
A few bald people couldn't help but gasp when they saw the injury.

More than 400 damage

?Critical hits?

Even critical hits are too many!How

long has it been since Eternity has just been open to deal hundreds of damage.

"Third brother?"

next to him, a thin man in a vest with his arms baring his arms squinted at his bald head.

The bald head glanced at the beauty, and then at Su Yu.

Apparently a lamb who doesn't want to give up to his mouth.

To be honest, in terms of the quality of the beauty in front of them, they have never seen it before by swiping their mobile phones, and now that people are in front of them, how can they just go.

"Brother, the game is good~"

The bald head rolled his eyes, glanced at the companion next to him, and slowly leaned over by speaking.

"To tell you the truth, our Tianlong Guild just lacks a team leader, seeing that your ability is okay, now I will give you a chance to come in.

"That chick won't bring it for the time being, you can go directly into our team~"

When the person next to him heard this, he immediately understood.

Now that eternity has just begun, the first batch of people who have leveled up must have a great advantage.

Although the beauties are important, they want to let Su Yu pull them to level up, and after the strength is strengthened, the beauties are not playing casually?

She was not familiar with the stranger in front of her, if he really wanted to join the other party's guild, what would she do?


, a ray of light slipped out of Su Yu's hand in an instant, and hit the bald face.


The ball of energy is right in the bull's-eye.


All damage is full, and there is no shortage at all.

The bald people were discussing how to develop in the novice village, but they saw such a beautiful woman.

It's not enough to be entangled in the novice village, but seeing that there are not many people around, he boldly followed out.

There was no one along the way, and they were in a foreign land, and several people were getting bolder and bolder, and their words were becoming more and more floating.

But they seem to have forgotten that this is not a blue star, they are just novices, and they are new novices.

Under the blow of the energy ball, the bald head's blood bar was instantly emptied, and the figure disappeared in place in an instant.

A dagger hidden behind him also fell to the ground with a click, it turned out that he was not stupid, and he was ready to get closer and strike first, but he didn't expect to encounter a more ruthless one.


!" "You kid dare to sneak attack!" The

man in the vest was furious on the spot.

"Brothers, go on!"

"He's a mage, and his cooldown skills aren't so fast~"

As soon as these words came out.

It shows that they are still a little bit good at playing games.

The remaining three rushed over without even thinking about it.

Su Yu didn't intend to waste time, but these guys had to lick their faces.

Not to mention being resurrected now.

Even when he couldn't be resurrected in his previous life, he wouldn't hesitate to do it.

In extraordinary moments, extraordinary methods should be practiced.

When the blue star was about to be annihilated, chaos occurred frequently, and like this kind of goods, Su Yu didn't know how much he had slashed.

As for the siege of several people.

He did it on purpose.

The distance was far just now, Su Yu didn't want to delay the speed of killing monsters, if they wanted to run, they would definitely not chase after them.

Now lure people over, there is no need to chase them, none of them can escape!

Man in a vest hits the ball in the head.


this, the other two not only did not retreat, but became more and more fierce, baring their teeth and waving their staffs.

Anyway, Eternity said that he could be resurrected

, I'm afraid of a fart!But I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid, what do you mean by using the staff as a bastard?

Seeing this, the corners of Su Yu's mouth rose slightly, and he didn't move, waiting for the other party to rush over.

Cooldown ends.

The energy ball in his right hand was flung away, killing one person again.


"Now it's up to you how you run!" The

last remaining inch immediately laughed wildly, and the staff in his hand slammed down.



A small number rose from the top of Su Yu's head.

The corners of his mouth were grinning, and his face was full of embarrassment.



Why do people shoot hundreds of damage, and their own melee attack is only 5 points?What

the hell is this game!?The

next second.

A reply number of +22

green appears.


Inch head is momentarily confused.

It's not more than half of the fight, this, it's still a fart!"

"Boy, you ......"

didn't wait for an inch to finish.

Su Yu was already rubbing the energy ball in his right hand, took a step forward with his left foot, picked up his arm, and grabbed the energy ball with his backhand and pressed it directly on his face.


The inch's face was suddenly smashed into a paste by the energy ball.

Su Yu's arm was strong, and he even took the ball and smashed his head to the ground.

Afraid of

death? Thought I wouldn't be able to cure you?

Before eternal death, all the injuries and pains in the body are 100% real.

The inch head felt the feeling of his whole face being crushed into a pulp by the energy ball, and the horror in his eyes had been put to the maximum, but unfortunately his eyes were also smashed and exploded.

"Ah~!!!" finally

squeezed out a scream in the throat of the inch.

Only then did it disappear in place with a -200 damage number popping out of his head.


"This, this is a mage?"

"How can you be more fierce than a warrior!?" The

beautiful woman who watched the whole play next to her couldn't help but show off her eyes, in addition to the fear of seeing blood for the first time, there were more surprised little stars in her eyes.

Su Yu clapped his hands and got up like no one else.

took two steps forward and picked up the weapons of several people at random.

Although this thing is worthless in the store now, the mosquito leg is also meat, so it can't be lost.

Not to mention that there are two staffs inside.

It was the drowsiness that came, and someone sent a pillow.

I didn't see the staff they were holding just now, if I did, Su Yu would have done it a long time ago.

Even if they were just passing by, Su Yu would not hesitate to make a move.

In extraordinary moments, extraordinary methods should be practiced.

No one could delay Su Yu from improving his efficiency.

Anything that can improve his efficiency, Su Yu does not hesitate to execute.


"This is ......"

Su Yu looked at the two red gift boxes left on the ground, and suddenly showed a puzzled look.

Bend down and pick up the two red gift boxes.

"Novice weapon gift box, novice skill gift box!" Su

Yu looked at the introduction in the package and instantly understood.

One of the guys in this group didn't even open the Starter Pack!

Eternity said it was a free resurrection, but it didn't say that death didn't come at a price.

When a player dies in eternity, he will inevitably drop a level of character experience, and all skills will inevitably drop a level of experience, and if a skill drops to level zero, it will disappear directly.

As for the items, whether they are on the body or in the package, all of them will be dropped, and none of them will be left.

That's the price of death.

Although it seems to be much more serious than the previous game, if it is compared to the real death a year later, it is definitely merciful and could not be more merciful.

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