Online Games: I Have Unlimited Range

Chapter 102 Dragon Wing Flying, Power Of Titans! !

"Eat my sword!"

"[Deep Sea Strike]!"

Little Naga Siren landed behind the boss, raised her hand and stabbed the boss's foot with a sword, luckily hit the [Deep Sea Smash] effect, and successfully stunned the boss in place.

【Deep Sea Strike】!

【Phantom Heavy】!

【Deep Sea Strike】!

【Phantom Heavy】!

Familiar recipe.

Familiar taste.

Siren quickly entered the rhythm of being invincible one-on-one. She waved her eight arms and her eight two-handed swords kept hitting the boss. While triggering [Phantom Heavy] to summon a phantom with 100% attribute, it keeps triggering [Deep Sea Smash].


It was a group of little Naga phantoms who were madly fighting against the boss.


Under the action of "Heart of Concentration", the little Naga's body and illusions all hit faster and faster, and soon, the attack speed increased to an incredible level.

"This girl, really, is the nemesis of all melee combat."

Su Yu smiled and shook his head.

Fortunately, I am not in close combat, otherwise, if I encounter a little girl like Siren, I will probably be hammered full of bags.

As for pk.

With Su Yu's range and displacement ability, a melee unit like Little Naga can only be killed by himself.

【Thunder Shot】!




【Dragon Wing Slap】!

-6000! (Holy damage)

-4s stun!

【Dancing and Shooting】!13


- Knockdown failed!

While you are sick, I will kill you.

Taking advantage of the madness of the boss being beaten by the little Naga, Su Yu was also happy and joined the beating on the boss.

Human attack.

The boss's blood volume is also getting less and less.

10 minutes.....….

20 minutes.....…

40 minutes...….…

80 minutes...  

time lapse.

The boss [Titan Giant Ape] has been silently enduring the beatings of the two. Even if occasionally, the boss escapes the clutches of Siren, and is quickly caught up again.


The boss has a long health bar, with only a small section remaining, and the health value is (500,000/15,000,000).

Only 500,000 HP left!

"Damn ants."

"It's time for you to see the power of the Titan bloodline!"


The boss suddenly broke free from the dizziness of the little Naga, roared in the sky, his body skyrocketed, his height doubled, reaching more than 200 meters, and a terrifying momentum spread.


"Warning! [Boss-level boss Titan Giant Ape] activates the ultimate skill [Power of Titan], in this state, the boss' resistance is greatly improved!"

"In this state, the boss automatically stuns all enemies within 100 yards!"

"In this state, the cooldown of all boss skills is reduced to 1s!"

"[Titan Power] status lasts for 1 minute, defeat the boss in this status, you will get additional [Titan Rewards]!



A row of warnings came out.

Su Yu's eyes narrowed, the boss opened up, his resistance increased, he was automatically stunned for 100 yards, and the skill cooldown was reduced to 1s.

Quite perverted.


During the boss opening period, it is best for players to avoid the boss, wait for the boss's ultimate move to end, and then kill the boss.

But from the prompt.

If you can kill the boss when the boss opens, there will be special rewards.


"Kill the boss within 1 minute!"

Su Yu gritted his teeth.

"Little girl, you have angered a titan descendant!"

"【Power of Titan·Auto Stun】!"

After opening.

The boss roared angrily, and immediately, a golden aperture covering a radius of 100 yards lit up under his feet. Little Naga Siren was in the aperture, and immediately became (dizzy.

Titan power.

It can automatically stun all enemy targets within 100 yards, this is too perverted!!

"Little girl, this deity has endured you for a long time, and you will die!!"

The boss had endured Siren for a long time, raised the "Titan Fist", and smashed it towards the little Naga.

【Octopus Hand】!

-5s winding!

At this time, a thousand-meter-long octopus tentacles suddenly rolled up and successfully wrapped the 200-meter-high boss, tying it into a big octopus dumpling.


The big boss has strong resistance, but [Octopus Hand] ignores magic immunity and all resistances!!

【Thunder Shot】!





Taking advantage of the boss being entangled, Su Yu shot another round, muttering in his mouth: "Big guy, your opponent is me to hit your grandpa!!"

"Damn ants, you will pay for this!"

The boss is also dignified.

Being tied into a big rice dumpling by an adventurer is a shame and a shame. After just 5 seconds, the boss broke free from the entanglement of the [octopus tentacles], and immediately jumped with both legs, rushing towards Su Yu.

【Giant Jump】!

The boss Titan Giant Ape jumped and came to Su Yu at a distance of 1000 yards.

【Qiankun leaps】!

Without hesitation, Su Yu shook his legs, turned on "The Leap of the Universe", and jumped 1,200 yards away.

【Giant Jump】!

The boss Titan Giant Ape jumped again and followed behind Su Yu.


Su Yu jumped again.

【Giant Jump】!

【Qiankun leaps】!

【Giant Jump】!

【Qiankun leaps】!

【Giant Jump】!

【Giant Jump】!

Su Yu jumped four times in a row, jumping 4800 yards in an instant.

However, the goose..... The cooldown of the big boss skill is 1s, and it also jumped 5 times in a row, catching up with Su Yu who had been running away.



"You can't escape from the palm of the will die!"

The boss Titan Giant Ape laughed out loud when he saw that Su Yu was no longer escaping, as if he was sure of victory.


"Do you really think I can't cure you?"

Su Yu also smiled.

After the boss is enlarged, it can jump infinitely, and its mobility is invincible, but unfortunately, the boss still has a fatal flaw

Dragon Wing - open!

【Dragon Wing Flight】!

The corners of Su Yu's mouth raised slightly, and a pair of golden dragon wings slowly spread out behind him. Immediately, the dragon wings flapped slowly, bringing Su Yu into midair, condescending, looking down at the boss.

This time.

The titan giant ape was stunned, it was only a land combat unit, and against air units, it could only be beaten.

"Hehe, enjoy the air-to-ground dimensionality reduction strike."

Flap your wings, condescending.

Su Yu stared at the boss below indifferently, raised his hand and drew the bow, and arrows flew down one after another. 960 [Thunder Shot]!


-5555! (400%)

-5344! (400%)

-5908! (400%)

-5180! (400% crit)

-5240! (400% crit)

Arrows rained down.

In an instant, the boss's head was shot into a hedgehog, and the damage numbers popped up one by one.

It is worth mentioning that.

In the state of [Dragon Wing Flying], the critical strike rate is +10000%, almost a critical strike, and each arrow can deal 5000+ damage.

The remaining 500,000 HP of the boss can't withstand such a violent attack at all.

keeps falling...




far away.

The little Naga Siren raised her head, her eyes were bright, and she looked up at the man in the sky with some admiration.

this battle.

Originally, she was the main force, responsible for fighting bosses and output.

But the critical moment.

It's still necessary for that man to show up to level the boss.

"Warriors big brother is amazing!"

"I'm really envious."

Little Naga Siren clenched her pink fist, her cheeks were slightly red, and she whispered softly.

at the same time.

Accompanied by a lightning arrow that fell from the sky, the boss's remaining 500,000 HP was completely emptied, and fell to the ground with a plop.


"Congratulations! You killed the boss [Boss Level‧ Titan Giant Ape] when the boss activated [Titan Power], and successfully obtained: [Titan Reward] x1"

A pleasant reminder sounded.



The combat power item fell to the ground. .

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