Su Yu nodded happily, his face was full of confidence.

He saw through the level of this behemoth at a glance.

【Ancient Behemoth】

Level: LV20.

Identity: One of the Guardians of the Wild Forest.

Blood volume: 250,000.

Combat Strength: 300,000.

Defense: 300,000.

Overall score: 70 points.

Skills: Ancient Roar, Earth-shattering, Swallowing Mountains and Rivers...  

After Bai Xiaolin noticed this ancient giant beast, he was really scared to death.

But precisely because of the appearance of this ancient behemoth, those teammates who abandoned him also noticed his existence.

"Isn't that Bai Xiaolin? How could he suddenly appear here?"

"Yes, yes, haven't we left him far behind? But why does he still show up?"

"It seems that this Bai Xiaolin is not as simple as imagined, we need to take precautions as soon as possible!"

Su Yu felt very angry when he heard the voices of these people.

He shouted angrily: "What do you players want to do? Why do you bully honest people" 々?"

Bai Xiaolin heard what he said and stopped him quickly: "Don't meddle in your own business here, it's my personal business!"

"Don't you allow me, Lu Jian, to draw a knife to help?" Su Yu asked in confusion.

Bai Xiaolin sighed helplessly, and after noticing the arrival of the ancient giant beast, he hurriedly told Su Yu.

"Hurry up and look at that ancient giant beast, which is launching a fierce attack in our direction!" Bai Xiaolin said decisively.

【Ancient Roar】

Description: The roar from the most ancient times, as long as you hear this sound, the light ones will faint directly, and the heavy ones will cause a lot of blood consumption.

After Bai Xiaolin heard this voice, he only felt a sense of dizziness.

Including his teammates.

These teammates looked at each other in dismay, they thought the world was spinning.

"What the hell is going on here? Why does such an evil thing happen?" Bai Xiaolin asked suddenly.

But he noticed that Su Yu had nothing at all, which made him very strange.

He originally wanted to ask, but after thinking about it carefully, he gave up the idea.

After a while, the roar of the ancient beast finally stopped.

Su Yu noticed that Bai Xiaolin was still in a dizzy state.

He said coldly: "You still claim to be a master, I think you are just a low-level player!"

Bai Xiaolin sighed helplessly, he tried to control his body, but at this moment, he just couldn't stand any control.

If it wasn't for Su Yu's help, I'm afraid he would have fainted by now.

When he slowly opened his eyes and regained consciousness, he realized that it was Su Yu who helped him.

He said with deep gratitude: ".々Thank you so much, if it wasn't for your help, I'm afraid I would have been trampled to death by the chosen ancient beast!"

Just now, the ancient giant beast whizzed past him, and the huge claw marks still stopped (by Zhao) beside him.

He said with a lingering fear: "It's really terrible, I didn't expect this giant beast to be so powerful!"

Su Yu said disapprovingly: "Actually, this is nothing to me, you will wait and see later!"

Bai Xiaolin's eyes suddenly widened. He didn't know what medicine Su Yu was selling in his gourd. Anyway, he felt that this player was very mysterious.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like this?" Su Yu asked in confusion. .

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