in the warehouse.

Twenty pieces of rare equipment are neatly stacked.

Su Yu took a deep breath:

"Come on, non-chieftain retreat~!"

"Ouhuang Possessed!"

[Drop~ The item is used successfully!] [Drop~

Your item was destroyed by a high-quality Shadow Orb.

"Don't panic, try your hands

!" "Come again!"

[Drop~ The item is used successfully!] [Drop~

Your item is destroyed by a high-quality Shadow Orb. 】【

Drop~Item used successfully!】【Drop

~Your item was destroyed by a high-quality Shadow Orb. 】


"It's only five pieces, don't panic..."

"Reasonable range~!

" "Continue!"

[Drop~ The item is used successfully!] [Drop~

Your item is destroyed by a high-quality Shadow Orb. 】【

Drop~Item used successfully!】【Drop

~Your item was destroyed by a high-quality Shadow Orb. 】



" "Ten pieces!! can

you give some reaction?" "Now that there are so few players in eternity, I will smash it alone, even if it is a gambling dog, you have to give some sweetness to seduce, right?"

Su Yu couldn't help but think of the probability of going into the water 150 times on that forum.

"No, no, no, no~

" "Don't be metaphysical, don't ink

it!" "Just him and it's over!!" Su

Yu felt a chord in his heart, and reached out and smashed the equipment in the second row.

[Drop~ Item used successfully!]

[Drop~ Get a new item, Sphinx's comprehension. "


" "It's finally out

~" "Comfortable~" "

The ancients don't deceive me, the ink will explode!" Su

Yu put down the high-quality shadow bead in his hand and picked up the ring.

Sphinx's Comprehension (Legendary Ring): Attack speed by 30%, sword damage increased by 60%, sword skill attack range increased by 30%, and all sword skill levels increased by 1.

"My Nima~!!

" After reading the attributes, Su Yu exploded in an instant

!!"Play with your sister!!" "

Lao Tzu kills all professions, what equipment can't be used, what attributes Lao Tzu can't eat, why don't you give me a swordsmanship!!"

Su Yu really took it.


a moment, Su Yu even wondered if he had strayed into the goose factory game.

There are so many legendary attributes on the ring, and the elements of the law system can basically be eaten, even if it is physical, you can find a way to convert it, but it is pure waste to specialize in swordsmanship.

Isn't this?

"It's 100% useless, it's an attribute that can't be used!!"

Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief.

It doesn't work, but it can't be thrown either.

The legendary ring, or the swordsmanship specialization, can be used for two or three turns, the value is stable, and it must not lose money.

Is the key now a matter of losing money?

Legendary equipment will be thrown out at auction and sold for 800 million, 1 billion, even if it is sold for 2 billion, it will be like that.

After all, he is not inferior to the billion, 800 million.

Su Yu is poor

in equipment! The stronger the stronger, the faster the faster!

With a legendary piece of equipment in hand, the overall attributes are immediately different.

At that time in the novice village, a point injury from a rare ring instantly pulled the panel up.

Come to think of it.

Su Yu was not calm for a moment, although his eyes did not move, he had already put all his attention on the special fate stone in his heart.

"I'll go

!" "Bomb

!" "Just fry it for me!!"

With an angry shout, Su Yu violently pulled out the special fate stone in the package and smashed it down.

Don't hesitate, hesitate and you will lose

!【Drop~Item used successfully

!】【Drop~Get a new item, Celis's Divine Desire Ring!】




~!"Artifact in hand~"

How can there be a gambling dog that loses every day!!".

Su Yu looked at the equipment in his hand, his eyes shining with golden light.

"Artifact, this is an artifact!"

"Empress Xilis's equipment, that inappropriate artifact level?" "

Above the legendary level equipment is the mythical level, but the mythical level is also divided into strong and weak.

The Son of God, such as the Child of the Storm, must be of the mythical level when his equipment comes out, but because his own strength is not as good as that of the gods, it cannot be called an orthodox artifact.

This is generally called mythical equipment.

And the equipment used by the orthodox gods is completely called an artifact.

There are two main differences between the two.

Mythic equipment has 5 attributes, while artifacts are beings with 6 attributes.

Not only is there one more attribute, but there is also a certain gap in the value of the attribute and the special ability of the attribute.


"It's comfortable~"

Su Yu instantly felt that the whole world was quiet.

At the beginning of the artifact level, this time it doesn't take off Wow

~ As an invincible person in the world, Xilisi is the existence of the gods, his equipment is not an artifact, Su Yu 10,000 don't believe it!

" "Lottery, lottery~"

Click on the attributes.


"What's the difference...... Exploded ..... "

Cialis's Ring of Divine Desire (Special):

This equipment is out of the normal equipment system and does not occupy the equipment slot.

Each piece of special equipment worn increases physical damage by 100%.

Each piece of special equipment worn increases spell damage by 100%.

Each piece of special equipment worn increases Physical Damage Penetration by 10%.

Each piece of special equipment worn increases spell damage penetration by 10%.

Each piece of special equipment you wear increases all skill levels by 1.

Each piece of special equipment you wear adds 1,000 slots of wrapping space.


Su Yu faced the warehouse, and the whole person was stunned, and he could only applaud.


" "The empress is really awesome, I would like to call you the strongest!" "

If you don't play a profession, you have to get out of the career system, and if you don't even play a piece of equipment, you still have to get out of the equipment system." "

Good fellow~" "

This eternity can't hold you!" "

Hurry up and ascend, eternity is not for you." "

As for the attributes.

Su Yu has been playing for so many years of eternity, but he has never seen a special series of equipment.

I've never heard of it.

What is the concept of detachment from the equipment system.

It's even more perverted than a full-time killing!

Originally, the ten pieces of equipment didn't need to be moved, and there was a completely independent equipment system.

Others wear 2 rings, you wear 3, what is it better than

? Is there a comparison?

Six attributes, all perverted.

Physics and law double injury, all 100%.

Thing and law double wear,10%!This is global damage,No panel,But the actual output is more fierce than the double damage of the thing and law!All

skill levels plus 1,Artifact attributes!Properly,Non-artifact

will never come out of this full skill plus 1。

As for the last one.

1000 parcels


"Finally I can pick up things without any scruples!!"

Su Yu didn't think about it, and directly put the Divine Desire Ring on his hand.

A seven-colored divine light suddenly appeared in the warehouse, and the divine meaning was magnificent, and the small warehouse instantly looked like an ascension to the god domain.

The next second.

All the divine light disappeared, and the Divine Desire Ring instantly turned into an ordinary ring, which looked inconspicuous at all.

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