Skill: Giant Bone Pressure Kill: Causes 300% physical damage to all enemies within 20 yards of itself, which can trigger the fatal attack of the killing heart, and accumulate 30 killing points, and the cooling time is 2 minutes.

Skill: Advanced Undead Power: Causes 5x damage to any non-undead creature. When facing low-level undead, it has great suppressive power.

Skills: Resistant Skin: Immune to most controls and slowdowns.

Introduction: An extremely powerful and special existence among skeletons, killing is his only pleasure. But he was sealed for some reason, and now even if the seal is lifted, his power is still gone.

"This boss..."

Jade Liuli's eyes narrowed, and the opponent actually had a sure-kill skill.

Although it requires killing a hundred things, it is still very tyrannical.

Especially on the premise that she doesn't have many offensive methods, her summons are almost equivalent to increasing the kill value of the boss.

At that time, if you cooperate with the giant bone to kill...

Just thinking of this scene, Jade Liuli knew that he was in danger.

"Jade beauty, if this boss dies, how will we divide the loot?" Qi Ming asked with a smile.

"Hmph! You just want a big head."


"Brothers, let's get to work!"

The next second, many pets rushed towards the boss.

A blow from the soul!

Goudaner’s five-hit combo!

Tigers roar and wolves roar!

Double sword spin!

Goblin attack!

With one set of combos, the boss was almost killed instantly!

Not to mention the fatal damage that requires 100 killing points, even if it kills one of Qi Ming's pets, it can't be done!

A few seconds later, the boss's huge body collapsed to the ground.


"Kill the Nine-Sealed Killing Skeleton: Oakden, player experience +2600W, all pets experience +2600W."

Then, Qi Ming put all the loot into his backpack.

There are 7 pieces of equipment, including silver and gold.

But what surprised him was that the boss's extraordinary-looking shield and sword were exploded together.

Sword and shield with a sense of killing: quest items, find any warrior mentor, you may be able to reveal their secrets.

"Not equipment?" Qi Ming shrugged and kept it for now until he returned to the city.

In addition, the boss also revealed 500 gold coins, a material, a gold treasure chest and a skill book.

Oakden's complete body: the corpse of a high-level undead, special material, unknown function.

"The complete corpse of the advanced undead!"

Qi Ming looked overjoyed, the deputy job-specific synthesis book he had obtained before could come in handy!

"Hey! Why are you so happy? Where's my share?" Jade Liuli said with her mouth bulging.

"Don't be so anxious."

Qi Ming shared all the loot with Jade Liuli and said, "I can give you all the equipment and treasure chests, but the materials and skill books belong to me."

"make a deal!"

After giving the things to the other party, Qi Ming took out the previous synthesis book.


"Do you want to use advanced undead power to synthesize the book? Oakden's complete body + undead soul stone?"



"The power of the advanced undead was successfully synthesized, and the synthesis book was destroyed."

High undead power:

Level: Legend

Requirements: Undead

Attributes: After use, the undead below the legendary level can be promoted to the legendary level.

"This thing..."

Qi Ming pondered slightly, he couldn't use this thing himself, but Pandeka should be able to?

It's just that he already has a skill with the same name. I don't know if he can improve his level after using it.

"Pandekar, give it a try!"

Looking at the high-level power of the undead, Pandekar first stared, and then said with surprise: "Thank you, master! This is even more powerful than my original power!"



The high-level undead power broke away in Pandeka's hands and was slowly absorbed by him.

The whole process lasted about five minutes before it was over.

Looking again, Pandekar's appearance has changed almost nothing, but the robe on his body has a hint of gloomy black.

Summoner of the Undead: Pandkar

Grade: gold

Level: 23

Health value: 5W

Magic value: 5W

Physical attack: 5060

Magic attack: 7000

Physical defense: 5250

Magic Defense: 5250

Speed: 470

Attributes: Strength: 2500, Constitution: 3500, Intelligence: 3500, Spirit: 3500, Agility: 2350

Skill: Resurrection of the Dead: Can be cast on any dead corpse. After resurrection, it will become your own servant. The upper limit is 5,000.

Skill: Death Wave: Causes 1000% magic attack damage to all enemies within 30 yards of itself. When death is caused, the corpse will be resurrected directly, with a magic consumption of 1000 points and a cooling time of 20 seconds.

Skill: Advanced Undead Power: Causes 5 times damage to any non-undead creature, and increases all attributes by an additional 50 points when upgrading. When facing low-level undead, it has great suppressive power.

Skill: Power of Heavenly Ghost:...


After seeing this, Qi Ming was greatly surprised.

Not only the attributes have been improved in all aspects, breaking away from the original "weak chicken" ranks, but even the skills have been fully enhanced!

Especially the 5,000 summoning space almost made him laugh out loud.

This trip to the land of death was worth it even if there were no tasks!

Finally, there is still a skill book that the boss exploded.

Killing heart:

Grade: gold

Attributes: When killing units no lower than level 10, the accumulated killing value will trigger a fatal attack every 500 points. It is ineffective against enemies and bosses higher than the level itself.

Introduction: It is said to be a skill book, but in fact it is more like a real heart. After possessing it, you are likely to fall in love with the feeling of killing, and be dominated by it and become a puppet who only knows killing.

"I have no use for this thing."

Qi Ming was helpless. He had no attack power, and his only means of attack were things made by engineers.

Unless you have artillery in hand, will you be able to accumulate 500 kill points with guns alone until the end of the year of the monkey?

Even if the kill caused by his pet counts as his, he still cannot attack, so there is a high probability that he will not be able to trigger the killing effect of this skill.

The most important thing is that it is ineffective against the boss, which seems a bit useless.

"How about combining it with one hair?"

Looking at the two synthetic stones left in his backpack, Qi Ming fell into deep thought.

"Anyway, there is no shortage of synthetic stones for all things. There is no use in keeping them for the time being. Let's combine them!"


"The Heart of Killing + All Things Synthetic Stone*2 were successfully synthesized and obtained: Crazy Killing Stone."

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