Online Games: I Have Unlimited Range

Chapter 67 Arriving At Diamond Island, The Treasure Chest On The Dock!

until the evening.

Liu Yanxi answered a phone call from her best friend and asked to go out for dinner together. Then she bid farewell to Su Yu, took a shower and changed into a dress, and hurried out of the house.

Su Yu lay down for a while...

It was getting dark and the room was dark.

After resting for a while, Su Yu got up, tore off the dirty sheets, went to the laundry room, and stuffed the sheets into the washing machine. As the sheets are turned in the roller, a sense of fatigue strikes...

Two days later.

"Sky Domain" opened the server again, and Su Yu immediately activated the login ring.


"Longguo Region·Jiangdong Service‧Fengyu City, linking..."


"Link successful!

Read a while.

Su Yu appeared in Fengyu City. Unlike in the past, the streets were full of soldiers from the Imperial Legion, resonant military songs rang out all around, and the sirens that shook the sky came from the direction of the port.

The most important military port in the north of the empire seems to be gradually waking up


"Announcement from Fengyu City! The pvp event "Diamond Island War" is about to start, all players who participated in the war, please go to the military port, board the Imperial Navy warship, and go to "Diamond Island" to participate in the war!"

"As the world's first pvp, during this war, Diamond Island's monster spawning experience +100%, explosion rate +100%, [City Building Order] drop rate +500%!"

"Adventurers of the human race, please fight for the glory of our race!!"

"Please consult the Imperial Army for details!"



Above the city. 13

The earth-shattering and passionate broadcast sounded continuously, mobilizing players to join the battle, and "Diamond Island War" finally started. And as the players expected, the world's first faction pvp, the burst rate and experience have been greatly improved.

Especially the key prop [City Building Order].

Five times the explosion rate.

All the presidents are probably crazy...

Feeling the atmosphere of war, Su Yu couldn't help feeling excited, and strode towards the military port.

Fengyu City Naval Port.

The rumble of sirens resounded through the sky, and the empire's "Knight-class" light warships and "Glory-class" heavy warships formed a huge sea fleet, carrying the players, set sail and left the port.


Diamond Island, as a neutral island, did not set up a teleportation array.

By boat, the voyage is about 4 hours.

What's even worse.

There is no resurrection point on Diamond Island. Once a player dies in battle, they will return to Fengyu City to be revived, and then they can board the battleship the next day and go to Diamond Island to join the battle.


On Diamond Island, if you die once, at least one day will be wasted, and the loss will be very large.


Su Yu checked the relevant "Rules" while he was on his way.


This war is a war between players. NPC forces will not take the initiative to participate in the war, but will build a seaport base and send heavy troops to garrison it for players to rest.


Players who spawn monsters and do missions will get [Meritorious Points], and killing players from the enemy camp can get half of the other party's meritorious values.

After the event is over, merit points can be exchanged for building materials, living materials, etc.

at last.

victory condition.

The first step is to obtain 10 billion meritorious service.

The second step, after completing the first step, you will be eligible to attack the enemy base, and you can win by destroying the enemy base.

In short.

Merit is very important.

Only by obtaining 10 billion meritorious service can one be qualified to attack, otherwise one can only passively defend.

Apart from that.

Su Yu took out another compass prop and checked it.

【Faith Compass】

Category: Quest props.

Description: After it is turned on, it can scan whether there are religious buildings in a nearby area.

This amazing compass.

It is a prop for the mission "Dragon of Faith·Looking for the Ancient Dragon Altar", which is just right, and it is used to search for the location of the "Dragon Altar".

Diamond Island.

The surface area is about 10,000 square kilometers, covered with mountains and rivers, and the terrain is complex. To find a lost ancient altar among them is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Thanks to this prop.

At this moment.

A local tyrant player dressed in silver and bronze outfits came over. It was [Prince Liu] from the Willow God Guild.

"Brother Long. 11

"In reality, no one would dare to openly check your identity, but in the game, don't be careful...

Prince Liu said mysteriously.


Su Yu cast his gaze, this Prince Liu, who punches him hard in reality, is still very obedient in the game.

"That's right."

"From my Liu family, a commercial spy lurking in Sun's family, I learned that boy Sun Hai, you hate Brother Long so much that you gnash your teeth." I was thinking about revenge on Brother Long in my dream.

"Haha, this idiot, it looks like he was really mad at Brother Long!"

Prince Liu raised his head and looked into the distance, the president of Canghai 【Heart of Canghai】couldn't help laughing.

The heart of the sea is the second son of the Sun family, Sun Hai.

