In Dongman City, the little King Kong who was at a loss was suddenly surrounded by a circle of guard NPCs.

"Adventurer! The city lord has ordered that you have been removed from the Xia Yan Empire and leave the Dongman Territory immediately!"

Hearing this, a sense of collapse hit Xiao Jingang's whole body.

From the game to now, he doesn't seem to have done anything particularly egregious, right?

"Why are you expelling me?!"

"Because you attacked the Baron's territory! Leave immediately! If you don't leave, don't blame us for being rude!"

Having said this, Little King Kong couldn't help showing a look of despair.

Being expelled from the Xia Yan Empire not only means that he will never be able to return to Dongman City, but also that he will not be able to enter all the main cities of the same camp!

"Attack the Baron's territory..."

Little King Kong sighed and made a sneak attack on the territory of the Sun and Moon God of War. It was indeed not that easy to be exposed.

Then, under the constant driving of many guards, he reluctantly left Dongman City.

"Hello? Master, did you hear the system prompt just now? I was expelled from the Xia Yan Empire. Do you think you have to give me some compensation?"

"Compensation?" Aotian Zhanxian said with a hint of disdain, "Why should I compensate you?"

"Didn't I just occupy the territory of the Sun and Moon God of War? It's just that our people didn't attack, so..."

"You mean you blame me?"

"I didn't mean that..."

"Forget it, forget it! After all, you have done your part for me. I will ask Xie Long to give you one hundred thousand yuan later, as a reward!"

After saying that, Aotian Zhanxian hung up the voice call directly.

On the other hand, Little King Kong was furious.

He was expelled from the Xia Yan Empire! In the end, it was just exchanged for 100,000 yuan? !

"Damn Wu Sheng! You are so damn rich, yet you are so stingy! And the God of War of the Sun and Moon! I must kill you all!"

In Dongman City, Aotian Zhanxian and the Forging Master were discussing the attack on Qi Ming's territory.

Not long ago, they had received news that Gloomy Baisen was attacked again.

"Master, I'm afraid it's not a good choice for us to continue attacking now, right?" the forging master said hesitantly.


"Little King Kong was expelled from the empire probably because of the Sun and Moon God of War, so..."

Aotian Zhanxian glanced at him and said: "What are you afraid of! We also attacked his territory, didn't nothing happen? Even if the other party's expulsion is really related to this incident, the worst is to find another person to attack the territory hall. , just accept the punishment.”

"But...don't you find it strange? Why was his territory attacked again in such a short period of time?"

"Hmph! No matter why! I can't swallow the arrogance of the Immortal Sun-Moon God of War! This kid keeps finding trouble with me again and again. I must teach him a lesson!"

As soon as these words came out, the foundry master couldn't help but feel a sense of powerlessness and contempt in his heart, no brain!

If we could really capture that place, would we have been wiped out just now?

In this situation, the best choice is definitely to take advantage of the fact that the Sun and Moon God of War has no time to care about other things, and plunder all kinds of items in the gloomy white forest.

Of course, the Forging Master did not say these words, because he knew that Aotian Zhanxian would definitely not listen.

In the city lord's hall, East explained the reason for calling Qi Ming with a strange expression.

"Just now, the Elf Queen personally sent me a message using a communication crystal, saying that Her Royal Highness the Princess has returned, and also asked Abene why they didn't go back together..."

"What did you say? Elwen returned to the elves?"

Qi Ming's face was full of surprise and he said: "She was obviously kidnapped by Da Kai, how could she return to the Elf Clan?"

In this regard, East was also full of confusion and said: "I thought it was you who sent her back, but it turned out to be Da Kai?"

"Lord City Lord, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"Why did I lie to you about this?" East rolled his eyes.

For a moment, both of them frowned.

After a while, Qi Ming said slowly: "Don't you think what happened today is very strange?"

"If the elves really wanted to take down Dongman City, why would they only let so many people come over?"

"The defenses in the city have obviously been messed up and weak. If they bring more people, or even someone who can match you, will they be more confident?"

"You are right." East touched his chin and said, "Isn't Dakai's real purpose to break through Dongman City with the help of elves?"

"His various actions seem to be targeting us, but in fact they are cheating the elves." Qi Ming said thoughtfully.

"you mean……"

East frowned. He was not a fool and he reacted quickly.

"Dakai wants us to start a war with the elves?"

"Maybe, anyway, that guy gave me the feeling that he was targeting the elves."

Not long after, East shook his head and said: "No matter what he wants to do, it is an indisputable fact that the elves were the first to tear up the peace treaty. If they did not have this idea at all, they would not be bewitched by Dakai."

"So, I will launch an offensive against the Green Forest in the near future!"

Qi Ming didn't object because he had long been disgusted with those guys. It would be nice to take this opportunity to show off the power of Dongman City.

Qi Ming had just teleported from Dongman City to a small town in the south when he received a voice call from Withered Core.

"God of War, the people from Aotian War Soul are here again! What should we do?"

"So fast?" Qi Ming was slightly surprised and couldn't help but sneer: "What a group of people who are not afraid of death! So persistent!"

"Miss Rui, if they attack the castle again, let my pets block the road! You don't have to kill them all, just hold them back! I will be back as soon as possible."


After hanging up the call, Qi Ming headed south at a very fast speed.

Since he had never been here before, he could only teleport to a small town closest to the Black Mountain Pass and then walk over.

More than ten minutes later, a continuous black mountain range came into view.

Near it, there is also an extremely majestic and huge fortress!

This place can almost be said to be the most powerful city in Dongman Territory, even more powerful than the defense of Dongman City itself!

A full ten NPC legions are stationed in it, that is, 100,000 people!

As for why this is the case, it is because there is a human empire that is hostile to Xia Yan further south of the Black Mountain Pass.

In this era, there is indeed a peace agreement between the various races, but infighting is still inevitable.

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