Online Games: I Have Unlimited Range

Chapter 248 There's Another Cave

Bai Xiaolin and Sun Zhengwei looked at each other, they could only nod helplessly, not thinking that there was still a cave here.

Bai Xiaolin said helplessly: "Brother, what should we do next?"

Sun Zhengwei also asked puzzledly: "Yes, eldest brother, what should we do next?"

Su Yu said decisively: "What else can I do? Of course I rushed over!"

He believed that the troll was hiding in the cave.

He resolutely brought Bai Xiaolin and Sun Zhengwei inside.

Suddenly, they saw a group of mobs again.

After these little monsters saw Su Yu, they immediately went back to tip off.

Su Yu jumped into the air and stopped them directly.

He also pointed to Sun Zhengwei: "Don't you like to fight this kind of mobs?"

Sun Zhengwei hurriedly nodded, and said righteously: "Of course, I'm fighting against this kind of mobs very much, thank you eldest brother for making it happen this time!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed over.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaolin said incredulously: "Why are there so many mobs here? Could it be that this cave is rich in mobs 々~?"

As soon as the words fell, Su Yu heard a roar.

He knew the trolls had been hurt before that.

Therefore, he hurriedly dived into it!

Bai Xiaolin followed closely behind him, and Su Yu noticed him as soon as he turned around.

Su Yu said to him, "Why did you follow me? Don't you know the danger in this?"

Bai Xiaolin shook his head and said impatiently, "Brother, please rest assured, I know what to do next!"

At this moment, Sun Zhengwei finally wiped out the group of mobs, and he won a lot of gold coin rewards.

After Su Yu saw these gold coins, he said to Sun Zhengwei: "Sun Zhengwei, hurry up and exchange these gold coins, be sure to exchange them for qi and blood pills!

Sun Zhengwei nodded, although he was a little strange, he still obeyed Su Yu's arrangement.

He quickly got out of the cave.

Bai Xiaolin asked in confusion, "Brother, what do you mean?"

Su Yu shook his head and said disapprovingly, "I don't mean anything, don't worry!"

When he finished saying this, Bai Xiaolin nodded again.

They soon came to the vicinity of the giant monster, and at this moment, they accidentally discovered Chen Tianpeng and Li Chenggong.

They actually passed out in a coma, and their blood volume dropped to half.

Bai Xiaolin asked worriedly: ".々 Brother, what should I do?"

Su Yu said disapprovingly, "It's alright, you'll know when the time comes!"

In a blink of an eye, Sun Zhengwei finally came back.

He did not expect that the Qi and Blood Pills he had just exchanged would be used by Su Yu on Chen Tianpeng and Li Chenggong.

He said helplessly: "Brother, what are you doing? Why do you talk like this?"

Su Yu said decisively: "They are two innocent players, if their HP is falling, I'm afraid they won't be able to keep them!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Chenggong gradually opened his eyes. He didn't know why the three players appeared in front of him.

Especially Su Yu, who asked in confusion: "Why are you here?"

Su Yu said without hesitation: "After all, your blood volume has dropped to half, I have to save you!".

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