After some explanation.

Ling Qingshan's face was shocked and said: "It turns out that the Eternal Ranking is really you, I thought those people on the forum were spreading rumors! I even found a team to issue an announcement to refute the rumors~!"

Ling Ruoxue was also a little embarrassed when she heard this, it was really not her intention to be in the limelight.

Opposite side.

Ling Qingshan followed:

"These are all trivial matters, the focus is on Su Yu!" "

Do you know that the Blue Star Top 500 have all announced that they will enter Eternity?"

"I don't need to say the importance of eternity, it is not an exaggeration to put it at the top, the group has ordered the eternal positioning strategy to develop the business, and everything must make way for eternity.

Ling Qingshan's voice was very calm.

"Now that you know Su Yu, you have already thrown off all the groups on the Blue Star, this is our advantage, and it is a monopoly advantage, we must seize it!" Ling

Ruoxue nodded, she knew in her heart that this was an inevitable choice.

Giving up the easy is not the reason for doing business.

"The most important difficulty facing the group now is the lack of gold coins, Su Yu has the most gold coins in his hand, it doesn't matter if it is higher than the market price, as long as he is willing to sell, we will all want it!"

Ling Qingshan has made his business so big, he must have a vision.

He doesn't know how to play the game, and he doesn't need to care about how to play the equipment.

He only cares about one thing.

Doing business requires capital!

Eternity has just opened now, and players can use dragon coins to trade with each other, but do players have something to sell?

Most of the things that can be sold are garbage, because now the good things are in the hands of the Eternal NPC.

If you want to buy it, you have to shell out gold coins.

Now that all the top 500 groups are stationed, they almost doubled the price of gold in less than half a day.

If it weren't for the fact that everyone looked at the situation too scary and rationally lowered the price of the public offer, it would not be a problem for the gold price to be three or five times higher.

On the surface, everyone has a tacit understanding not to compete, but secretly as long as someone sells a large number of gold coins, they will inevitably buy them at a premium!

There is not much

money...."Ling Ruoxue has grown so big, she has never lacked pocket money, and she has started a business since she came out of school, and she has never lacked money.

She didn't know what it was like to be short of money.

But after only two days of playing Eternity, she ran out of money.

There are indeed hundreds of millions of dollars on hand, but this amount of money is definitely not enough to pay Su Yu as a hidden profession and ancient gem.

If it is an ordinary person, the probability will choose to take advantage at this time.

After all, it was something worth billions, and Su Yu didn't say exactly how much he would pay, so he pretended to be stupid and was stunned.

But Ling Ruoxue can't do it.

How could she swallow this breath!

"Hahahaha, do you also have a time when you ask your father for money?"

Ling Qingshan suddenly laughed.

Her daughter knows that she has to be strong since she was a child, and she only asks for pocket money when she takes the initiative, and she will never open her mouth.


Ling Ruoxue's face flushed, her eyebrows were crappy, and she stomped her feet, which immediately made Ling Qingshan dare not speak.

"Okay, okay, I won't say anything.

"You should still have some savings in your hand, and I will allocate another three billion to you." "

The investment in Su Yu

, no matter how much, is not too much, you don't have to be polite to your father, if it's not enough, just speak!" After

Ling Qingshan finished speaking, he suddenly remembered something

: "By the way, does Su Yu of that eternal auction house have the will to sell?"

Ling Ruoxue shook her head without thinking about it and said: "Impossible, the Qian family has opened 10 billion, he didn't even frown, he is definitely not an ordinary person!"

Ling Qingshan couldn't help but gasp.

The Qian family dared to directly open 10 billion! He

thought that if he smashed 3 billion, he might have hope to win the auction.

Now it seems that my understanding of eternal prices is a bit biased.

"In this way, I will transfer another five billion

to you!" Ling Qingshan was worthy of being a decisive person, and immediately decided: "It's okay if the auction house doesn't sell, find an opportunity to ask how the auction house opened, but if you can't ask, let's see if there is any possibility of cooperation."


Ling Ruoxue should go down, just about to hang up.

In the picture, Ling Qingshan's secretary hurriedly walked in: "Mr. Ling, the Eternal Auction House has announced that the first auction will be held in two hours!!

