Chapter 1156: Don’t be so rampant!

"The thirty-eight heads of the Hualin bandits are all here. Although the great revenge has been avenged for you, the dead people and the pain suffered cannot be made up for. Ye can only do this... I hope you have a good journey!"

"Gua—! quack——!"

The sound of crows bursts, leaving only the empty village with faint sounds of sadness and resentment; the world is ruthless, how can the old and the weak live in peace and security in the garden.

Can the strong really control the life, death, honor and disgrace of the weak at will...

Su Chen looked up at the sky, his eyes confused.


Luo City is not big, but it has all the shops, pavilions, and land of the City God. The city is bustling with people, and the lively popularity has swept away Su Chen's gloomy mood in the past two days.

"Hey! Su Shaoxia of the Vajra Sect stared with a tiger's eye, pointed his two fingers together like swords, and shouted at the ugly monster with a scar:"Don't be so rampant, monster!" I, Mr. Su Chenye, am here, waiting for me to kill you, the evil beast that has caused countless harm, and avenge the hundreds of people in Hualin Town!"


In a restaurant in Luo City, the storyteller quickly compiled a story about what happened three days ago, and performed it vividly and frothing at the mouth in this place of three religions and nine schools, in order to earn some money to support his family.

Listening to the guests around Everyone cheered and encouraged when they heard the wonderful things.

Three days ago, they were still enveloped in the fear and worry that the group of terrifying bandits would break into Luo City at any time. In the blink of an eye, a young knight from the Vajra Gate, They easily wiped out the group of Hualin bandits, and built the heads of the bandits into Jingguan. This made everyone feel happy, and they were also grateful to the young hero who they had never met. However, they never expected that, The rightful person in the storyteller's mouth is now among them, enjoying the food and wine on the table while listening to the storyteller's nonsense, with an elusive smile on his face.

"The blood shadow of the dry well of the Luo family is a land of tigers and wolves. Not only did a disciple of the sect at the seventh level of Qiwu die here, but it also almost caused another disciple of the eighth level of Qiwu to lose his life.……"

After drinking and eating, Su Chen paced and wandered along the lively streets, thinking about the next task and how to proceed.

After a little inquiry, Su Chen easily found Luo Mansion.

As the largest family in Luo City, Luo Mansion's industries are spread throughout Luo City and extend to other towns. The Luo family was so wealthy that it was famous for hundreds of miles around.

The Luofu Mansion is located in the center of Luo City, covering an area of ​​thousands of acres. Even the doorkeepers are wearing silk, which shows how rich it is.

Su Chen cupped his fists at Mending and said,"Excuse me, please tell your master that the person who will deal with the blood shadow in Luofu's Dry Well is here!"

Mending was a young man, surnamed Sun. He was born strong and obviously lived a good life..

Sun Mending looked Su Chen up and down: he was dressed in civilian clothes that could be seen everywhere, carrying a three-foot sword he didn't know where he got it from, and there was a crude wooden scabbard on it, with one end of the scabbard still attached. With a small cloth bag hanging on it, he looked like a second-rate man!

As a doorman of Luofu, his basic skill is to observe words and emotions. The young man in front of him looks like a country bumpkin, but he still looks like he's a master. Doesn't he know that such a childish performance is useless in front of Master Sun?

"Hum hum……"Sun Mending looked indifferent and found a chair. He sat in front of the door, shaving his nails with a small bamboo stick, flipping his silk top from time to time, and fanning twice to show off..

Sun Mending learned this look from his father. To deal with such a country bumpkin, it is actually not good to directly scold him. No matter how poor a country bumpkin is, he always has some money on him. If you want to trouble Tong Bing, it's not impossible. First, you have to see if you can do anything.

If something is going to happen and you are willing to give me some money, then I will do a little hard work and let you go inside and take the camera to let you know. If you only know how to flatter, tap your legs and pinch your shoulders, then I can at most chat with you a few more words; but if you can neither flatter nor use money, then I'm sorry, the hut is outside the city, so get out of here.!

After waiting for a while, no sound was heard. Sun Mending raised one eye and glanced at the boy. He was still standing there motionless. Sun Mending immediately became furious! You, a country bumpkin, don't even understand basic human sophistication, why do you come to my dignified Luo Mansion to ask for help? Get your ass off early! Don't block me from the sun!

However, he touched the deflated money bag and then thought, should he give this stupid boy a little help? No matter how poor he is, he still has to show his respect to our little grandson!

"Hello! As for you, what are you doing here?"Sun Mending asked impatiently.

"hehe."Su Chen smiled and didn't answer. He finally figured out what kind of person this little servant was.

"Hey?"Sun Mending stood up, pointed at his nose condescendingly and lectured:"I'm asking you a question! Do you, a country bumpkin, know the rules? ah? Let's go to Luo Mansion to do something, huh? Will it behave? Um?"

Sun Mending moved his fingers together towards Su Chen and rubbed them. This action couldn't be more obvious.

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