Aboard the Alice.

Jack and the others were already frightened and bloodless.


"Is that a man

?" "Lord of the Storm, Thor?"

Ancient gods.

The legendary existence that was suppressed by the seal of the seven gods.

A thunderclap swept through the sky, and the sea instantly became like day.

"Eternal Lord of Light..."

"Ah no

~" "Great Storm Lord, please forgive me for the offense just now, I, I really didn't mean to~"

The pirates instantly wailed in fright, and some even cried directly.

Endless thunderstorms are scary enough.

Now, if the Old Gods are resurrected, the Lord of the Storm will return to the Endless Sea.

With their small body, it is estimated that they can only say one sentence.

"Come, kill me to cheer up Thor!"

"Celebrate the return of his hometown and the return of Godhead!!"



on the sea.

Su Yu put away his sword.

A long sigh of relief.

"The experiment was successful!" The

effect of a sword thunder was better than expected.

Lightning also counts into the shooting skill and gains bonuses.

This bonus is not much, though, as the number of lightning bolts is usually obtained by skill boosting.

The Thunder Sword is a fixed projectile bonus.

Damage cannot be calculated.

But the penetrating attack can basically eat all the archer attribute bonuses.

"Get your skills first!"

Su Yu's game comprehension ability was there.

Three years of penance, and a series of hard battles with the extraterritorial demon god army.

There won't be any major problems with the skill cultivation route and collocation he determined.

No modifications are required.

Take advantage of the experience and upgrade in place.

[Drop, a sword thunder skill upgrade!Lv4.] [

Drop, a sword thunder skill upgrade!Lv5.] 】


[Drop, a sword thunder skill upgrade!Lv12.] One

Sword Thunder (Lv12): Swings the sword at the target, dealing 100% physical damage, and summons 17 lightning bolts to attack the target area, dealing 100% elemental damage.


[Drop, Wind Resisting Sword Skill Upgrade!Lv12.] [

Drop, Thunder Sword Skill Upgrade!Lv12.] [

Drop, Thunder Sword Transmogrification Skill Upgrade!Lv12.] [

Drop, Wind Sword Skill Upgrade!Lv12.] 】


[Drop, Sword and Shield Skill Upgrade!Lv12.] 】


[Drop, Wind and Thunder Skill Upgrade!Lv12.] ]

More than eighty levels of experience points, used to point a few skills required by level 50 experience, there is no difficulty at all.

When the skill points are full.

Su Yu directly clicked on the badge.

"Trait comprehension, Wind Swordsman!"

All twelve Wind Swordsman traits are revealed.

[Born for the Sword: Sword skill level increased by 1, sword damage increased by 50.] [

Swordsman's Heart: Increases HP by 1000, increases Max HP by 10%, and restores 100 HP points to enemies hit. 【

Edgeworth Grandmaster: Control the sword qi. [

Fatal Flaw: See through the enemy's flaw, and deal double critical damage with accurate hits. [

Perfect Block: See through the enemy's moves, and immediately restore the cooldown of the sword move skill after accurately blocking. 【

Breath in the Sword: Master the sword breathing method, the cooldown time of the sword technique is -50%, and the sword damage is increased by 50%. [

Swordsman's Blood: Master the Near-Blood Combat Method, for every 1% decrease in life, damage increases by 2%. [

Battlefield Fighting: Master the continuous combat method, after 30 minutes of continuous battle, for every 1 minute of additional battle time, the damage will be increased by 1%, up to 100%. [

Wind Sword Dance: Increases the attack range of the sword technique by 100%, and increases the attack range of the sword qi by 100%. [

Ruthless Blade: Increases Sword Critical Strike Rate by 10%, Sword Critical Strike Damage by 100%.] [

The Way of Fusion: Master the Way of Fusion, 30% of Physical Damage is converted to Elemental Damage, and 30% of Elemental Damage is converted to Physical Damage.

【Wind Sword Intent: Unknown (After mastering all the other characteristics, you need to comprehend them by yourself)]


Su Yu was instantly silent after reading the characteristics.

Let's be honest.

