Online Games: I Have Unlimited Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 369: A Green Main City?

The BUFF on the retina is actually an eye icon

The current status of the icon is that it has its eyes closed. It is explained that the God of Dimension and other gods are sleeping. If it is opened, it means that it has awakened.

It's very simple. At the same time, Ye Ming also probably knows that the Game Goddess or the Goddess of Reincarnation cannot seal the 12-star ability, or they don't seal it at all, leaving a loophole that is not a loophole.

After all, it is impossible for many players to get the star-rising stone and enough crystal coins to upgrade to 12 stars.

Therefore, the game goddess deliberately released this loophole, and also deliberately allowed Ye Ming to quickly improve his strength through this event.

Don’t forget, this event can be exchanged for a series of items such as crystal coins and meridian.

Leaving aside the rest of the equipment, what Ye Ming lacks most now is always crystal coins and experience, especially in the aspect of experience. How far is the gap between him who is only level 1200 and level 9999.

The further you go, the more difficult it becomes to upgrade. Little do you know that even the Lord of Death, Huang Quan, has lived hundreds of thousands of lives to achieve what he is today, and Ye Ming wants to catch up before ten disasters, that is, at most a few years, and at least half a year. ?

This is undoubtedly wishful thinking!

Looking at the state of his eyes closed, Ye 670ming raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and after putting away the individual combat missiles, his hands were covered with lightning.

Bang bang bang———— Bang bang-!!!!

Instead of using a nuclear bomb to explode with extremely terrifying damage and attract the sleeping Dimensional God and other gods, Ye Ming chose to use his world-dominating ability to bombard them.

Anyway, this thunderstorm will cause as terrible damage as a nuclear bomb. Facing all the monsters below level 800 and with low health points, they will all be destroyed.

"What happened? Suddenly he was tortured and killed?"

Ye Yun was used to seeing scenes of being cleared out in an instant. Even if there were millions of enemies, they all died under the extremely terrifying thunderstorm just now.

"I told you before about God."

"Now, they go to bed."

Ye Ming said a few words briefly, and Ye Yun nodded immediately and said no more in this regard.

Because if you talk too much, you don’t know if it will attract the other person’s attention. It’s fine if everyone knows.

By the way, those who know this include Saber Liya and Uncle Chunqiu who will be known later.

It is better to explain this kind of big thing in advance, know it early and take all possible precautions.

"Let's go, attract monsters along the way, and then kill them."

Although there is a ranking list of points for kills, everyone is used to seeing Partner of Justice take first place again and again. Even if the event is restricted this time, they can't help but think about what other useful things Ye Ming has. Something.

In this way, he has nothing to fear, and since the game goddess dares to give him the BUFF status of his eyes, she will naturally help him hide the ranking information.

Riding on the base car again, Ye Ming and Ye Yun changed from taking a long detour to crossing the most dangerous place.

If there are many monsters, go there, attract the monsters and kill them, and then Ye Ming and Ye Layer will do 8/2.

It's a pity that redemption can only be done after the event. Otherwise, Ye Ming, who had accumulated 32.242 billion points before arriving at the destination, would be curious about what good things he could redeem.

There really isn’t much here, just a lot of monsters!

Ye Ming has already killed tens of millions of monsters, but there are still countless monsters that are constantly refreshing and appearing.

"Is this the outskirts of the main city of Sky Continent?"

After taking seven days and two days later than planned, Ye Ming finally arrived outside the mountains.

Here you can see with the naked eye the tunnels from the mainland into the cave. If you go through it, you will definitely reach the main city.

Currently, according to the information conveyed by Uncle Chunqiu's subordinates, the information left behind in those ruined cities has little value at all. (bcec) What is valuable is nothing more than the leftover technological products, but now they are all waste products, so it is not easy to take them back for research.

Where is Mengmeng?

By stealing the players' information, the Free United Empire had advanced partially, but was quickly stopped completely in the third city, and now a big battle is taking place.

In the other two empires, a small number of players who did not advance much exploration were basically wiped out.

Nonsense, millions of monsters pop up at every turn, with the lowest number being more than 500,000. What can those players do?

Even if you use skills and all abilities, you may not be able to have a considerable impact on more than 500,000 monsters. In the end, will you be beaten to death by a group of monsters?

"Those tunnels have been in disrepair for many years, and it is estimated that many roads cannot lead to them smoothly, so we might as well fly there?"

Ye Yun took a look at the tunnels in the cave. The dark appearance inside made people feel horrified.

No one knows how long the tunnel is, and no one knows whether there will be a large number of monsters in the tunnel.

Although no matter how many monsters there are, it won't help Ye Ming, they are still a trouble.

In response, Ye Ming agreed to Ye Yun's suggestion, and after storing the base vehicle, he took Ye Yun on a blatant flight.

After flying over 5 towering mountains in a row, we saw a very spectacular mountain city.

The largest city surrounded by mountains!

The city is about the size of several urban areas, but its prosperity has reached the level of a level 1 base city of the Britannia Empire!

The style here is a little different, mostly green.

For example, green buildings, a large number of plants attached to the walls, etc. make people look confused.

There are no such obvious style features in other ruined cities, but here it is a green scene!

Could it be that it is to confuse?

At least looking down from the sky, one really thinks this is a jagged forest area.

“Very nice, many facilities are well preserved and intact.”

Ye Ming looked at all the buildings in the main city and nodded with sigh. The completeness here is at least 70%. Some important buildings have not been destroyed, but are almost covered by growing plants, so it is very rarely seen,

At present, there must be no human beings here, it is inevitable.

And what about monsters?

Many, often many.

However, Ye Ming ignored them, killed some monsters casually, and then began to attack very important buildings.

How is the result?

I can't understand all the text on it, but the translations that come with the game system are indeed very precious drawings and other content that Daxia can learn and create!.

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