"Bai Xiaolin, what should I do?" Sun Zhengwei asked anxiously.

Seeing the wolf dynasty attacking in their direction, they are now in a state of helplessness.

At this critical moment, Su Yu flew over, and the Liuyun bow and arrow in his hand shot directly out.

After the two of them heard the sound of archery, they immediately saw Su Yu appear.

Su Yu shouted to them, "Get out of here and find a safe place to hide!"

After he said this, they hurriedly found a towering tree and climbed directly to the top of the tree.

To know the skills of climbing trees, it was Su Yu who taught them.

At this moment, Bai Xiaolin said with lingering fear: "The situation just now is too dangerous, maybe the wolf king knows that we are weaker!" 993

Sun Zhengwei said in fear: "You are right, the reason why that wolf king will attack us is because we are relatively weak!"

After he finished speaking, Bai Xiaolin nodded and said bluntly, "I don't know how he should deal with this wolf king?"

They quickly turned their attention to Su Yu.

The Liuyun bow and arrow in Su Yu's hand shot over and over again.

The Flowing Cloud Arrow shot out by him was quite precise, and stabbed the Wolf King's body without any mistake.

At this moment, he had already felt the anger of the wolf king. (bdbh) Although the penetrating power of the Liuyun bow and arrow is very strong, the armor on this Heavenly Wolf King is also quite strong.

Su Yu thought about it carefully and decided not to use Baizhifang.

At this moment, he has upgraded the troll fang into a troll arrow.

Suddenly, he shot the arrow out.

At this moment, the wolf king had already seen the bow and arrow on his body.

The wolf king has already shouted out.

Hearing this roar, Bai Xiao and Sun Zhengwei shuddered.

They never imagined that this bow and arrow would be so powerful, and this could be regarded as giving them insight.

Bai Xiaolin said in amazement: "This is really incredible, the troll's tooth has actually turned into a troll's arrow!"

After he finished speaking, Sun Zhengwei said seriously: "I think we should leave quickly!"

"Where to go?"

"Of course I went to pick up gold coins and equipment. Don't you want to get gold coins and equipment? I think this wolf king is about to die!"

Hearing Sun Zhengwei's words, Bai Xiaolin laughed in disapproval.

He said helplessly: "Sun Zhengwei, you can really do it!"

"It's no big deal, as long as there are gold coins to pick up and equipment to pick up, it's enough for me!"

But at this moment, Su Yu could no longer see the wolf king.

He asked puzzledly: "It's really strange, where is that wolf king?"

As soon as the voice fell, he looked for it again.

Bai Xiaolin and Sun Zhengwei suddenly came to his side.

Bai Xiaolin suddenly asked, "What are you looking for?"

Su Yu said frankly: "Can't you see it? I'm looking for the wolf king!"

When Sun Zhengwei heard this sentence, he asked loudly, "What did you say? That wolf king disappeared?"

"You're right, it really disappeared, disappeared without a trace, as if it was invisible!" Su Yu said decisively.

Sun Zhengwei suddenly fell into deep thought. He thought about it carefully, but he didn't know where the Wolf King would go. .

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