The mysterious voice disappeared after saying that, and there was no movement.

Su Yu turned his head and glanced back at the prison gate.

The thick breath of darkness had sealed the entire hall, and it was impossible to find the door.

There is only one way to go, and that is to enter the dungeon.

"Well, this time it was a bit of a surprise.

Su Yu also had to admit at this moment that the current situation was a bit of a dilemma.

Mixed in eternity, you must be careful and careful, the more you get to the later stage, the more careful you have to be, how difficult the level is, how expensive is the experience value?


you can't pick it up, it's normal to jump off the building with a bad mentality.

Su Yuxin is okay with equipment, but the ancient gem is a bit expensive, and this thing is lost, so I really can't afford it.

is such an easily fooled little Lori, I'm afraid I can't find a second one in eternity.

To be on the safe side.

[Drop~ You are in the middle of a battle and can't get out of eternity!]

"Sure enough, no, there is a curse on your body, and it is impossible to return to Blue Star." Su Yu didn't plan to try any other way to get out.

Since the other party is so sure, let's go down and take a look.


You still have to be prepared before you go down.


Phantom Stone!" Su Yu opened the package, picked up the high-grade Phantom Stone, and smashed it with a set of level 20 ordinary equipment.

Originally, I wanted to keep this thing, after all, the high-level phantom stone can be effective on all levels of equipment, and now I have dungeon brush experience, and the damage is enough, so there is no need to change equipment if there is no problem with leveling.

Isn't it fragrant that the high-level illusions saved are used to smash the gold equipment of the second turn


Since you can't save it, then smash them all

!【Drop~Item used successfully!】【Drop~Get a new item, Brutal Wand!】【Drop~Item used successfully!】【Drop~Get a new item, Nock's Crown

!】【Drop~Item used successfully!


Get new items, Suffocating Hands!]


Smash nine in one go.

Nine pieces of rare equipment were formed, and the ring was already at the rare level, so I didn't smash it again, leaving one.

Wand of Brutality (Unusual): Increases spell damage by 30%, spell critical strike chance by 5%, and critical strike damage by 30%.

Nock's Crown (Rare): Increases CON by 30, Intelligence by 30, and Elemental Damage by 30%.

Suffocating Hand (Rare): Increases attack speed by 20%, cast speed by 20%, and adds 20-150 fire damage.

Berserk Boots (Rare): Increases movement speed by 20%, increases base critical strike chance by 5%, and increases movement speed by 10% on critical hits.

Band of Fever (Rare): Increases maximum health by 150, maximum health by 10%, and armor by 150.

Guard Warframe (Rare): Increases armor by 300, max health by 300, and increases all elemental resistances by 10%.

Guardian of Light (Rare): Increases max health by 150 points, increases all elemental resistances by 10%, and comes with skill level 1 active skill - Blessing of Light (restores 10% of the target's health, increases the target's armor by 10%, evasion, elemental resistance, lasts 5s.)

Arcane Ring (Rare): Increases cast speed by 20%, reduces cooldown by 25%, and increases elemental damage by 30%.

Ring of Thunder (Unusual): Increases lightning resistance by 30%, adds 50-100 lightning damage, and increases lightning damage by 30%.

Arcane Necklace (Rare): Increases cast speed by 20%, reduces cooldown by 25%, and increases elemental damage by 30%.

All gear is dressed.

Health: 898Mana: 262Armor: 1099 (Projected Damage Reduction 65%) Evasion: 532 (Projected Evasion 45%)

Cast Speed: 70% Movement Speed: 20

% Cooldown: -50%

Base Damage: 5885

Combined Damage



Total DPS calculation (second damage estimate): 45022

" is okay, and the defense stat has increased a lot.

Su Yu carefully checked the attributes.

"The high-level monster damage is too strong, and the small body before is really dangerous, but now it is strong and hanging, steadily breaking through 1000 blood, and the elemental resistance is full. "

Armor increases, evasion is slightly reduced and can be replenished through agility, and a little evasion can be sacrificed.

"It's mainly in terms of feel, the cast and cooldown haven't moved, and it's very comfortable to have a little more. Brushing ordinary monsters can also replace the original casting shield, which is faster!"

This thing is the housekeeping skill of the Bright Sacrifice, the golden oil, the king of white prostitutes who level up and fight monsters, the only drawback is really Fei Lan, with 50 mana points once, the mage with full wisdom plus points can't be used a few times before the second turn.

Sacrifices that require physical fitness are not needed a few times.

This shortcoming does not exist for Su Yu, Lan Duo, fast return, not exhausted, just so capricious!

The most important thing is that the weapon has been changed, and the damage has been lost, and the magic explosion and explosion damage have been increased.

The French explosion and the basic explosion are both used the same for Su Yu.

The basic explosion is triggered when attacking, and the magic explosion attribute increases critical damage when the spell is multi-phased.

For example, the continuous damage skill of the fire system, every time you jump damage, only the chance of a magic explosion takes effect, and the basic critical hit does not take effect.

Thunderball only has one damage, and the two attributes are basically the same, so there is no difference.

The difference between a 15% critical strike chance and a 5% critical strike chance is exaggerated.

The 5% chance is basically invisible, and the 15% chance will have an obvious impact on the output.

After the equipment is changed, the movement speed is lacking a lot, but the acceleration can make up for the critical hit when the shoes have a critical hit, and the sensitivity can also be supplemented, and there is not much difference in battle, and it can be solved by changing equipment at ordinary times.

After that's done.

Su Yu stepped into the dungeon.

[Drop~ You are affected by a more intense Breath of Darkness, losing 2% of your health per second.

"It's only 2

%?" The corners of Su Yu's mouth raised: "If you have the ability, you can do 5%! As long as it doesn't exceed 10%, do you think I will ignore you?"

Climb the long staircase and descend to the first floor of the dungeon.

There are candlesticks on the surrounding walls, which provide a little lighting.

Of course.

If there is no candlestick, it will not affect at all, because the green ghost in front of you is the best source of light in the darkness.

[Come, let me see the last passion of your life!]

The mysterious voice sounded again, with a hint of thrilling evil and excitement.

"Get out of here!" Su

Yu let out a low snort, and turned his hand to smash out with five thunderbolts.

The piled up of ghosts stood in front of the lightning like a green wall, unmoved by the attack in front of them.

Instead, there was a whistling from his mouth, and a gust of yin wind spewed out, crashing into the thunder.



!A thunderball hit didn't even die!The ghost's health bar was still about one-fifth, and the amount of blood exceeded


Su Yu remembered that the previous ghost did not have more than 10,000 blood except for the elite.


Thunder explosion triggered, thunderwave shock!

This time the ghost was directly roasted into ashes by the electric snake of the six thunder balls.

The next second.

Two thunderstorms also exploded around one after another, and the entire dungeon was covered by lightning again, entering electric oven mode.



!Mage bonus, 100%!

Suddenly, the damage skyrockets.



Critical Hit!

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