Online Games: I Have Unlimited Range

Chapter 110 Miss Octopus's Entrustment, General Blood Bone!

【Undead War Guard】

Level: Iv20.

Title: Elite Unit.

Status: Invincible.

Description: During the Diamond Island War, the order camp must have 10 billion meritorious deeds to be eligible to attack the chaos camp.


Su Yu glanced at the situation in the Chaos Camp, and also saw that the soldiers guarding the camp were all "invincible".

Unless the order camp gets -10 billion merits.

Otherwise, the [Chaos Base] will never be attacked, and Su Yu will not be able to go to the basement to find the [Shenlong Altar].


"It seems that if you want to find the Shenlong Altar, there are still two steps to go."

"The first step is to help the order camp and get 10 billion merit points."

"The second step is to lay down the Chaos Base."

Su Yu thought to himself.

"Diamond Island War"

Order Faction Merit: 9.1 billion!

Chaos Faction Merit: 4.2 billion!


Due to the battle at the mouth of the lava cave, 20,000 elite ghost players died in the battle, and each contributed hundreds of thousands of merit points. As a result, the merit value of the Order camp is now significantly ahead, reaching a huge 9.1 billion.

The goal of 10 billion is not far away.

"Normally spawning monsters, a monster has only a little merit, and if you want to spawn 900 million merits, the difficulty is comparable to the sky."


"Killing the enemy faction player will get half of the opponent's merits...

"If you want to make 900 million merits, you have to use the [Ghost Guild] to operate."

Su Yu's eyes brightened slightly.

The Ghost Guild, the strongest guild of the undead, has a group of members with high merit. Killing a ghost member is equivalent to brushing tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of monsters!

Of course.

The Ghost Guild, which was just destroyed by oneself today, has returned to the [Shadow Fair] and has been resurrected.

Those who want to keep killing ghosts need to wait until tomorrow.

"Go and meet the octopus girl for a while."

make up one's mind.

Su Yu jumped in the direction of [Miss Octopus Sintil]. The chaotic boss was released last time, but the other party was very fond of him.

Might be able to gather some useful information.

The bright moon hangs high.

The bright moonlight is scattered on the sea surface, the night wind blows, and the air is full of salty sea flavor.

in a hidden bay.

A lovely-looking pink octopus, waving eight pink tentacles, swimming around, dancing with splashes of joy.

Suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air, and immediately, a shooter player landed steadily on the beach.


"Who's watching this girl take a bath?"

noticed someone.

The pink octopus hurriedly retracted into the water, revealing only a pink head floating on the water.


"Are you sure someone loves to watch you take a shower?"

Su Yu's mouth curled into a wry smile.

No, no, no, no one really likes to watch a mother octopus take a bath, that taste is too heavy!

"It's your friend... long time no see!"

[Miss Octopus Sintil] Recognizing Su Yu, she immediately looked happy, got out of the water happily, and dragged her wet figure to Su Yu.

After being released by Su Yu last time, Miss Octopus has long regarded Su Yu as a [friend].

The attitude is also very friendly.

"Cintil, 1 What mission?"

Su Yu chatted for a while and cut to the chase, ready to spy on some information from this simple chaotic boss.


"Cintil was ordered to guard the [Chaos Base] and assist the base's head coach, a half-step hero, [Blood Bone General Lothar]. 17

"Of course, Bodil also has a secret mission."

"This [Blood Bone General Lothar] is the political enemy of our pink octopus family. This lady is ordered by the family to wait for the opportunity to eradicate Lothar!"

[Miss Octopus Sintil] said obediently.

"What am I...  "

Su Yu was stunned.

This Miss Octopus is really simple, she even told herself the secret mission of the family.


The chaos camp is the same as the order camp, and the biggest fun is the infighting. It is not too unusual for Miss Octopus, as a lieutenant, to secretly kill the main general [Blood and Bone General Lothar].

As for this General Lothar.

If I remember correctly, in the last life, he successfully grew into a hero unit and followed the [Ghost Guild Leader Bai Ye Ghost].

With the assistance of this heroic general, the ghost guild has grown in strength.

But this time...

Su Yu decides to get rid of Lothar before he grows into a heroic unit!

‥…for flowers

"Cintil, since you want to get rid of [Blood Bone General Lothar], perhaps, I can help you."

Su Yu smiled slightly.

Perhaps, [Miss Octopus] can be used to achieve the purpose of destroying the Chaos Base.

"Really warrior?"

"It is not convenient for Sintil to attack Lothar, but if the warriors come forward to kill Lothar, then it would be very suitable!"

Miss Octopus Sintil's eyes lit up slightly.


"The order camp is not enough meritorious, I can't, shot Lothar."

Su Yu shook his head again.

I hope Miss Octopus finds a way to give herself a little merit first.

"A merit?"

"At present, the best way to obtain merits is to kill Chaos players... As far as Cintil knows, at 12 noon tomorrow, a transport ship carrying undead players will land on Diamond Island. w

"The warriors can kill these players and get half of the opponent's merit value."

Miss Octopus Sintil thought about it and said.

Immediately, a row of prompts appeared.


"You got the task: "Miss Octopus's Commission: Killing the Political Enemy General Lothar"!"

"Mission description: Miss Octopus has encountered new troubles, she needs to assassinate the political enemy [Blood Bone General Lothar], and you decide to lend a helping hand."

"Before making a move, you need to get the Order Faction to obtain 10 billion Merit Points as soon as possible.

"You get: "Dead Transport Ship Navigation Route Map" x1!"

"You get: "Chaos Base Defense Map" x1!"

"Quest Reward: [Octopus Hand] Strengthening Opportunity!"

Looking at a row of prompts.

Su Yu felt dumbfounded, this ugly and cute octopus lady really did not let herself down. The transport ship route map and the defense map were all started.


"The Chaos players who reached this transport ship tomorrow, don't know yet, their whereabouts have been sold to themselves by the faction boss."

The corners of Su Yu's mouth raised slightly.

With the "Road Map", you can ambush in advance at the landing port of the transport ship, and as soon as the transport ship approaches the sea, it will immediately attack indiscriminately!!

Finish the task.

Su Yu also bid farewell to Miss Octopus and prepared to go offline and rest, so as to prepare for tomorrow's port ambush battle.

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