Elves have a long life span, which is not comparable to that of humans.

Elwen just looks young, and she died once before and lost her original memory, so she looks like a child, but in fact she is close to a hundred years old.

Gladys, on the other hand, is indeed only thirty years old.

"I don't know you." Elwen said lightly.

"How could this happen?" Gladys looked confused.

"Get out of the way! I'm going to kill her!" Teresa said extremely dissatisfied.

"Hmph! I'm going to kill you too!"

Seeing that the two girls were about to fight again, Qi Ming coughed lightly and said: "Okay, okay, please be honest. You are all princesses, how can you be like the aunt at the market and pay attention to your image."

"Brother! You actually turned towards her?!" Elwen's face was full of disbelief, and her eyes were filled with tears.

"Dad is a bad guy!" Xiao Ling made a face and hid behind Elwen.

"Hey! If you want me to live here, you have to get her away! Otherwise, I want Uncle Deathrattle to vent my anger!" Teresa put her hands on her hips, acting like a little witch.

Seeing this, Qi Ming was shocked. Or should he find a way to kill Teresa? How can a foreigner compare with his sister?

"Your Excellency Baron, if you don't mind, how about leaving it to me?" Gladys said softly.

"You can't ask for it! But you have to ask for Elwen." Qi Ming reminded him in a low voice.


Gladys smiled slightly, then took the two girls aside to whisper.

"Reno, they are left to you. If anything happens, you are the only one I will ask!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Qi Ming fled like flying, leaving Renault alone dumbfounded.

"Holy crap! I'm an empire general after all, and my noble title is higher than yours! Why are you ordering me?!"

In the territory, Qi Ming chatted with Wither Rui and others.

After Weilong's killing spree, the gloomy Bai Sen Nei really calmed down a lot.

Although there are still some people in Aotian War Spirit, they have become much more honest and no longer dare to take the initiative to find trouble.

Seeing that there was no big problem, Qi Ming returned to Dongman City.

All the way to the Lord's Hall, he began to ask East about things about the imperial royal family in a roundabout way.

"Lord City Lord, do you know about the major incident that happened to the royal family a few months ago?"

"Big deal? Are you talking about the new emperor's accession to the throne?" East asked.

"Yes, I heard that the new emperor assassinated the old emperor in order to ascend to power?"

As soon as these words came out, East's expression suddenly changed and he said, "Where did you hear that?"

"I don't know if the rumor is true or not, so I'm here to ask you." Qi Ming said with a guilty conscience.

Before he finished speaking, East closed the door of the Lord's Hall directly, with an extremely serious look on his face.

"Your Excellency Baron, just now, your noble title has been handed down. At this juncture, don't let things get complicated!"

"There are indeed some... little questions about the new emperor's journey to ascend to the throne, but it's not something we should discuss!"

"Well...are you really not curious at all about whose mouth this news came from? I heard that a certain princess encountered something extraordinary." Qi Ming continued.


East's eyes flickered slightly and said: "A few months ago, the eldest princess did disappear. Now she is missing. The royal family is trying their best to find her."

"Then what's your attitude towards this matter?"

"Me? No attitude. Your Excellency, Baron, I advise you not to think too much. Some things are difficult to change once they happen."

"No matter where you got this news, the new emperor has taken office and the overall situation has been decided. Don't cause trouble." East reminded in a deep voice.

At this point, Qi Ming also knew that he could not continue talking, otherwise the location of Gladys would be exposed, and the city lord might not sit idly by.

"Okay, okay, don't be so serious. I'm just hearing about it and just gossiping." Qi Ming said with a smile.

"So best."

East looked at him deeply, then took out an envelope from his arms.

"This is the book of nobility canonization. Take a look at it yourself."


Take out the letter. The content is very brief, only one sentence.

"Adventurer, God of War of the Sun and Moon, I heard that you have made great achievements in the Eastern Man Territory. As the Emperor of the Xia Yan Empire, I officially grant you the title of Imperial Baron."


"Accept the mission: Imperial Baron of the Eastern Man Territory."

"Task requirement: Please help at least 10 NPCs in Dongman City and increase their favorability to 100 points. Current progress: 1/10."

Listening to the system prompts in his ears, Qi Ming was speechless.

The emperor recognized his identity, but he still needed to complete some tasks in Dongmanling.

Obviously, this was added intentionally by East.

At present, in the entire city, he only has a favorable relationship with Wilt that reaches 100.

"Your Majesty, Baron, I have something else to ask of you."

"What's the matter?"

"Some things have happened in the city recently. I always feel that there is an undercurrent surging. You should go and investigate."


"Optional mission: East's secret commission."

"Mission goal: Please find out what the undercurrent is in Dongman City."


Qi Ming was stunned for a moment. Is he gone? Finished?

With just such a hint, how was he going to investigate?

"City Lord, can you give me some clear instructions? Just this sentence, what do you want me to investigate?"

"The specifics...I can't tell. Maybe it's just a feeling? Or maybe I'm overthinking it."

"No matter what, you should go around the city and investigate secretly. You have to help others anyway, so you can kill two birds with one stone."

Qi Ming curled his lips and wanted to beat him up, but he had no choice. Who made him the city lord? He had to accept the mission.

After a while, he continued: "City Lord, do you have any thoughts about the Wannian Snowfield?"

"The ten thousand-year-old snowfield in the northwest?"

"Yes, I heard that that place was once our territory in Dongman City."

"That's right. But during the war between all races, something happened, so that they..."

"Although the tribes in the Ten Thousand Years Snowfield are not very powerful, they are indeed rich in various minerals. And it is also a strategic location..."

"I did have the idea to fight back there before, but I couldn't get permission from the imperial city to send troops proactively, so I have been putting it off until now." East said truthfully.

"Is it because of Qingye?" Qi Ming asked.

"Who is that?" East asked doubtfully.

"It's not because of him?" Qi Ming shook his head casually and said, "Then do you want the Snow Mountain tribe to return peacefully?"

"Return to peace? Of course! Is there any way, Baron?" East asked with a hint of surprise.

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