A few hours later.

Su Yu's carriage arrived from the small town of Vostok.

After getting off the bus.

Su Yu did not rush directly to the earl's fiefdom, but stopped in the town to inquire about the news from the surrounding residents.

"The task is to investigate.

"And both missions are investigations, and there is no saying that they are going to be solved.

Su Yu asked people and thought secretly.

Eternal tasks are basically not random.

In this case, it is likely that you think that you cannot solve this problem.

This is also normal.

After all, the regular legions of the empire can't solve it when they come over, how can outsiders easily handle it.

That's a legion with all the members of the second turn, and the regiment commander is at least at the level of the second turn or the third turn.

The question is.

After so long, why can't the body be found.

Su Yu couldn't figure it out here.

The location of the earl's fief was far away from the barbarians, and if the barbarians rushed all the way into the hinterland of the empire Helsin, it was impossible for the legion not to know about it.

So it's basically impossible for the barbarians to do it.

If the barbarians had this shrewdness and means, the empire would have been defeated long ago.

"Count Vostok?" several

aunts who were washing clothes on the street suddenly became interested.

"I'm telling you, young man, don't run over there if it's okay.

"It's a wicked place, and the church says there's evil going on there, and it's forbidden for people to approach it.


"A few days ago, the boy of Old John's family didn't believe in evil, so he had to run to see it, but he hasn't come back yet. "

Another person missing?"

Su Yu's eyes lit up, and he immediately leaned over and asked.

"It is said that someone has seen some signs of human activity in the earl's fiefdom

, are those people okay?" The aunts looked around, as if they were afraid of being listened to by someone, and said in a divine voice,

"Where are the people?" "

I heard from the house next door, those are

demons!" "Not the demons of hell, but a hundred times more terrifying than the demons of hell!!"


Su Yu was a little dizzy.

The mission says it's a human, and when it comes to a local demon?

" I asked, did someone see someone in the fiefdom... Signs of demonic activity?"

the aunts nodded repeatedly.

"That night, I could see in the distance that there were lights in the fiefdom, flickering and flickering. "

Someone was curious, so he took a closer look, but halfway through, he heard all kinds of demon howls.

"As for the fiefdom, all you can see is the figure of a demon. "

Didn't you see it from the house next door?

How can you say it more clearly than

you can see?" Su Yu paused, and then said

, "What about the fiefdom now, can you still see demons?"

When the aunt heard this, her face immediately fell.

"Don't you believe me, young man?"

"I tell you, the devil is cunning, and he rarely appears in normal times, and you may not be able to see it in the past now.


If you're unlucky, you might die at the hands of the devil right now.

Su Yu got the news and didn't ask any more.

Can be confirmed.

First, there is indeed movement in the fiefdom, but the time of appearance is uncertain, sometimes it can be seen, sometimes it cannot be seen.

Second, the demons in the fiefdom may be real, but they don't hurt anyone.

Because the demons in Su Yu's understanding, whether they come from hell or from somewhere else, will not giggle with you.

Demons are not an alternative existence like necromancers, this is a general term for monsters that have lost their minds and are left with nothing but madness.

This kind of town, in the hands of the devil, is absolutely crushed to the ground in minutes.

As for the disappeared kid, whether it has anything to do with the fiefdom is still uncertain.

After all, three years have passed, and no one else has ever been injured or disappeared, but one has been lost recently, so it is not easy to connect directly.

"Let's go see first.

Su Yu summoned the dark clouds to cover the snow, and rushed out of the town with a good direction.

At the speed of dark clouds, they came to the periphery of the fiefdom in ten minutes.

Counts, like nobles, can claim their own fiefs and rule small towns.

The town just now belonged to the Count of Vostok, and the fief was a self-built family castle, the manor.

It's getting dark.

As the sun sets, an old castle in the distance is dyed red.

After three years of neglect, the castle has long been occupied by vines.

Dozens of scattered houses surround the castle.

There is a road in the middle that leads to the castle gates.

Su Yu didn't go in, but just looked inside from a high point outside the house.

"Count Vostok has a very thick foundation, and his castle also repairs a moat, and he has money!"

The river next to the moat has not dried up for several years.