"And what about this?......Really?"

Su Yu was surprised.

The major chaebols all have their own intelligence departments, but they even know the dreams of their competitors, which is too unbelievable.

"Well, hehe..."

Prince Liu showed a sly look on his face: "It's like this, Sun Hai's woman is one of the young models left by Lao Tzu, who was sent to his side to spy on business intelligence... Who knows, Sun Hai's son is against that. Women are so stubborn that they tell all secrets..."

"Hehe, now, no one knows the Sun family better than me."

Listen to Prince Liu's explanation.

Su Yu had a black line on his face.

Wait .. . . . This is a lot of information. This Prince Liu, and Sun Hai, are they even the same people?

Sure enough, the upper circles all share the Neodymium people.

Too corrupt.


"Brother Long, you must be careful about Sun Hai, this person is very sinister.... You must know that at critical moments, the most ruthless person is often your own."

Prince Liu reminded again.

"it is good."

Su Yu took a small breath.

Canghai Guild, he didn't take it seriously, but Prince Liu was so kind, Su Yu also pointed out: "After going to the island, try to go to the western echo valley to open up wasteland...I heard people from the church say that there , the monster doubles his exploits."

Echo Valley.

Because of the double combat exploits, it was a very popular monster spawning point in the previous life.

But unfortunately, there are few monsters, and for a group player like Su Yu, it is of little significance. It is better to reveal it to Prince Liu.

When the younger brother is cultivated, you should also give some sweetness.

"Echo Valley?"

"I know Brother Long!"

Prince Liu's face lit up with joy, if it was a double battle, then the Liu Shen Guild would have grown big!

beep~ beep~ beep~

The whistle of the battleship resounded through the sea, and a desolate island appeared in front of the fleet. The coastline of the island is straight and long and narrow, looking from a distance like ten gems set in the blue sea.

Diamond Island, here we come!

The scheduled landing site, which also appeared in front of the line of sight, was an abandoned port.

"Fuck, treasure chest?"

A voice on the boat rang.

Many players, looking in the direction of the port, also found that metal treasure chests were scattered randomly on the port at this time, and the treasure chests exuded a dazzling luster, attracting the attention of the players.

"I'm going, there are so many treasure chests!"

"Captain, gkd, hurry up and land, I'm going to open the treasure chest..."


"Purple treasure chest, I saw a purple treasure chest, ah ah ah ah!"

"Purple treasure chest, there is a certain chance to open purple skills, I am crazy!"

"[Canghai Guild] announced that the purple treasure chest belongs to my Canghai Guild. Anyone who dares to rob it will be killed without mercy!"

"The [War King Guild] announced that all the treasure chests in the northwest were contracted by the War King!"

"[Ghost] announced that the treasure chest is ours!"

"Go to the big guild of your 787, everyone has a share of the treasure chest, whoever grabs it is who!"

"Kill, Holy!"

Treasure chest in the port.

In an instant, the enthusiasm of the players was ignited, the major guilds announced the ownership of the treasure chest one after another, and the scattered players also cursed.

As you can imagine.

Once the battleships land, the players of these order camps will probably have to fight a vigorous civil war because of the treasure chest!

"Grab a treasure chest?"

"I'm afraid, you are still a little tender..."

Su Yu smiled slightly, seeing that the fleet was still several kilometers away from the port, his legs trembled, and his whole body was like a shooting star toward the dock.

【Qiankun leaps】!


Su Yu jumped 1,200 yards in one step and landed on the water, creating a huge wave. At this time, Su Yu's legs shook again, and the figure jumped forward again...  

【Qiankun leaps】!


【Qiankun leaps】!


【Qiankun leaps】!


Su Yu jumped three times in a row again, spanning a distance of more than 3,000 yards, and his figure landed firmly on the port. He raised his eyes and glanced at the treasure chests around the port, with a hint of evil in his eyes...

The treasure chest is all mine!

at the same time.

On the fleet, the major guilds and players who are still fighting for the ownership of the treasure chest have also noticed that while they are quarreling, someone has secretly boarded the Diamond Island.

Suddenly, the fleet was dead silent...


"This is a force to land on the island secretly, not to talk about martial arts!"

"It's over, it's over, it's over..."

"Fuck, the Dragon Emperor has landed on the island, and Lao Tzu's treasure chest, ah, ah, will be taken away by the Dragon Emperor..."

"I cry!"

"How did Te Miao's Dragon Emperor land on the island?"

"I cracked..."

"Mind Explosion!"

"It feels worse than being green..."

On the calm sea, a heartbreak sounded suddenly. .

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