The group followed the stone steps covered with moss, gradually ascending.

The steps are high.

At least 50 centimeters.

If little Lori lands, it is estimated that she will have to climb to get up.

It's a pity that she's floating, but it doesn't matter.

Above the steps.

The view is a deserted platform with vines covering the entire building.

Nothing is exposed.

Only in the ground directly opposite a few people, the vine opened an opening, which could probably allow three people to pass side by side.

Su Yu came closer.

Outside the entrance to the cave, there was obviously some sprinkling dust and falling rotten branches and leaves.

"Tsk, it looks like it's just opened.

Little Lori touched her nose:

"That should have been opened when the little apprentice was talking just now, and it's a little troublesome now." "


If it was because of Ling Ruoxue's words, the temple took the initiative to open the door.

That's where the situation is dangerous.

But if the door was opened because of the monsters outside and the legendary boss was killed, the situation would be slightly better.

Because the former represents the possible regain consciousness of the deity, the latter is just someone presiding over the temple and trying to lead him in.

Fight with God, or fight with people.

You don't have to think about it to know which persimmon is softer.

"Wait, I'll take a look around.

After the little Lori finished speaking, she floated to the other end.

Before she could leave.


Su Yu grabbed the ponytail behind the little Lori.

"Don't run around, you won't recognize the high-level traps.

"Either don't check, or together!" "


Little Lori was already panting angrily.

"Little guy, let go of this princess~~!"


, Su Yu is also convinced, and the little Lori, who looks normal, is suddenly a little nervous.

Running around at this time, either she will die, or Qian Duoduo and others will die!

Su Yu didn't have Xiao Loli's floating spell, it was impossible to take care of so many people.

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll go in first.

"You follow.

After Su Yu finished speaking, he walked directly into the cave entrance.

Just walked in the door.

Just listen to the swishing sound in your ears twice.

Three rows of crossbow arrows came straight from the left and right sides.



Three dodges in a row, not a single bolt hit.

Su Yu didn't move.

moves, but it is easier to trigger more traps.


Let you kill, so what?

Little Lori floated in the air with a few people.

"Illumination!" a

small golden ball appeared in mid-air, illuminating the entrance clearly.

The ground was covered with dust, and the material was not visible clearly, and it seemed to be stone.

There are some leisurely lines on the walls, but not much, it seems to be just decoration.

Empty room.

There is no trace of any mechanism.

Even the crossbow bolt that had just been activated did not see where the launch port was at the moment.

"Little guy, are you okay?" asked

Lori in the back.

"The damage of traps is very high, no worse than that of high-level professionals.

The corners of Su Yu's mouth twitched.

"I can't?"

"Just kidding!" "

Chance to dodge in the dark is over 80%, and armor is reduced by 70% of physical damage.

One body of resistance, except for chaos resistance, does not stack.

The three antibodies are full.

The barrier shield is more than 4,000 points, and it is also immune to counterdamage.

That's it.

If Su Yu can't bear the trap, Xiao Lori can't carry it either!

The mage is most afraid of the trap.

What about the Full Turning Ice Celestial Mentor

, even if he has a levitation technique, he can only dodge some simple traps.

If she's not careful, she'll still die in a trap!


Su Yu raised his eyes and looked.

There is a stone gate on the left and right sides.

"Take your pick. "

Su Yu has broken into many temples in his previous life, and he has seen countless traps.

It does not include the Earth Temple, which exists underground.

But the barbarian temples are all similar in shape.

Su Yu stepped and turned left.

Reach out and push towards the stone door.

"Well, will you turn on the mechanism?" Little Lori was a little uneasy.


Su Yu let out a long breath.

"My Royal Highness Princess, can you stop talking, the agency didn't scare me to death, you scared me to death!"

stretched out his hand and pushed hard.


The stone door opens.

Three sharp blades slashed down in the air, as fast as lightning.

Su Yu's body was full of cyan light.


The sharp blade of the trap's ejection slowly recovers.

