Destroying giant arrow:

Grade: gold

Health value: 22.32W

Magic value: 0

Physical attack: 14800

Physical defense: 11932

Speed: 1036

Skill: Five-layer long-range shot: can attack 5 hostile targets within 50 yards at the same time. Each attack will cause the same damage to enemies within 3 yards around the target, with a high probability of breaking the defense.

Skill: Giant Arrow Attack: Causes 1000% physical attack and defense damage that ignores all enemies within a straight line of 100 yards, destroying the general game scene. After using this skill, you will be unable to attack for 1 minute.

Skill: Intermediate Magic Attack Immunity: Immune to magic attacks below 5000 points.

Introduction: Heavy arrow tower can even break through ordinary city walls!

Eye of Destruction:

Grade: Diamond

Health value: 10W

Magic value: 0

Physical defense: 5000

Skill: Breath of Destruction: Causes 10,000 points of damage that ignores defense to enemies outside 10 yards and within 100 yards, covering 20 yards, with a maximum of one attack per second.

Skill: Roar of Destruction: Continuously attacks a single hostile target 20 times within 5 seconds after use. After the skill is released, it cannot attack within 1 minute.

Skill: Ultimate Destruction: Detonate yourself and cause 10W points of damage that ignores defense to all enemies within 1000 yards. The building will be damaged after using this skill.

Skills: Intermediate magic attack immunity: immune to magic damage below 5000 points.

Introduction: Its muzzle is like an eye carrying the power of destruction. I guess no one wants to be "targeted" by it, right?

The destructive giant arrow looks similar to the intermediate arrow tower itself, except that there is an extra huge arrow on it!

The Eye of Destruction, an extremely huge cannon, is intimidating just by looking at it!

Looking at them, Qi Ming couldn't help but want to laugh, it was so fierce!

The attributes are extremely strong, and the appearance is even more bluffing!

Then, under the dull eyes of many players, Qi Ming began to arrange things on the spot.

Towers rose from the ground, and cannons shot out of the sky.

In just over ten minutes, the open space was filled with all kinds of ferocious weapons, no less than thirty or fifty!

The NPC was firmly surrounded in the center.

"It's the God of the Sun and Moon! He actually has so many artillery pieces!"

"I knew it! The artillery he built is definitely a skill! It can't be a one-time consumable!"

"Looking at him like this, he is planning not to leave the vampires alive!"

"Who says otherwise! Such a large area is full of artillery... Even if thousands of troops come, they will die several times!"

"But don't you think it's strange? The main mission is to attack, but these things can't move. Does he have to defend in place?"

Many individual players were talking about it and were far away from here in a short time.

There is no way, just by looking at it, you can tell that it is impossible to catch the monster under such firepower!

"Damn it! God of War of the Sun and Moon! Get out of the way when you are deploying cannons! Why are you trying to steal the attack site from us!" Aotian Zhanxian cursed angrily.

"Haha! I just robbed it, what can you do?"


"What are you doing? If you can, just fight monsters with me! I won't stop you!"

"By the way, have you forgotten something? I said before that I will kill you once I see you!"

Qi Ming showed a smile and had two death roars in his hands instantly.

"Tu tu tu tu..."

"Fuck you..."

Aotian Zhanxian had just finished cursing halfway when he belched on the spot.

Many Aotian War Soul people stopped working immediately after seeing this scene.

"God of War of the Sun and Moon! The NPC just said that players are not allowed to fight with each other. Do you not take the NPC seriously?!"

"That's right! Hey! Come and see, if someone disobeys military orders during the war, is there any punishment?"

A series of shouts finally caught the NPC's idea.

Soon, the leading NPC named Dakai came over, frowned slightly, and said: "Mr. Baron, no matter what grudges you have with other adventurers, I hope to let them go for now."

"Facing the vampires together is the most important thing."

Hearing this, Qi Ming shrugged and said, "I can give you some face, but it's best to stop them from appearing in front of me. Seeing them makes me feel very uncomfortable."

"And it's not just me, my big guys also dislike these guys."

"If I can't control them later, I don't know how many people will die."

Looking at the many cannons and arrow towers he pointed at, Dakai also looked a little helpless and said: "Get away! This area belongs to Mr. Baron!"

"What did you say?! Why should he own this place?"

"Fuck! The NPCs actually spoke for him, damn thing!"

Although the players of Aotian War Spirit were very reluctant, they still cursed and left.

Not far away, the newly resurrected Aotian Zhanxian was so angry that his liver and lungs exploded, and he roared: "Xie Ming! Go and kill him quickly!"

"This..." Ao Tianming had a headache and said, "Don't worry, I heard the madman said before that he was going to take action. I guess it will be soon, right?"

"Fuck! You know how to rely on outsiders! How did you become the vice president! Silly!"

Aotian Zhanxian cursed angrily, but when he saw the look Qi Ming gave him, he still gave up and hurriedly hid in the crowd.

On the other hand, Ao Tianming had a slightly gloomy expression on his face. This bastard young master was so disrespectful!

Scolding him, the vice president, in front of so many people.

At the same time, some more people gathered around Qi Ming.

"Handsome guy, can we form a team together? My sister and I don't want military merit or trophies, just paddling to gain experience!" Withering Luo said pitifully.

"Well..." Qi Ming groaned and said, "Okay."

"Thank you! Sister, hurry up and show your talent! Conquer him!"

"Xiao Luo! You are looking for a fight!"

"God of War, why don't we come together?" the Seven Heavenly King said.

"You don't want military honors either?" Qi Ming asked.

"This..." The Seven Heavenly Kings hesitated.

They just discovered that military merit can be exchanged for many good things at NPCs, including standard equipment and weapons, and rare materials and items. It is impossible not to do so.

"Let's do this. Ordinary monsters won't be together. When we fight the boss, we hope to add a few of our people. The military merit will go to you, and we can just gain experience." The Seven Heavenly King said.

"Where's the loot?"

"It's yours too!"

"no problem!"

"Hey, hey, Mr. Sun and Moon, are your team full? If not, would you mind taking us with you?"

Turning around, he saw that it was Zuiyin Qianqiu, followed by two assassins, drunkenly drinking in the mountains and rivers, drunkenly drinking in the world.

"Good guys, you guys have been drinking too much." Qi Ming's face looked a little strange.

"What?" The three of them looked confused.

Then, Zuiyin Qianqiu continued: "Boss Sun and Moon, we don't want military merit and trophies, just some experience. And just now, I saw those guys like Madman seem to be plotting something."

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