Online Games: I Have Unlimited Range

Chapter 185 It's Too Late

Finally at this moment, Big Brother Fan left here with the boy in white and the fat man.

With the three of them leaving, Su Yu finally didn't have to hold back his hands.

He sighed for a long time, and then rushed over with the giant monster's tooth.

The armor on the phantom warrior was very strong, he never expected that Su Yu would use the giant monster's fang in his hand to penetrate his armor.

He asked in amazement: "Who are you? Why are you so powerful? Why have you never seen someone like you before?"

Su Yu said disapprovingly: "Haven't you heard of a saying? It's called there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people!"

"You are right. There is indeed such a sentence, but it doesn't mean anything. You will still be defeated by me in the end!"

After the Phantom Warrior finished speaking, he sighed. He suddenly thought of a question.

He couldn't help but said: "Even if you are defeated, the equipment on your body is pitiful, it will only waste my time!"

However, he felt that being able to defeat a player like Su Yu could be regarded as gaining some experience points.

He strikes again.

There was no audience in front of Su Yu, so he let go of his hands and feet even more. Suddenly, he strengthened Lingyun-bow and arrow.

At this moment, Lingyun Bow and Arrow has been upgraded to Liuyun Bow and Arrow.

This time, he started to draw the bow and shoot the arrow, and shot the Liuyun bow and arrow right in front of the opponent's eyes.

At this moment, the Liuyun Bow and Arrow had pierced through the armor of the Phantom Warrior.

He was surprised and said: "How is this possible? Isn't this an ordinary Lingyun bow? Why is the penetrating power so powerful?"

Su Yu said coldly: "You are really ignorant, this is not Lingyun Bow and Arrow, but Liuyun Bow and Arrow!"

When he finished speaking, the Phantom Warrior was immediately stunned.

Players of his level can't use Liuyun Bow and Arrow, why can players like Su Yu be able to use it?

This baffled him!

He suddenly asked: "Who are you? I don't think you are a low-level player!"

Su Yu nodded, and said bluntly: "You're right, but it's too late, who made you so arrogant just now!"

In fact, he had already heard from Big Brother Fan that this Phantom Warrior had been making waves around Xinshou Village all this time, and he couldn't get used to it.

...asking for flowers......

It's just that the Phantom Warrior's strength is indeed extraordinary, even Big Brother Fan can't beat him.

So the entire Novice Village could only swallow their anger.

And the appearance of Su Yu this time can be regarded as a sigh of relief for Xinshoucun.

At this moment, Su Yu started to draw his bow and shoot arrows, and the three Liuyun bows and arrows immediately pierced through the opponent's armor.

At this moment, the Phantom Warrior's HP dropped quite quickly.

Suddenly, he begged bitterly: "Just take it as I beg you, please forgive me, I don't want to start all over again!"

Su Yu said disapprovingly: "It's okay, it's a long lesson!"

After a while, the blood volume of no fighter has become 0.

After finally seeing this scene, he left here proudly.

He quickly returned to Xinshou Village, only to see Big Brother Fan still watching his return at the entrance of the village.

However, when Big Brother Fan saw the Liuyun bow and arrow in his hand, he asked curiously: "I said brother, where did your Liuqu bow and arrow come from?"

Su Yu replied frankly: "Of course it's the Phantom Warrior!"

Brother Fan nodded happily. .

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