The drawbridge was pulled up, and you had to find a way to get into the castle.

After studying it for a while, nothing happened.

The sun sets.

The last rays of light vanished into the plains.

Su Yu is not a person who believes in metaphysics, and it doesn't matter if night falls, he took out the torch from the package and prepared to go in to investigate.

That's when it happened.

A flash of light flashed in the corner of Su Yu's eyes.


Su Yu still had the torch in his hand, and the light was obviously coming from the side of the house.

Look up.

A flash of fire burned in the road at the city gate.

Under the lights.

The huge figure with spikes jumped back and forth.


A few crazy bass sounds vaguely floated in my ears, roaring, making people shudder.


Su Yu was also stunned.

Looking at the figure, and the roar, it is indeed demonic.

"The level of the second turn!" Su

Yu said in his heart.

This is the lowest level of demons, as long as it is a demon, it is impossible to be lower than the strength of the second turn.

If it's a normal player, there is no damage from the second turn full level, so it's best not to provoke this kind of existence.

However, Su Yu is now confident in his strength.

No panic at all.

"Raid!" Su

Yu dodged.

The speed is even faster than the cloud sprint.

110% movement speed, plus raids, really want to fly with wings.

In the blink of an eye.

Su Yu came to the private house.

The scene in front of me is not clear because of the proximity, and it still looks blurry.

Even the flickering light of the fire is like a mosaic.

The demonic figures around him were still jumping back and forth.

Evading the attack!

Su Yu immediately raised his head.


A castle that has been ravaged by war.

The walls were covered with blood stains and mottled everywhere, and on the walls, there were faint figures shaking, and they were attacking the demons outside.

Su Yu rubbed his eyes.

Looking at it again, the castle was still the same as if it was full of battle scars.

And the appearance of the vines under the sun on the eve can't fit together at all.

Su Yu once again rushed forward.

The surrounding demons seemed to be unable to see Su Yu at all, allowing him to pass through the demon's blockade.

City gates.

Su Yu looked at everything around him vaguely, and a post he had read in his previous life suddenly flashed in his mind.

The post "Time and Space Dislocation, A Detailed Explanation of Time Spells in Eternity!"

was extremely influential at the time.

When it comes to time, humans have never given up on research.

There is a time spell in eternity, and it certainly deserves to be studied vigorously.

However, the poster completed the reappearance of the space-time dislocation spell through a special item that had disappeared in the Eternal Empire.

The result is a region that reverses time and disappears into the current timeline.

From the outside.

The area has not changed, but the things and people in the area are gone forever.

There is only one prop, which creates a dislocation of time and space, but it is impossible for him to enter, and the servants sent to him will not be able to come back without the props that have returned.

None of this is the point.

The focus is on the scene in front of you, which should be the same as the dislocation of time and space.

The people of the Count's fiefdom disappeared, but not dead, but only appeared at another time.

And the movie in front of me is a little bug after the dislocation of time and space.

Let the people of the present see what is happening in another time and space.

The Count's men were there to resist the demonic attack, and the battle was fierce.

Looking at the traces of the castle's outer walls, they shouldn't have lasted long.

But Su Yu couldn't help it.

The Space-Time Dislocation Requirement is a special prop.

According to that post, the only master in the empire who could make this item is dead.

The craft is lost.

It doesn't matter how the Earl's fiefdom ended up on another plane.

The problem is that if you don't have a way to enter the plane, you can only watch movies here at best.

"Little John, go.... Return...."A

cry suddenly sounded in Su Yu's ears.

on the city walls.

A vague figure leaped down from the side.

"Death?" Su

Yu frowned slightly.

The castle can't be defended, and in the face of the demons outside, it's impossible for you to rush out, right? If you can,

you should have rushed a long time ago.

Between thoughts.

The figure in mid-air suddenly flashed a ray of light, like green and mysterious, the light was soft but infinitely distorted, like a whirlpool.

The next second.

The vortex shattered.


young man in brown clothes fell in front of Su Yu.

Hiss ......

Su Yu took a deep breath and stepped forward to slap the young man.

"Real people!?"

"Jumped back

?", "Is it so easy to travel through time and space?", "

Just jump off a building...?".

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