Big Brother Fan became even more angry when he heard the boy in white and the fat man singing in harmony.

He suddenly stood up, although the process was a little difficult, but he still stood up.

He said bluntly: "I advise you to leave here as soon as possible, we don't want you in Novice Village!"

It was because of offending him that the fat man and the boy in white were expelled from the Xinsheng Village by him.

The boy in white smiled helplessly, because he knew that Big Brother Fan was talking angrily and not taking it seriously.

At this moment, the wolf king attacked again.

The boy in white forgot to say something when he was on the road just now.

He quickly added: "Brother, you don't know, this wolf king is specifically to avenge the northern wolf king who was eliminated by you before!"

Su Yu nodded and said disapprovingly: "It doesn't matter, this wolf king came to me purely to find death!"

When he was about to turn around to fight, Brother Fan suddenly said to him: "Wait, you forgot to take a piece of equipment!"

With the help of the villagers, the Liuyun bow and arrow already appeared in Brother Fan's hand.

Su Yu slowly turned around, saw the bow and arrow, and smiled calmly: "Thank you, Brother Fan!"

An embarrassed smile appeared on Brother Fan's face.

In fact, he knew that in this matter, he was also playing a childish temper. In fact, he was jealous of Su Yu, and actually there was nothing to be jealous of.

He said earnestly: "Brother, Brother Fan, I have been injured now. Although I have replenished my blood, my vitality will not recover for a while!"

Su Yu nodded and said seriously: "Brother Fan, please rest assured, I will leave this matter to me, and you can rest in peace and recuperate here!"

As soon as the words fell, he resolutely appeared in front of the black shadow wolf king.

The Shadow Wolf King looked at him with a sharp look.

He said coldly: "You hateful wolf king, I know you are here to take revenge, so let's see your strength next!"

Suddenly, the wolf king started a shadow attack.

【Shadow Attack】

Description: Similar to a stealth attack, but under the shroud of a powerful shadow, it will make the opponent terrified and stunned. This is one of the very ferocious attack methods.

After the Wolf King's shadow attack, Su Yu pretended to be knocked down by it.

He seemed to be pretending to be asleep, waiting for the shadowy wolf king to approach.

Suddenly, he instantly grabbed the wolf king's tail.

Then he used the strongest force to throw the wolf king from left to right.

At this moment, the Black Shadow Wolf King collapsed to the ground as if he had been paralyzed, looking like he was dying.

Su Yu said coldly: ".々 Are you so vulnerable?"

Never thought that this black shadow wolf king was like a full blood resurrection.

After all, what Su Yu taught hard just now wasn't the real (Manuo's) Night Wolf King, but just a shadow of it. This is the so-called shadow attack!

He said angrily: "I really didn't expect you to play such a trick in front of me, you are too hateful!"

Su Yu quickly took out the Liuyun bow and arrow.

"This time, whether it's your shadow or your deity, I'll shoot through your body!" Su Yu shouted loudly.

Suddenly, Su Yu pulled the bow straight away. .

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