Su Yu stayed here for a while, and finally waited for the giant monster to appear.

【Prehistoric monsters】

Level: LV60.

Identity: Free troll.

Blood volume: 600,000.

Combat power: 580,000.

Defense: 550,000.

Comprehensive coefficient: 95.

Skills: Overturning rivers and seas, swallowing mountains and rivers, earth-shattering...

In fact, Su Yu had already fought a prehistoric monster during the "Five Five Zero" in Xinshou Village.

But this prehistoric monster is much higher level than that prehistoric monster.

So the power is stronger.

Bai Xiaolin and Sun Zhengwei have already felt the strength of this prehistoric monster.

Bai Xiaolin said fearfully, "Brother, you must be very careful this time!"

Su Yu said disapprovingly: "Actually, it doesn't matter. Don't worry, I will never let this guy go!"

At this moment, he rushed over directly. Although he no longer has a bow and arrow, the star sword and the monster's tooth in his hand are very powerful.

He shouted angrily: "You monster, you better hurry up and kill yourself, don't pretend to be in front of me!"

This prehistoric monster also came roaring, opened its mouth wide, and suddenly ejected a weird fireball.

After Su Yu saw the fireball, he dodged hastily.

But the fireball accidentally hit Bai Xiaolin and Sun Zhengwei, and their lives were in danger.

Bai Xiaolin hurriedly called for help, and yelled: "Brother, hurry up and help us, we really can't take it anymore!"

At this moment, Su Yu temporarily left the sight of the behemoth, and hurried back to Bai Xiaolin and Sun Zhengwei.

"Are you two okay? Does it matter?" Su Yu asked hastily.

The blood volume of the two of them kept dropping, and in a blink of an eye, they were almost dying.

At this moment, Su Yu stuffed all the Qi and blood pills into their mouths.

He hurriedly said: "You guys should digest and digest here first, do you understand?"

Their blood volume was slowly recovering, and after a while they returned to normal and became lively.

Bai Xiaolin stood up suddenly. He was so excited that he rushed to Su Yu's side.

Su Yu noticed his coming, and quickly said: "What's the matter with you? Why are you here? Hurry up and go back to recuperate!"

After he finished speaking, he sighed helplessly, and said bluntly: "Well then, brother, I will follow your arrangement, and I will go back now!"

After he finished speaking, Su Yu nodded and smiled contentedly...

The prehistoric monster once again spewed out a huge fireball, which should be the biggest fireball.

After Su Yu saw the fireball, he dodged again, but this time there was no player behind his position.

Su Yu said without hesitation: "You nasty guy, you use this kind of fireball to attack one after another, this time I will definitely not spare you!"

At this moment, the treasure 4.8 sword in his hand was already shining with radiance, and ray after ray of light shot directly into the eyes of the prehistoric monster.

The prehistoric troll was seriously injured and Fang Yin disappeared from this place immediately.

Seeing this scene, Su Yu shouted loudly: "You bastard, come out quickly, or don't blame me for being rude to you!"

But he shouted several times, but there was no response. .

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