Online Games: I Have Unlimited Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 303: The Queen Who Transforms Into A Domineering President

The rewarded crystal coins and gold coins, as well as the materials for upgrading the Star Legion level, were all agreed upon, but the additional reputation points and merit points surprised Ye Ming.

After all, this is unsaid content, so it is an extra bonus.

With reputation points, you can get a lot of crystal coins every week, and merit points can be exchanged for the items you need in the merit hall, and you can even entrust others to help you perform some tasks or find some items, etc.

No matter what, there is never too much of either!

But the next reward continued to surprise Ye Ming.

First of all, he became the chief of the Knights of the Round Table. Ye Ming guessed this. The higher the seat, the higher his position in the Knights of the Round Table.

At the beginning, Ye Ming's idea of ​​the position of group leader was also his delusion. After all, it was so possible. Just think about it, it can't really be realized.

But "903" then broke Ye Ming's idea.

Not only did he become the chief, but he also added the position of deputy leader that had not been available before!!

Even if there is no difference between his rights and the position of captain, as long as he has enough reasons, he can easily order all the Knights of the Round Table to fight for him, or even directly attack the enemy's base city together!

This is terrifying!

Unexpectedly, I did not get the position of group leader, but I was given the position of deputy group leader who had the same rights as the group leader!

The even more terrifying thing is that the [Knights from Another World] was established for him, specifically recruiting knights who become players to serve the Britannia Empire!

Ye Ming understood this method easily and knew exactly what it was for.

The first is good management, so that all players can shine in this [Knights from Another World]. Secondly, because Ye Ming is in charge, they don't dare to mess around, otherwise Ye Ming wouldn't mind beating the opponent violently.

In layman's terms, it means using players against players.

I have to say that this method is very smooth. Instead of worrying about the instability of all players becoming knights, it is better to make them completely become a group. If it is unstable, it will be unstable, but when necessary, they can be directly gathered together to fight. .

This is the biggest benefit of becoming the [Knights from Another World].

The downside is that their status has also increased, but Queen Lungominyade believes that Ye Ming will set requirements, so that no one can come in casually.

"The above are all the rewards for Partner of Justice."

After Lancelot finished his announcement, he returned to his position solemnly, but Ye Ming and other uninformed people were stunned.

Gave so much…………

What about the title???

Is it possible that he didn't get the title? So he was given the position of deputy captain alone?

But if this is the case, it is actually acceptable. After all, this position is too high. Besides, he has specially set up the [Alien Knights] to govern all players who become knights.

"Partner of Justice."

After Ye Ming felt almost satisfied and prepared to perform the ceremony, Queen Lungominyade walked in front of Ye Ming, and then suddenly reached out to help him up.

Her golden eyes were staring at Ye Ming, making him confused.


"Declaration! The Partner of Justice is my king's favorite starting from tonight, and he will be my husband!"

"Chasing the title!"

"Before the Partner of Justice is formally engaged to me, he is the prince of the Britannia Empire! He can enjoy all the rights and benefits of a duke, and can also enjoy some of the rights and benefits of the royal family!"

"After the engagement is officially held, the Partner of Justice will be regarded as the 'Emperor'! He will enjoy the same rights as the King! From now on, seeing him will be like seeing the King!"




There were three question marks in a row. Ye Ming was completely confused when he was suddenly announced in front of his face, but he reacted quickly, and then stared at the face of Queen Lungominiad with a shocked face.

He suspected she was joking.

But her smile and eyes told Ye Ming that this was true!!

"I'll wait for your second opinion!"

"Congratulations to Your Majesty the Queen for winning the one you like!!"

"Congratulations to His Highness the Prince for becoming the future 'Emperor'!!"

"Hey hey hey, this is the special reward and surprise I give you, how about it? Are you happy?"

All the nobles, ministers and others knelt down, while Queen Lungominyade looked at Ye Ming with a naughty smile, seemingly satisfied with Ye Ming's confused look.

I smiled with satisfaction.

"Happy? Maybe very happy, but I am more confused. Your Majesty the Queen, this joke is not funny...

"I'm still young, I'm not ready yet?"

Ye Ming, who had come back to his senses, looked at the other party with doubt. He didn't understand that Queen Lungominyade suddenly fell in love with him.

In other words, she suddenly likes herself.

I met her three times in total, right? Why did she suddenly want him to be her husband?

Speaking of which, he knows the prince, but what the hell is ‘respecting the emperor’? Can you still enjoy all the rights of the queen? Is this the word “king side by side”???

"This is not your excuse. You have to agree even if you don't agree, and even more so if you agree."

"You are the man that I like, so don't even think about running away."

Queen Lungominyad reached out her hand to lift Ye Ming's chin very domineeringly, and said in a rather domineering manner, "Very good, you have caught my attention, don't even think about running away..." and so on. words.

Damn it!

Can this be tolerated!?

"Ahem! Please tell me why you like me."

Being liked by the Queen is a good thing, and Ye Ming will not stop these things, but he just doesn't understand why.

After all, there is no love without reason in this world, right?

There must be a reason.

And this reason is either because of his nuclear bomb and his power as a means to win over him.

Or it means something else.

"I lost to you."


"When I was young, I swore that whoever defeated me...

"Stop 2.9 Stop, stop, what kind of ridiculous plot is this? Did you make this oath when you were young?"

"Yeah? Otherwise~"

Queen Lungominiad looked at Ye Ming's series of actions in amusement.

The more Ye Ming didn't agree immediately, the more she felt itchy.

It's like there's always a turmoil in your heart if you don't get it.

Before the official confirmation, she had always admired Ye Ming very much, and her favorability was the highest before as a lover, and she had never broken through to the next level.

But it's different now. After she confirms her thoughts, she immediately pursues the man she likes like a domineering female president.

"It's a long story. Why don't you follow me to the garden and have a chat first? Just you and me."

"…Do I have the right to say no?"

"Obviously you didn't.",

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