The unconscious ghost couldn't help but wonder at this moment.

This person, why didn't he fall?

In the warden's office, the pale cheeks immediately squirted out.

"This guy is so outrageous, isn't it

?" "Is it human

?" "Isn't it?"

The mysterious man rubbed his eyes, afraid that he had hallucinated from taking too many drugs just now.

Open your eyes again.

Boom, a large number of ghosts were shattered by the thunder.

Two waves of shield breaking, two waves of bombardment.

This round is down, and it's time to die.

But it doesn't matter, the mysterious man is not panicked at all, the number of ghosts in this dungeon is still enough.

The wave just now was an illusion, and this time it is regrouping!

A large number of ghosts came out from underneath, gathered into a group, and pounced on Su Yu again.

Su Yu didn't move, and he didn't hide.

Thunder ball in one hand, blessing of light in the other.





mysterious man really couldn't bear it anymore now, and rushed out and roared wildly:


"Why are you bleeding back more fiercely than just now! The defense is higher than just now! This is not metaphysical at all!!"

Su Yu swept away the ghost in front of him with a move of thunder wave.

Standing quietly in place, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Isn't it metaphysics

? This is science, okay!

Skill improvement, of course, it must be strengthened, otherwise wouldn't the values be wrong?

Before coming in, it was the elemental aura that was upgraded, and there was so much experience in a wave just now, so you can't point a few defensive auras.

The increase in blood and defense is very reasonable~

" Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and have another wave.

Su Yu twisted his neck, it is a good thing to be able to stand and easily brush up on experience, how can he just say that it will be broken, isn't it a hanging?


! This is a living insult

! Even if you are insulted before you die, you will be insulted if you hug your thigh after death?

People can bear it, but ghosts can't bear it!

"Give me a !! to die"

The mysterious man pushed his hands violently, and a large amount of dark breath poured out of his hands, like two black waterfalls, falling from the sky, and instantly pouring into the bodies of the warden and several elite ghosts.

Dark Spirits are swift, Dark Spirits are shields.

The dark spirit state smashed up, and it was originally only an elite at the magic level, but it was instantly promoted to the rare level.

In addition to the original two states, the rare-level boss even has an extra dark spirit attack.

Attack damage is increased by 50%, and there is a 50% chance to repeat the attack twice when attacking.

Seeing this, Su Yu immediately threw a thunderball over.

"Seven rare monsters, plus a BOSS, this is really not a hard connection. "

The attack power of the rare monster is not just tickling, and it is slashed down, and if it is not dodged, it is almost half of its blood gone.

The boss also has a wild attack, and if you don't know it, you will die instantly.

"Wait, Attack?" Su

Yu suddenly remembered something in his mind.

"Trait comprehension!"

dozens of classes appeared in front of him.

Shadow Spirit, a demigod from ancient times, was born in the night, and you can see Him, but you can't touch Him.

It is rumored that there are seven shadows behind him at all times, and as soon as he strikes, all seven shadows strike at the same time.


: [Shadow: When you are in the dark, your physical form disappears, and your spell damage is reduced by 50%, and you get two additional shadows. [

Shadow: Copy all operations of the body, all attributes are 50% of the body.] "Sure


Su Yu didn't think much about it, and clicked directly.

The mage practiced too much before, thinking that the assassin's critical hits and attack speed could only be taken in the later stage, and the low damage in the early stage was basically useless, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

Now reminded of the opponent's fierce attack combo attribute, Su Yu immediately remembered this demigod.

If this guy doesn't die, he can definitely become the eternal god of assassins.

There are only a handful of existences like him, even in the empress's professional library.

Demigod level.

The core competency is too perverted.

Magic Echo has a 20% chance of repeating a spell.

Shadowing is a direct replication of an action.

There is no difference between the two.

If there is, then the shadow has a 100% chance of copying and slightly less damage.

But it doesn't matter, there are other professional characteristics of the shadow soul, now I just took one that I needed in the early stage, and the number of shadows can be stacked later to increase the shadow damage.


Su Yu's figure gradually faded.

There is no light in the dungeon, of course it is night.


ghost elite led by Roar! rushed straight ahead, and the half-moon scythe more than three meters long in his hand swept abruptly.

Su Yu stood still, not moving.


scythe pierced Su Yu's gloomy body like a slashing attack.


Su Yu smiled at this time.

The disappearance of the physical form

means that all physical collisions disappear, and any attack that hits you can only pass through without any damage action.

Even if you collide directly with the monster, you can pass through directly, and there is absolutely no possibility of being blocked and unable to get out, which is the talent of the assassin.

As for dodging

, of course, it is not immune to physical attacks, and losing form does not mean that you cannot withstand attacks.

The attacks that should be endured are still withstanding.

It's just that the assassin's movements are so agile, how can the evasion value be the same as other classes.

After the physical form disappears, the dodge limit has been increased from the original 75% to 90%

! Ninety percent of all attacks are dodged!

And at present, Su Yu's dodge value is not so high, and the actual dodge chance is only about 75-80% when he is in a sensitive state.

There's still a lot of room for improvement.

Another stat that comes with it is also a super stat in defense.

Spell damage reduction.

Spell resistance is resistance, and this attribute is reduced by 50% after the resistance is weakened!If

the opponent is 1000 points is spell damage, now you need to solve the evasion problem first, and after hitting, the resistance is reduced by 75%, and then this attribute is reduced by 50%.

In other words, even if the opponent's 1000 damage spell hits, it can only deal 125 damage.

"Come on, don't say I won't give you a chance!" Su

Yu hooked his hand at the opposite side, motioning for the ghost to come closer.

I'll be afraid of you??The

ghost elite was furious, even if it didn't have intelligence, but as the strongest of the ghosts, its face was also face

! Bang!

The ghost elite stomped his hands violently, and the ground was instantly stepped out of a shallow pit.

The scythe in his hand was thrown away, and he whirled around his body.

The speed was so fast that a ghostly light was almost seen flashing.


"Tsk, you're useless when you give you a chance~"

Su Yu shook his head with a sigh, and with a flip of his palm, a flash of thunder appeared.

The next second.

The shadows behind him were synchronized, and in a trance, there seemed to be three thunder lights condensing, and there were three Su Yu at the same time, which felt like being dazzled by old age.


Su Yu moved, stepped forward, bowed down and pushed violently, and the thunder slammed into the skull of the ghost elite coming over.

The five thunderbolts all exploded on his

face-5800-6720-12700!Critical Hit!-11200, -22500, more

than 30,000

damage poured down, and the ghost elite still had a small half of blood.

Don't wait for the Ghost Elite to reverse the scythe again.

The shadow attack struck.




Before the five thunderbolts of the shadow were finished, the ghost elite was electrocuted into ashes by the thunderball.

[Drop~ Gain 27,000 experience points!].

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