" "So fast?".

Ling Qingshan's eyes lit up: "Xiaoxue, you go to the game first, find out the items sold at the auction, you can get the best in advance, if you can't get it, ask which items for sale are of the highest value!"

Ling Ruoxue could roughly tell what would be sold.

Ancient gems are definitely on the list for sale, as no one can afford them.

There are a lot of rare equipment on Su Yu's side, and they must all be sold, the key is whether they can be grabbed.

As long as you can grab it in advance, it will definitely be earned.


Why did you look like you were going to take advantage of that guy?

Ling Ruoxue was speechless.


At the same time.

All online players on the forum received the news of the Eternal Auction.

This is the privilege of the first auction house, which promotes the auction for free once a month, and if the rest of the auction houses want to advertise, they have to take out real money, starting with 100,000 gold coins, and do not give a counteroffer.

Of course.

There are no other auction houses now.

Qian Duoduo took the team to level up outside, and he didn't have to move, he just brushed the forum and issued orders.

"Eternal Auction!!"

Seeing these words, Qian Duoduo was angry.

The face of the administrator of the imperial capital, he almost couldn't hold back when he saw it, and he wanted to draw his sword and use force on the spot!

Not for anything else, just because that guy looked at people with his nostrils, and he was so arrogant that he didn't even bother to say a word to you.

When did he suffer this kind of bird gas in the past, but for the sake of the auction house, he endured it!

As a result, almost a day passed, and Yan Kun couldn't even release a fart

!"What are you doing, an auction house has to do it until now?Do you want to continue to do it!!" Qian Duoduo directly sent a message to reprimand.

"Boss, there's news..."

"Say!" "

The rules for opening an auction house in the imperial capital are the strictest, and there is basically no chance, but Aykas, the main city in the northwest of the empire, asked about the conditions.

"I don't care what your conditions are, now, immediately, immediately go and open the auction house for me!!"

"Then, that NPC said that the auction house is not something that ordinary people play, you must have a noble status to do it...."


Qian Duoduo really couldn't hold back and scolded.

"If you want a nobleman, you have to be a nobleman, do you have to compete with NPCs?"

"I don't want to compete with him, the key is, the key is that the money is not enough, if you donate to the nobles, the other party will offer 18,000 gold coins." "


Qian Duoduo immediately squirted out.

18,000 gold coins!!He

didn't even have a fraction of it on him.


the top 500 groups don't come in, he might be able to barely make up for a day or two, but now, don't

even dream about it!

There is no chance at all!


Qian Duoduo has never felt so decadent.

Eternity, it's too hard to play!

" "Don't do it, stop it, come back and follow me to Helsing, find Su Yu


!" As soon as the news of the Eternal Auction was released, all the large forces that had already entered began to raise funds and prepare to grab the goods from Su Yu.

The wolf has more meat and less meat, so it must be robbed.

Even if you only grab a few pieces of rare equipment, it will not improve the strength of the team at all.

Monsters that can't be brushed can be easily brushed.

After the level is raised, the dungeon can also start to try to contact, but now if you want to level or not, if you want to equip or not, the next dungeon is to die.

As long as you can get a dungeon, then you have to earn back the original amount of money you invest!


And Su Yu had just returned to the auction house at this time.

Bass brought the equipment back and put it in storage.

The price of ordinary equipment is not expensive, and the shops in the shopping street are all priced at hundreds of silver coins, and when the number of players entering the main city increases, the profiteers will start to increase the price.

Ten pieces of equipment for a set, calculated as fifty gold coins.

Three hundred sets of equipment, fifteen thousand gold coins.

As soon as the quantity is large, the price looks a little scary.

"Master, the goods are all imported from the stores that we cooperated with before, and they are discounted by eighty, totaling 12,000 gold coins. Buzz reported with his ledger in his hands.

But Su Yu didn't use it for his own use, these things were all used to make money, the wool came out of the sheep, how much money was in, and after the profiteers raised the price, they would be sold at a higher price.

Merchants and merchants, if they don't hoard goods, can they be called merchants?

What's more, Su Yu has other means to make money.

"523 Shadow Orbs!"

"By probability, why do you have to give me some of the best?".

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