Online Games: I Have Unlimited Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 383: Your Knife Is Not Sharp Enough! Qu Ling Wakes Up!

This sword will be Kweya's strongest sword without using any abilities.

In order to use this knife, Kweiya had closed her eyes, quickly adjusted her breathing, and even adjusted her whole body's condition.

For a moment, the whole world fell silent, except for the ice and murderous intent that still swept over Qu Ling's body.

Even Kweier standing around couldn't help but get scared. This was the first time she saw Kweiya like this, and Ye Ming saw various fear buffs popping up on his retinas.

Various speed reductions for these effects.

As for Huang Quan, he looked at Kweiya with great interest, but he didn't expect that her sword had really reached the pinnacle level.

Only when he reached this level, even before the sword came out, it was as if he had struck countless knives on Qu Ling's body.

Because of this, when Qu Ling faced countless chills and murderous intentions, her fingers shook again.


Huang Quan was very happy, but Kweya didn't stop there. She even started to tighten the handle of the knife in her hand and wanted to pull it out.

"Destroy the world!"

Kweya has never used this sword before, but it is indeed her strongest one!!!

For a moment, the world and time froze, and no one could see any movement of 963.

But at this moment, Kweiya had already pulled out the knife, but she also retracted the knife in an instant. After Ye Ming and Kweier came to their senses, they finally felt that Kweya had drawn the knife.


Huang Quan saw the blurry scene at that moment. She had also seen this familiar knife on Qu Ling.

It's a pity that Kweiya is obviously weaker than Qu Ling. As expected, Qu Ling's sword is stronger!!!


The invisible knife slashed towards Qu Ling. In a scene that no one could see, Qu Ling suddenly grabbed the ordinary knife in his hand and slashed towards the sky, then flicked the invisible knife away.


The ordinary knife in Qu Ling's hand has been broken, but in contrast, Qu Ling has woken up. Even though she has not opened her eyes, she is already moving and can even speak!

It's just that Huangquan didn't make a sound, and neither did Ye Ming and Kweier.

"It's not sharp enough, it's not fast enough..."

Qu Ling threw away half of the knife in her hand and stood up slowly. Then she took out the black knife from her backpack and slowly opened her eyes. (bcaj)

It was still the same pair of scarlet and black pupils, but her pupils were very empty compared to the first time Ye Ming saw them, but they had regained their vitality.

"Zao, is this a player from the martial arts world?"

No matter what method was used, she could not be awakened, but Kweiya's strongest sword slashed her and she was awakened. This was set.

Ye Ming wanted to complain loudly, but considering that he didn't understand the details and could only understand a little bit, he still didn't say it out loud and could only complain in his heart.

"So, what about your knife?"


Qu Ling's words directly made Kweya's eyes sharpen. At the same time, she also wanted to know Qu Ling's true strength.

"It can cut time, it can cut space, it can cut everything."

"I can too."

"No, you can't, because your knife is not sharp enough!"

Qu Ling, who was half human and half demon, gradually regained his previous momentum, and Huang Quan felt this deeply.

Seeing the sparks igniting in the eyes of Kweiya and Qu Ling, Huang Quan also signaled Ye Ming and others to leave for a while, and then let the two fight.

Qu Ling hasn't fully woken up yet. If Kweiya doesn't fight her, Qu Ling will just fall asleep again. Now she is just relying on her 'instinct' to get familiar with her temporarily, or maybe it's because of the feeling in her body. Full of "dao", she temporarily inspired Qu Ling's fighting spirit.

"Really...then try my knife to see if it's sharp enough!"

Kvya would also be angry if her sword was not good after being provoked like this.

In this way, Kweiya made a fighting stance. When Qu Ling saw this, she smiled slightly with an expressionless face.

Time seemed to have stopped again, "Ye Li and others were looking at the two people who had not moved again from a distance.

"My dear, is this the so-called duel?"

Ye Ming touched his chin and said, such a battle scene can only be seen in martial arts movies, TV series and even novels, right?

Kweiya and Qu Ling were in a stalemate like this. Neither of them moved while holding their knives, but they were constantly analyzing and observing each other.



Kweiya's figure disappeared, and then Qu Ling's figure also disappeared!


In the next moment, no one was seen, only the collision of swords and shadows and the resulting sparks!

"What the hell!? Such speed!!!"

Ye Ming was stunned, his eyes were frantically capturing the fighting postures of the two people. It was obvious that his agility value had reached a very terrifying value, but despite this, he still couldn't see clearly the detailed fighting movements of the two people!?

If Ye Ming were to fight against Qu Ling or Kweya, wouldn't he be forced into a defensive phase?

And how about fighting him with thousands of levels of attributes?

"This is the effect of elevating combat to an extreme, a new realm."

“And in this field, even if your attributes are higher than theirs, you can only catch up but not surpass them.

Huang Quan answered on the side. She could see it clearly. If she fought in person, she could definitely suppress it.

But she is now a demigod at level 9999, so it is naturally easy.

But even in this way, the two of them were strong enough, and they directly displayed combat performance that far exceeded their levels and attributes!

Both of them have mastered their sword skills to the highest level!

"Your sword is mixed with other abilities. Although it helps your sword become stronger, it is no longer pure.

"A real knife can achieve the desired result with just one knife!"

Both Qu Ling and Kweya defaulted to suppressing one attribute to fight, but other than that, the two of them fought with all their strength, including Kweya, who had never taken fighting so seriously.

Even during this battle, she exploded with dark energy, hoping to use more violent power to slash out a stronger sword.

It's a pity that Qu Ling accepted them all and didn't forget to forget this sentence.


After flicking Kweya away, he put the sword in a drawing posture.

"This is the knife that truly cuts off all things."


One knife, without using the power of space, directly cut out the space crack!!!!

This knife directly made Kweya's eyes widen. In a violent state, she deeply felt how powerful the sword intention contained in this knife was.

And this ‘sword intention’ happens to be something she doesn’t have!!!

This is true even if you practice the same sword to the best!

Cut the cracks out of space without relying on external force!?

Don't be kidding, let alone her master Tamamo Maaya, even Lungominiad can't do it!!!

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