Online Games: I Have Unlimited Nuclear Bomb

Chapter 64: That Woman’S Story! Declare War On The World! ?

That woman is now called Kverya, and her original name was Kver...

Isn't this the person he has been looking for recently!? He didn't expect news about her to appear like this today!!

"Lord Viscount, about that woman...what happened to her?"

Ye Ming couldn't help but get excited when he heard Kweir's name. It was just as he imagined, she would definitely appear after the expansion pack is updated!

This is really not a coincidence, but it is destined!

"Sigh... You defeated that [Death Subway] by yourself, right? Did the last BOSS leave a pet egg?"

"Ah? Yes."

Since the ID is not hidden in the world announcement, it is normal for the Lord Viscount to know this.

But what does this have to do with the pet egg he obtained? Is there some secret behind it? "Five, Three, Three"

"Her purpose from the beginning was to increase her companions."

The Lord Viscount shut down his computer, opened the door and walked out. The housekeeper outside the door also looked nervous and urgent. Obviously, the matter about Kweir was a very important matter.

Ye Ming was also confused at this time, but it made Ye Ming uncomfortable to hear that Kweir's purpose was the unique pet egg in his hand.

If Kweir really asks for it from him, should he hand it over?

"Partner of Justice, let me tell you her story first."

Kweiya (Kweier) became a disciple of the 'Sword Master' 7 years ago and became the direct disciple of the contemporary Sword Master, and then she trained in secret for 7 years.

After 7 years of training, she changed her name to Kvya and declared one thing, that is revenge.

Alone, declare war on the entire world!

This incident happened two days ago. At that time, everyone thought that Kweiya had disappeared or even died. However, they did not expect that after disappearing for such a long time, she would appear two days ago and change her name to Kweiya.

In addition, even the contemporary sword master publicly expressed his support for her, which made many people feel uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Kweiya now only wants revenge. Anyone who dares to stand in her way is an enemy. If not, they will not fight. Therefore, this matter is not so big. The main panic is her enemies.

But despite this, Kweiya's true identity makes people unable to tolerate her existence, but the sword concubine appeared and directly restrained the world's top strong man!

If they dare to take action against Kvya, the Sword Master will definitely cut down their territory with one blow, and even take action in advance to kill them on Kvya's behalf!

As the strongest being in the world at present, the Sword Master has a very powerful say. This also prevents those strong men from coming forward to kill Kweya, and can only keep giving orders to the people below.

"As for her true identity... I can't tell you this, it's a taboo!"

When Ye Ming asked about the true identity of Kweiya (Kweier), the Lord Viscount immediately turned pale and shook his head and refused to answer as if recalling the horrific scene.

And this is not just about Kvya, it’s about God Qia’!!

The ‘Gun God’ who is as famous as the Sword Master!!

"...That's it. In that case, I won't say hello."

As soon as the question of life experience was mentioned, the Viscount City Lord shook his head vigorously, and Ye Ming could not continue to ask.

However, the more this happened, the more Ye Ming became curious about Kweiya (Kweier). Unfortunately, the Lord Viscount did not want to say more. He did not even say why he wanted revenge. He just gave Ye Ming a 10-star difficulty task. , and it’s still optional.

"Sorry, although it means a bit of moral kidnapping, but for the sake of Kara City, I can only do this.

The Lord Viscount also looked apologetic, because that woman (Kverya) really frightened him, and now just thinking about it makes the hairs on his back stand up.


Optional mission appears!

Mission difficulty level: 10 stars

Mission ①: Prevent Kvya from ‘permanently’ entering Kara City, no matter what means are used [even killing!

Task ②: Hand over [Princess·Zombie Mother (Egg)] (the only one), let her leave on her own, and promise not to come to Kara City again.

Requirement: Minimize losses before the opponent kills anyone in Kara City!

Reward: All detailed information on job transfer collected by the Lord of the Viscount of Kara City; 10,000 reputation points; 1 bottle of legendary gene potion.

Time: no limit

Introduction: The frightening woman in the NPC's mouth started looking for her partner after declaring war on the world two days ago. When she heard that Silan Kara from the [Death Metro] a few days ago had been killed by aliens from Kara City. (Player) rushed over directly after killing him...078803212 Feilu 134500120]

Note: Unpredictable things will happen if this task fails, please complete the task as much as possible!

The above tasks given by the Lord Viscount City have two options. You can complete them according to your own situation...

As long as it is completed, the harvest will be very high, especially the legendary gene potion worth 5 crystal coins that he is willing to reward. Obviously he is really afraid of the so-called woman - Kweiya (Kweier) .

But, this obviously requires him to hand over the Tamagotchi, is he going to stop it?

Damn, even the Lord of Viscount City is afraid of becoming like this, how can he stop it?

No, that’s not right!

Isn't there any other way? For example, using the mission given by the Gun God to impress Kvya and let her leave here?

Anyway, as long as Kara City is not affected, Ye Ming can even simply leave Kara City and run around the world with his pets and let Kweya chase him!

After all, Decvia's purpose is for the pet egg in his hand, isn't it?

As for adding partners, I must have guessed the potential of this thing.

"...It's very embarrassing, no matter what, that pet egg is your trophy. But, that woman is really terrible...when she just showed up to declare war, she killed her all by herself." With the level 4 base city, we in Kara City really can’t fight against her!”

Hey 1.2 Hey, hey, don’t say it out loud!!!

Doesn't this make him panic?

Killing a level 4 base city by yourself? How powerful is this!?

"Forget it, I'll try my best to complete this task, but I don't know what will happen. I'll explain it to you first."

"I know, I know, Partner of Justice, this task will be left to you, as long as that woman doesn't come to our Kara City!"

It seems that he is really dedicated to contributing to Kara City, but Ye Ming doesn't have too much panic. Anyway, he will be resurrected even if he dies, and he can make up for the downgrade immediately with a nuclear bomb.

"Tell me her approximate current location."

"If nothing else happens, she will come through this road, because it is also the fastest road to here."

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