Online Games: I Have Unlimited Range

Chapter 52 Everyone Stood Up And Apologized To The Dragon Emperor!


"Thank you, you repelled the Chaos Boss and protected my safety, the Lizardman expresses his gratitude to you!"

The boss was knocked back.

[Lizardman·Tigo] also ran back to express his thanks.


"You have gained +5000 Lizardman Tiger's favorability, and Tiger's attitude towards you will be promoted from [advanced friendliness] to [junior friend!

"You have gained [Skinlizard Chamber of Commerce] reputation +1000, and the attitude of the Skinlizard towards you has been upgraded from [primary friendliness] to [intermediate friendliness]!"

Very good, another wave of npc favorability and chamber of commerce reputation.

After becoming a junior Tiger, Su Yu's address was also promoted from "Warrior" to "Friend", which seemed more cordial.

"Friends, the Chaos army has been repelled, let's take advantage of the present and hurry up to find the lost goods!"

Tiger said anxiously again.

It's been ten days, and he hasn't found any of his goods, so he's very anxious.

"Oh, I almost forgot about this..."

Su Yu looked embarrassed.

It's also so cool to brush monsters, I even forgot the business. These goods are gifts from the Spirit Lizard Chamber of Commerce to the Earl of Fengyu City. They are used to open up the trade routes of Fengyu City. 13 It is very important

Immediately, the two set off and searched along the beach.

the whole beach.

It is already bare, there are no monsters for the time being, and the lost goods are not difficult to find. Soon, the first piece of goods will be found.


"You helped 【Lizardman Tiger】recover the 【Lost Goods】x1!"

Pack the goods.

The two continue to search for...


"You helped 【Lizardman Tiger】recover the 【Lost Goods】x1!"

【Lost Goods】x1!"

【Lost Goods】x1!"

【Lost Goods】x1!"

Su Yu opened [The Universe Leap] all the way, and the efficiency of finding the goods should not be too high. In the evening, all the lost goods of [Lizardman·Tiger] were found, a total of 20 copies, twice as much as the mission requirement!


"Thank you for your help. I have recovered this batch of important goods. I should thank you very much. But right now, my belongings were lost in the sea monster attack, and I don't have many gold coins, only 500."

"About your reward, do you see it?"

Mission accomplished.

Tiger seemed a little hesitant, and took out a bag of gold coins from his backpack.

A row of prompts appears.

[a, I am willing to accept a reward of 500 gold coins. 】

[b, I am willing to accept a reward of 500 gold coins, but the Skinny Chamber of Commerce must compensate me another 500 gold coins in the future. 】

[c, I don't need rewards for now, because these gold coins are very important to you. 】

In some "choice" moments.

"Sky Domain" will give players some specific options, different options, the results will be very different.


Su Yu chose not to reward for the time being.

It's not that Su Yu isn't greedy for money, but that the Spiritual Lizard Chamber of Commerce is in the stage of land reclamation in Fengyu City. The 500 gold coins are very important to Tai Ge. And as long as the Skinny Lizard Chamber of Commerce has a firm foothold, the rewards will not be measurable by money.

When playing games, you have to take a long-term view.


"Thank you for your understanding. These gold coins are really important to me...Friend, you are a noble and trustworthy person. The Skinlizard Chamber of Commerce is opening up the Fengyu City market. Are you willing to continue to help me?"

Tago looked grateful.


"Warning! Once you choose to help [Skink Chamber of Commerce], you will gain hatred from [Goblin Chamber of Commerce], please choose carefully!"

A warning appears.

If there is no such thing as two boats, players can only choose to make friends with one chamber of commerce.

"I would."

Su Yu nodded.

In the previous life, the Goblin Chamber of Commerce dominated Fengyu City, but in this life, he plans to support the [Spiritual Lizard Chamber of Commerce], which is also the plan he has been considering for the past few days.


"Your reputation with the Goblin Chamber of Commerce -1000!"

"You get the mission: "Commercial War in Fengyu City"!"

"Mission description: In Windy Island City, help the Skink Chamber of Commerce to gain a firm foothold and defeat the old rival, the Goblin Chamber of Commerce, you will get superstar rewards such as the Skink Chamber of Commerce's VIP card!"

"For specific tasks, please talk to Tiger after you arrive at Fengyu City."

Mission out.

Seeing the reward, Su Yu's heart skipped a beat.

In the world of "Tianyu", the VIP status of the Skink Lizard Chamber of Commerce is extremely rare, even the princes and nobles of various countries may not be able to get one.

As for how to do the task.

We still need the next step, we will go to Fengyu City.


Su Yu and the two returned to Yangfan Town, which was different from the war in the past. At this time, the town was quiet, and the faces of the NPCs were filled with happy smiles.

"Warrior, thank you, you alone defeated the Chaos Legion that attacked Yangfan Town.

"You saved Yangfan Town!"


The gray-haired old mayor ran over in a hurry, crying non-stop with excitement.

A row of announcements followed.


"Global Announcement! Congratulations to the player [Dragon Palace·Dragon Emperor] for completing the task "Defend Yangfan Town" and becoming the first player in the world to complete the task of "Defending the Town"!"

"His heroic act defends the glory of Order and inspires all Order faction units!"

"Rewards: [Gift from the Gods·Fruit of Strength] x1, [Gift from the Gods·Fruit of Agility] x1, [Gift from the Gods·Fruit of Intelligence] x1, [Gift from the Gods·Physique Fruit] x1!"

"Get the reward: "Archer · Purple Skill Book" x1!"



The announcement was swiped three times in a row.

The world is boiling...  

In all the servers of "Tianyu", there are tasks such as "Defend the Town", which are extremely difficult, at least ten days and a half months, and no one has completed them at all.

It is no surprise that Su Yu was the first to complete, triggering a global announcement.

The rewards are even more generous.

Four growing fruits, Japanese purple skill book!

In the major live broadcast rooms of "Tianyu", netizens watched the announcement simultaneously and immediately went crazy.


"It's incredible, I laughed at the Dragon Emperor two days ago. Unexpectedly, today he completed the task of "Defending the Town"..."

"God, it's amazing, ten days in a row, one mission!"

"It's worth it, this reward is really jealous!"

"I'll announce now, all stand up and apologize to the Dragon Emperor!" 590

"Dragon Emperor, I'm sorry!"

"Dragon Emperor, I'm sorry!"

"Dragon Emperor, I'm sorry!"

In the live broadcast rooms of the major anchors, a unified barrage of "Dragon Emperor, I'm sorry!" is also spectacular.


"Our barren town can't really give any decent rewards. The only reward is to worship you!"

The old town mayor waved his hand and released the task reward.


"You successfully completed the mission "Defend Yangfan Town"!"

"Get the reward: Yangfan Town's reputation +30,000,000, your reputation level in Yangfan Town, reach [Elementary Worship]!"

The old mayor was right.

Yangfan Town has been ravaged by war and is impoverished, unable to get any decent rewards at all. But the reward of 30 million reputation in one breath also surprised Su Yu.

In the 21st century, what matters most... Fame!

With this 10 million reputation, in the hearts of the residents of Yangfan Town, he will be a god-like existence.

Whether it is to preach or to do business.

The townspeople will be very welcome.

Of course.

Reputation is not static. If Yangfan Town encounters a crisis and he fails to deal with it in time, his reputation will also drop.

Anyway now.

Yangfan Town is still under his control.

Finish the town business.

Su Yu was also tired, bid farewell to the old town mayor and Lizardman Tiger, and temporarily chose to go offline and rest. .

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