"Everyone stop! My skills are going to disappear! We can't resist the Boss's counterattack skills!" Kuangyin shouted hurriedly.

Before he finished speaking, "Boom, boom, boom!"

Continuous gunfire suddenly sounded!

A large area of ​​extremely terrifying damage jumped out, not only killing many of Qi Ming's summons, but even him was affected!

Fortunately, he had the life sharing skill, so he survived.

In addition, the team has been reduced in number again, with only the last few people left alive!

If they hadn't hid far away just now when they saw the situation was bad, they might have been annihilated.

"It's over... Without the suppression of the magic circle, how can we fight with the remaining health!" Aotian Long looked frustrated.

"We've already arrived here, are we still going to be beaten to death by the boss?" Ertian Wang looked unwilling and sighed again and again.

"If he was just killed by the boss, it would be nothing, but if the cannon behind him really destroyed the sun..."

Having said this, everyone's mood became heavy.

"Boom boom boom..."

The boss's attacks continued, and each blow seemed to pierce their hearts.

Involuntarily, everyone's eyes fell on Qi Ming again.

If anyone can deal with this boss, it must be him, right?

Taking a deep breath, Qi Ming said: "If you want rewards for completing the level, don't think about grabbing the loot. Just try to protect yourself as much as possible."

"For the rest, just watch the performances of my pets!"

Then, he commanded all the summons that were still alive to retreat as fast as possible, and every extra one he could stay would be counted.

Otherwise, if he is accidentally affected by the boss's range attack later, he will not be able to resist a few times.

Not long after, only Zeerai and Hundaner were left beside Gutra, attacking each other tirelessly.

"Damn undead! Why aren't you dead yet!"

Gutra roared angrily, and all the cannons in his body were pointed directly at Zeerai!

"Boom boom boom!"

The attack was so ferocious that the entire tower seemed to be shaking as a result.

But when it fell on Zeerei, it only got a lot of "immunity" words.

"If this continues, this castle may no longer exist..."

"I don't know if we will be crushed to death after the city collapses and the house collapses..."

Perhaps because he heard their conversation, or perhaps because Gutra didn't want to destroy the base of the cannon behind him, the teleportation light directly lit up on his body, and then suddenly spread.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

All the living creatures on the bell tower disappeared and appeared outside the gloomy white forest in an instant!

"Ha...hahahaha! What a wonderful sunshine!"

"This is what it feels like to stand under the sun!"

Gutra laughed loudly and said crazily: "Humans, look carefully! I will use this immortal body to capture the Dongman Territory!"

"And this will also be the first step for the vampires to rule the world!"

"I! I will become a god!"

When the NPCs not far away saw this scene, they were all frightened, and then began to run away in a hurry.

On the other hand, Qi Ming and others were all speechless.

This guy is almost dead himself and still wants to rule the world? Still want to become a god?

And the most important thing is that the location he teleported from is quite "fine", it is near the position Qi Ming previously arranged!

In an instant, many artillery towers launched attacks on their own.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Whoosh whoosh..."

A series of injuries kept popping up on Gutra's head, knocking out nearly 10% of his health in the blink of an eye, even higher than the output of Zeerei's ultimate move!

"Those are...engineer's weapons?!"

Gutra's eyes narrowed, and then an extremely hot light erupted.

"The legacy of engineers belongs to me!"

"Fart! This belongs to your uncle!"

Qi Ming cursed angrily. Two more rounds of volleys will make you feel cold. Are you still thinking about my cannon?

Then, Gutra started fighting with a group of artillery pieces.

The entire gloomy Baisen seemed to be able to hear this loud offensive!

In just a few seconds, more than half of Qi Ming's position was demolished.

And he also showed a helpless look. He had no choice, the boss's damage was indeed very high, and these artillery and arrow towers could not withstand even a single attack.

"Forget it, there's a high probability that these things won't be of much use if they stay here anyway. Just dismantle them and continue to blast them!"

Taking this opportunity, Zeerai and Hundan'er launched another round of violent output, reducing the boss's already low health to the last 10%!

At the same time, bursts of noise from players suddenly sounded in the forest.

If Gutra is still in the instance, there is no chance for others to participate.

But after coming out, it will be different.

Especially the people of Aotian War Spirit, who just got the news of Aotian Ming, as fast as a chicken blood!

"Have the looters come after all?" Qi Ming looked at Ao Tianming and Ao Tianming coldly.

"Hehe! God of War of the Sun and Moon, this is not in the dungeon. After the boss dies, whoever grabs the things will get them!" Aotian Long said without concealment.

"Okay, then you go ahead and grab it."

Qi Ming suddenly showed an indifferent expression, and then said loudly: "Young boys, call it a day!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

"What are you doing?" the madman asked with a frown.

"Hmph! Aren't the people in Aotian War Spirit thinking about the boss? If they don't say it blatantly, I won't even know! But now, as a favor, I will give the boss to them." Qi Ming casually said road.


In an instant, Ao Tianming's face became extremely ugly.

The boss's health seems to be running low, but at least it still has more than one million!

The level is so high that almost no one else can cause damage that breaks defense.

If they were to fight on their own, wouldn't they have to attack more than a million times? This will last until the year of the monkey and the month of the horse!

Of course, the boss is not a fool and will definitely not sit still and wait for death.

Judging from the appearance of the attack just now, Gutra alone is comparable to Qi Ming's entire position!

Not to mention the 10,000 Aotian War Spirits, even if there were several times more, they might not be enough to kill him!

Not long after, the madman spoke slowly and said: "Xie Ming, don't fight for the boss, let the Sun and Moon God of War handle it."

"You speak for him?" Ao Tianming asked with a frown.

"It's not to speak for him, but for the main mission. You should also know how difficult this boss is to defeat."

"This... okay! We just don't want to rob him!" Ao Tianming agreed with his eyes twinkling.

Seeing this, Qi Ming couldn't help curling his lips. He said it was nice, but he didn't know what would happen next.

But he just said it casually. He had already spent so much effort, and no matter what, he would definitely beat the boss to death.

It was just the opponent's immortal body skill that made him very concerned.

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