Online games: I have countless god-level skills

Chapter 156 The man who ended two eras

All the professional instructors were speechless, but they couldn't hide the envy in their eyes.

"Uh...Teacher, are you okay?" Qi Ming couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"It's okay, I'm just so happy! When you become a noble, you can't forget me as your teacher!"

"Well...I definitely won't forget it..."

"I'm here to learn new skills from you."

"Easy to say!"


With a wave of Wilt's hand, Qi Ming gained two new skills.

Beast Taming Feedback: When the pet attacks, the owner recovers health equal to 1% of the damage dealt.

United Power: When a pet attacks an enemy, the number of attacks can be superimposed, increasing the damage by 10% each time, up to 10 layers. When the master actively uses this skill, all attack layers will be eliminated and the target will be dealt layer-by-layer*1000 ignored defense damage. The magic cost is 1000 points and there is no cooldown time.

These two skills may have relatively average effects for ordinary beast master players.

But for Qi Ming, it is quite good!

Especially the skill United Power, which has no cooldown time.

He has nothing but lots of pets!

It takes minutes to stack 10 layers of attacks, and he only needs to stand in the distance and "detonate" infinitely.

The beast control feedback is of little use. Because of life sharing, there is a high probability that he will not suffer any harm until all pets die.

After chatting with Wilt for a few more words, Qi Ming left quickly after receiving no tasks.

In the engineer tower, Greiner was sitting on the ground in a daze, not knowing what he was thinking.


The door was pushed open, and Qi Ming rushed in with his daughter in his arms.

"You're back, where were you before?"

"Uh... Master, I went to other towers a few days ago and just came back today." Greiner said matter-of-factly.


Qi Ming was slightly surprised and asked: "How many housekeepers like you are there?"

"I don't know the specifics. I know of five in total."

"That's it." Qi Ming touched his chin and continued to ask: "Does the other tower in the main city have a new owner?"

"Probably not, right? I haven't heard anyone else mention it."

"So, the key taken by the madman is useless?" Qi Ming muttered to himself.

The reason why he came to the tower was, on the one hand, to see if he could continue to move up and advance his sub-career.

On the other hand, what the madman said before made him more concerned, so he planned to ask Greiner to inquire carefully.

“What does an engineer stand for?”

"Master, what do you mean?" Greiner was slightly confused.

"I heard someone mention it before. Engineer seems to be a very important title. It seems to have a lot to do with world history?"

"So that's what you wanted to ask."

Greiner showed a smile and said, "That's right."

"Our world has gone through three eras in total."

"The age of the ancient gods, the age of war between all races, and the current age of peace..."

"Okay, okay, I have a general understanding of this. Please keep it short. I still have a lot of things to do." Qi Ming interrupted.

"Uh... ok."

"In ancient times, all races in the world had their own gods that they respected and worshiped. Each one was extremely powerful, but we did not. At that time, human beings were extremely weak and lived in dire straits."

"It wasn't until the first engineer came along that that ended."

"In other words, it was the Engineers who brought an end to the age of the gods."

"Really?" Qi Ming's face was full of disbelief.

Engineers do have some unique abilities, but can they defeat the gods with these?

Greiner shrugged and said, "I don't know if it's true or not. I'm not that old yet, and I didn't live from the age of the gods to now. But that's what everyone has always said."

"But what happened during the era of war between all races can really be studied."

"At that time, wars broke out frequently, and almost all races that could be named were affected. As a result, many of them completely perished and ceased to exist."

"The ones who ended that era were also engineers. There were ten of them in total."

"They are also known as the people closest to gods among humans, but later there was internal discord and they all disappeared."

"I see."

Qi Ming suddenly realized that no wonder his identity as an engineer would give him different treatment when he came to the main city.

Whether what Greiner said is true or not, at least others believe that engineers ended two great eras.

This alone is enough to show that it is extraordinary.

"By the way, if I get this tower in Dongman City, can I still have other ones?" Qi Ming asked.

Hearing this, Greiner smiled to himself and said: "I can't say more about this. If you can reach the top of the tower sometime, you will know all this."

"At that time, you can also see the true power of engineers. Perhaps the legend of ending the age of gods is not groundless."

"Really?" Qi Ming couldn't help but have a hint of expectation in his eyes, and asked: "Then do you think I am qualified to continue to move up now?"

"Not yet, but with your current strength, it should be soon."

"Does that mean you get level 40?"

Qi Mingyang thought about it for a while and realized that there was no need to worry, since the tower was already owned by him.

As for the other ones, it’s nice to get them, but there’s no need to force them if you can’t get them.

People are most afraid of being greedy.

"You should pay more attention to the situation of other towers recently. If there is a new owner, please inform me at any time."

After Qi Ming finished speaking, he left in a hurry.

"Master, how can I contact you?"

"What are you talking about?! I have to spend money to take the teleportation array to my own territory?! Are you trying to trick me?!"

Qi Ming's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

On the other hand, the teleporter on the side felt very innocent and said: "Lord Baron, that's right. You don't need money to teleport back from the territory."


Qi Ming was stunned. There seemed to be some truth to this statement...

In order to save 8 gold coins, he decisively took his daughter to the pet space, and then used the teleportation technique, leaving the teleporter speechless and choking in place.

Lord Baron is really stingy! I can’t bear to spend 8 gold coins! Especially when 7 of them are still owned by him...

After returning, Qi Ming clearly felt that there was a lot of excitement in the forest.

Most of them are people from the Jiutian Divine Dynasty, and some are casual people who came to join in the fun after hearing about it from them.

Although most of the players in East Man City have been here during the main mission, this is the first player territory anyway, and they all want to see what it is like.

I wouldn’t know if I didn’t come, but I’d be shocked when I come.

The rows of cannon arrow towers really shocked everyone who saw them.

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