Online Games: I Have Unlimited Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 362: Goal, Become A God! !

Understanding this, Ye Ming also knew about the goddess of reincarnation and the actions of the game goddess who didn't know who it was.

Although it limits his abilities, including the abilities of all players, it also limits the abilities of the monster, and also ensures that all players will not die together in reality after death.

It can be said that this is a great thing done by the goddess of games.

If the God of Dimensions succeeds, all players will definitely suffer heavy casualties after this event!

This is no joke.

Of course, the goddess of reincarnation also said that you can get 10 times more experience points at the beginning, but since the event has been changed, you will get the experience points based on the average value of monsters of the same level among level 500~800 monsters.

Although it's a pity, it doesn't matter, because Ye Ming is level 1200 and doesn't care about the experience at all. The amount of experience he can obtain is too small, isn't it?

As for other players?

Please, do you want to die or do you want to keep spawning monsters through countless resurrections?

All in all, Ye Ming immediately set an example and thanked the goddess of reincarnation, and also thanked the goddess of games who was not here.

Of course, what the goddess of reincarnation was going to say next also shocked Ye Ming, but it was natural.

That is about his [Infinite Nuclear Bomb], which is the game goddess's ultimate killing move against the dimensional god. It is forged by consuming a large amount of mysterious energy. This is not just a random game data code.

Including the entire game, neither.

Everyone inside is a real life, even a worthless grain of sand is real.

However, they all belong to the existence of data life.

Including Ye Ming, after the complete fusion of characters, he also became a data life. It is a pity that his soul body cannot use all the abilities of his body, and he must reach level 10,000 before he can become a god.

As for how he would obtain the [Infinite Nuclear Bomb], in the final analysis it was probably because of Ye Ming's luck.

He was even favored by the goddess of luck, and thus met the gun god Qin Yinglong, and had various encounters and so on.

Including the so-called sixth sense, it was also the goddess of luck who secretly asked him to choose and judge.

So, everything Ye Ming got was almost arranged, but to be able to get to where he is today, Ye Ming really relied on himself.

In other words, Ye Ming relied on nuclear bombs, but he reached this point through his own choices and his own character.

According to what the goddess of reincarnation said, the people they chose in the past failed without exception. Only Ye Ming might have a chance of success.

To be honest, Ye Ming was suddenly under a lot of pressure because they had thrown their hope of killing the Dimensional God on him.

This is so hard to bear!

If it fails, not only will Ye Ming die, but the entire earth will also be buried with him. Even the goddess of reincarnation, the goddess of luck, etc. will not escape death!

It is true that the Dimensional God is too powerful, and apart from the fact that their strength as the Death Goddess can be seen, their combat effectiveness is actually very embarrassing.

Of course, it is not that no one has resisted, that is the goddess of fate.

It's a pity that she was also slaughtered by the God of Dimensions, turned into data and completely disappeared into the universe, and automatically integrated into the universe to return the abilities she obtained from the universe.

This actually shows that these data life forms obtain their abilities from the universe before they can become gods.

"I've said what needs to be said."

"Ye Ming, the disaster will come sooner rather than later, but I don't know exactly how it will happen."

"But you have to remember, not just us, but all life on your planet needs you to save, even the game world.

"You have a heavy responsibility, but we believe that you can succeed, because we all see the shining points in you!"

The goddess of reincarnation bowed slightly and asked her to beg her. Ye Ming also smiled helplessly, and then reached out to cover his cheek. After a moment of silence, he suddenly lifted his lips.

"I understand. Although I feel a bit taken advantage of by you, in fact we are just mutually beneficial."


"I will save my home planet, I will also save the game world, and you, I will eventually become a god and fight against the God of Origin!"

Because time is too long and boredom leads to evil gods, we can only kill them but not keep them.

But these kind and righteous gods should become partners.

And Ye Ming also relied on them to achieve what he is today, and he had the chance to become a god!

Although this way of becoming a god is a little different, or it is completely different from the steps he knows to become a god.

Who would have thought that you could become a god if you were good at playing games?

That's not right, God is actually a data life form! It's not the kind of God whose mortal body is constantly sublimated and strengthened, and is finally so powerful that it destroys the planet with one finger.

It's completely about borrowing power from the universe and becoming a god, and helping to manage the universe.

This is like…………

The universe is the way of heaven, and these data life forms are all like saints.


Ye Ming doesn't hate this situation, because he is not qualified to hate it.

Either resist or die.

The opportunity is in front of you, and it's your fault whether you cherish it or not. If you think you can do better, then you can give it a try.

Naturally, it is completely impossible to do better than 870. It does not exist. Ye Ming will not fight against the universe like this, let himself transcend the universe and become the master of the universe.

It sounds NB, but in fact it is cerebral palsy.

To become a god, you have to rely on the energy given by the universe, and Ye Ming himself is an ordinary human being!

"Okay, go back, I hope you can do what you want to do."

"Of course, just witness it."

Ye Ming nodded simply, then closed his eyes at the instruction of the goddess of reincarnation, and then Ye Ming's soul body also left the universe [and also emerged from the black hole and returned to his sleeping body.

The black hole disappeared, and the goddess of reincarnation breathed a sigh of relief. She felt that Ye Ming was easy to communicate with, and then conveyed the process of this matter to the goddess of games and others.

How Ye Ming goes next, what he does, and how to fight against the next disaster all depends on Ye Ming's choice.

Of course, the most important thing is how Ye Ming breaks through level 10,000!


Ye Ming is very likely to be stuck at level 9999 for hundreds of thousands of years, just like the Death Lord Huang Quan selected by the goddess of death. He has been unable to break through even after living through one game experience.

This is the most important thing, and the goddess of reincarnation cannot tell Ye Ming how to take the last step. Everything needs to be understood by Ye Ming himself. .

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