Su Yu immediately said: "Hurry up and keep up, otherwise you can set off again." "

Walk through the stone gate.

is a long passage.

If Su Yu was alone, he would have passed the direct raid.

Now it's time to explore the way for little Lori and others.

I simply strode over.


, crossbow arrows,



suddenly erupted from the ground, and Su Yu's whole person was instantly submerged in the sea of fire.




"The damage is not low!" Su

Yu touched his chin in the sea of fire.

Full resistance, plus range damage reduction, you can also hit this damage.

Shattered shields.


damage jumps per second.


At the same time, the green regeneration is also a hop per second.

"Boss, are you okay, do you want treatment?" Qian Duoduo shouted from behind.

"It's okay, when the fire is over, you guys hurry up.

In the sea of fire, Su Yu's voice came out.


Qian Duoduo and the others gasped at the same time.

"Swimming in the sea of fire, hitting the body is like a massage, damn!"

"Perverted!" "

I thought the boss was more handsome in skill and more exaggerated in damage. "

I didn't expect that.

"His defense is also so perverted!" Little

Lori was also a little stunned at the moment, and couldn't stop scratching her head:

"No, if he is an assassin, the defense establishment should not be so exaggerated."

"With my resistance, it's okay to be fine, but it won't work after a long time~" "I can't

recover my HP." "

Oops, it's so annoying, I can't figure it out~"

Little Lori couldn't help but start scratching her head.

Su Yu calmly came to the end in the sea of fire.


moment the flame went out, little Lori flew over with everyone to follow.


Su Yu carried all kinds of traps and countless traps, and marched all the way to the depths of the temple.

It doesn't matter if you choose the wrong path.

Turn around and walk again, anyway, it doesn't hurt.

Qian Duoduo was already a little numb to watching.

"Miss Ling, aren't you talking about these traps rubbish

?" "Aren't you mysterious and mysterious before you come in?"

"It seems to be dangerous."

"As a result, after coming in, the boss pushed it sideways alone, there is no difficulty!" Ling

Ruoxue heard this.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"You're bold, why don't you go up and try it?"


Qian Duoduo was a little speechless, and after a moment's pause, his arm touched the wall next to him without paying attention.


Within tens of meters around, hundreds of steel needles rose from the ground in an instant.

"Ice shield!" Little

Lori's eyes were quick, and she immediately waved her staff to build a barrier underneath.


steel needle was inserted into the ice shield, and a few muffled sounds were heard.

Crunch ~ Crunch ~

Underground, a huge force was holding the steel needle, and the ice shield half a meter thick also let out a low groan at this moment, as if it would not be able to withstand the pressure and shatter in the next second.

"Let's go!"

Lori waved her hand to take a few people out of the range of the steel needle.

Just flew out.

I heard a bang behind me, and the ice shield exploded like glass, shattering into ice slag.

Qian Duoduo looked behind him with a shocked face, and cold sweat broke out on his back.

"Damn, this is too exaggerated, isn't it?"

"The full turn of the mentor can't stop the trap?"


The staff in Xiao Lori's hand was stunned and knocked on Qian Duoduo's head.


"As I said, these traps are different from professional attacks, and the damage is not calculated by skill level.

"The steel needles are made of top-quality materials, and the four-turn warriors can't cut them well, and there are mechanisms underground, and it's impossible for the full-turn knights to carry the shield all the time to defend when they come over. "

These are all mechanisms designed for professionals, if you can't kill professionals, what's the use of designing them?"

Su Yu didn't look back.

He's already gotten out most of the mechanisms, and with little Lori here, naturally everything will be fine.


An open square appeared in front of you.

Very open.

Looking at the top above, there is at least a hundred meters high.

On the left and right, there are more than 300 meters away.

The entire square is hollow.

There are eight columns on each side, but they are only twenty or thirty meters high and do not connect to the top of the square.

On top of each pillar, a chain is entwined.

Eight directions, eight chains.

All lead to a triangular stone monument in the middle of the square.

"Be careful, we're in place. "

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