Su Yu had roughly browsed the characteristics of all the classes in the Empress's Empress's badge before.

The Wind Swordsman has also seen it.

At that time, I was confused.

Now it's even more confusing!

Of the twelve features, there are two that he can't understand at all.

"Grandmaster Edgeworth, what does this mean?"

"What is the sword qi!" "WDNMD!!"

Su Yu is really about to explode

! What he has never seen is impossible for 99.99999% of people in eternity to see!

If you don't understand the sword qi

, forget it, if you don't understand it, you can't learn it~

But the wind sword intent behind is even more ghostly.

Not to mention that the attributes are unknown, it is even required to fully comprehend the characteristics of all the Wind Swordsmen in order to learn

!"I really thank you for your kind tips!!"

Su Yu gritted his teeth with hatred.

12 features.

It's not impossible to eat it in one go, but

it's really a lot! Even if you are a user of the Empress's badge.

That's just 40 features.

Kill 12 of them in an instant for one class, and the rest are a piece of!

The subsequent traits of the archer are definitely needed.

The legal system is the main output, and it can't be lost.

After all, the damage in the late stage is all dependent on the magic bonus.

If you learn all the characteristics of the blast, counting the ones used before, the 21 characteristics are gone, and more than half of the account balance is gone.

But if the characteristics are strong, take it.

But there are some things in it, Su Yu has improved if he takes it, but there is no problem if he doesn't take it.

For example, the heart of a swordsman, plus life and things to recover, Su Yu is not in a hurry at all.

A low-health burst of Swordsman's Blood.

Su Yu is not a masochistic stream, let alone a nameless Heavenly Sword.

There is no need to pull the erhu with full blood, the whole picture of the residual blood wave.

Battlefield fighting, 100% damage bonus is not worth it.

Not too little, but not too much.

It's okay to eat, but it's very chicken.

The only thing that makes Su Yu excited is.

The rest of the characteristics are really powerful

!Very powerful!

Sword level,Sword damage,Sword cooldown,Sword range,Critical hits,Burst damage are all attributes that must be taken。

Take as much as you want, Su Yu will not hesitate at all.

In addition to the base attributes.

The strongest trait should be the Fatal Flaw, the perfect block and the way of fusion.

It will not be very difficult for Su Yu to find the flaws.

Double Critical Damage.

That's an exaggerated attribute.

Because Su Yu's own critical damage is very exaggerated.

The perfect block looks average, but this skill is definitely a god-level characteristic for a master like Su Yu.

Because Su Yu can definitely guarantee a block.

As long as you block, the cooldown can be restored.

The Ten Directions Thunder Slash that kind of thing is slashed every second, but anyone who is a boss has to kneel down and call Dad!

30% more Elemental Damage and Physical Damage.

Su Yu's physical damage is very low, which can be ignored, but the elemental damage is very high.

This is the physical damage of an additional 30% of elemental damage after all bonuses have been resolved.

For ordinary players, there is no physical penetration attribute, and in the face of monsters' high armor, it doesn't really mean much to have more physical damage.

But Su Yu is different.

Physical penetration is present in itself, and the Swordsman trait also adds penetration.

If you take physical damage, you can hit it.

For example, the elemental damage of 5 million was played before, and now it will directly increase the physical damage of 1.5 million.

As long as it is an attribute, Su Yu can basically hit the damage when he gets it.

12 features.

There are 7 things you need to take.

It's just enough at the moment.

There are 3 chicken ribs left, and 2 things that I can't understand.


"I've taken it all, five more than you is not much, five less is not too much!" Su

Yu felt a chord in his heart.

"Fight a bicycle to become a motorcycle

!" "Something like the Wind Sword Intent that I have never heard of is definitely not a chicken rib!" "

There are still five characteristics missing." "

Upgrading to level 100, you can have four more characteristics, and the last sword intent needs to be comprehended, I don't know if I can comprehend it directly."

"For the time being, level 100 is enough to take them all!" Su

Yu glanced down at the sea monster below.

"Hurry up for me!"

"I'm really going to start leveling up this time!".

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