Outside the city walls, thousands of sea monsters died every minute and every second due to Dragon City's 100% anti-shock properties.

A large amount of equipment, gold coins, skill books, and other items fell at the foot of the city wall.

However, no player dared to pick it up.

Picking up dropped items in such a dense and crazy swarm of sea monsters is tantamount to death.

Su Chen looked a little pity.

After all, these dropped items can be decomposed into his fusion points.

At that moment, the black dragon Ji Mengli was separated, flying in a circle around the dragon city.

While turning on the [Greed] skill.

Suddenly, countless dropped items came to her like a tide.

Then it was automatically transferred to Su Chen's space backpack.

"Ding! You get the level 49 bronze equipment [Sea Scale Armor]*516!"

"Ding! You get the rare skill book [Intermediate Resurrection] 7!"

"Ding! You get the epic material [Steelback Killer Whale Skeleton] 3!"


A series of system prompts and the non-stop killing prompts kept ringing in Su Chen's mind.

The latter had to turn off the beep function.

Let Yun Feiyan continue to guard the city.

He himself went directly to the inner city [Golden Dragon's Lair].

Anyway, he has money now. After searching [Abyss of Fear] Li Weidan's tribute, the gold coins have reached a terrifying 380 billion.

Now there is a queue of tens of thousands of golden dragons!

"Ding! Selected to speed up production up to 10 times!"

"Deduct gold coins*2250! Excluding sulfur*225,000! Deduct crystals*450,000! [Golden Dragon Baby] has been scheduled for delivery*9000!"

"It is estimated that in 18 hours, all 9,000 [Golden Dragon Babies] will be born!"

Hearing the system prompt, Su Chen was greatly excited.

"Having money is fun!"

"In 18 hours, that is, in a day and a half, I will have a total of 10,000 golden dragon babies!"

"Having money is fun!"

The corner of Su Chen's mouth curled up.

He took out the thousand golden dragon babies that he had produced before from the nest.

"I currently have a total of 15 billion experience points in the [Experience Storage Tank]!"

"And the speed of gaining experience is still accelerating!"

"In three days, I'm afraid it can break through to hundreds of billions!"

"First upgrade a thousand golden dragon babies to create an army of a thousand golden dragon knights, and then go and occupy the colorful stone mine in the eastern suburbs of [Yanfeng City]!"

Originally, Su Chen wanted to wait for his 10,000-person Golden Dragon Knight Army to be built before occupying the Colorful Stone Mine.

This would be safer.

But now he has obtained [Adaptive Scale Armor] and [Sea Dragon] Third Princess Ling Shuang] With a maid with saint-level strength beside her, it shouldn’t be a problem to withstand a burst of attacks from the Church of Light.

Wouldn’t it be more fun to build thousands of mining robots and run away after digging the entire mine? Wai Wai!

Upgrade! Upgrade! Upgrade!

Su Chen now began to extract massive experience points from the [Experience Storage Tank] to upgrade the golden dragon babies.

For a time, thousands of cute golden dragon babies were in the field, and the upgrade white light flashed into one.

"Ding! Your pet [Golden Dragon]*1000 has been upgraded to level 2!"

"Ding! Your pet [Golden Dragon]*1000 has reached level 3!"

"Ding! Your pet [Golden Dragon 1000, has been upgraded to level 31!"

"Ding! Your pet [Golden Dragon 00] has reached level 49!"

"Ding! Your pet [Golden Dragon]*1000 has reached level 50!"

A total of 8 billion experience points were consumed.

One thousand golden dragons in the field were all upgraded to level 50!

The cute golden dragon baby that was originally only a few meters long suddenly turned into a head and body 50 meters long, with a powerful shape and golden light all over. A shiny giant golden dragon!

"hold head high——!"

Thousands of golden dragons let out thunderous dragon roars.

At the same time, he bowed his head to the master Su Chen to please him.

【Golden Dragon Pet Mount]

Level: Level 50

Race: Dragon

Qualification: 12 stars

Intimacy: 100 (never give up)

Life: 100,000/100,000

Magic: 100,000/100,000

Attack: 20,000

Defense: 20,000

Movement speed: 100 m/s

Skill: Level 15 [Golden Armor] (Defense +150%)、【flight】、【Guardian] (pets share their attributes with their owners), Level 15 [Metal Combat Mastery] (Attack +150%)、【Dragon Breath], Level 1 [Dragon Language Magic] (including four types of ice cone, wind blade, fire tornado, and meteorite spell)

Equipment: None

"What the hell!"

Seeing the attributes of the level 50 golden dragon, Su Chen was surprised and happy.

Compared with the attributes of the level 25 thunder dragon king, they are completely incomparable.

You know, the full level thunder dragon king of level 25 has only 8,000 health points. There are many, and the attack and defense are less than 2,000.

But the level 50 golden dragon has reached 100,000 health points!

The attack and defense attributes have reached a full 20,000!

It is more than ten times that of the Thunder Dragon King! Although there is a level difference.

But It is also enough to prove the power of the golden dragon!

"As expected of a purebred dragon, this attribute is so awesome!"

In addition, the level 50 golden dragon also comes with passive skills of defense +150% and attack +150%. It also has level 15 dragon language magic.

The flying speed has also reached the terrifying super high speed of 100 meters per second.

The speed is quite high. At 360 kilometers per hour.

This golden dragon alone is a proper lord-level boss for ordinary players! A terrifying existence that requires a team battle of tens of thousands of people to defeat.

But now, standing in front of Su Chen, there are many people standing in front of him. There are thousands of golden dragons like this.

And in the lair, there are nine thousand golden dragon babies about to be born!

The two Hailong sisters on the side were already dumbfounded.

"There are so many powerful golden dragons!"

"If I hadn't been baptized by the elders, I'm afraid I wouldn't be as strong as them now.……"

The third princess Ling Shuang lost her voice.

When it comes to dragon species, the qualifications of golden dragons are slightly higher than those of sea dragons.

It is one of the most powerful dragon species among the two-winged dragons.

He has both magic and martial arts skills and has comprehensive qualities.

Just when the Hai Long sisters were in shock.

Su Chen summoned 10,000 trained dragon knights from the [Hundred Battles Barracks] nearby.

Wow, wow, wow!

Thousands of dragon knights with solemn and solemn expressions.

Stepping in order, they lined up.

Rows of people stood in front of Su Chen in an orderly manner, beating their chests with their right hands and shouting:

"See General!"

Ten thousand people shouted in unison, and the sound shook the heavens.

The two sisters Hai Long who were standing aside were so frightened that they jumped.

"What a strong murderous aura! What a strong unit! This kind of momentum...could it be that a thousand years ago, the Dragon Knight under the Qing Emperor of the Great Yan Empire was able to fight against gods and demons?!"

The third princess, Ling Shuang, has always longed for Qing Emperor, the best man in the world.

Naturally, she is more familiar with everything in the Great Yan Empire than others.

Just seeing her for the first time, she immediately made a decision in her heart.

"The Great Flame Dragon Knights are known as the most powerful elite troops in the world, and they are extremely proud. No one can order them for thousands of years.……"

"But why do you call...master...general?"

The third princess Ling Shuang looked at Su Chen.

An idea that made her extremely frightened and felt extremely absurd suddenly came to her heart.

Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

"Could it be that... he has the qualifications of the Qing Emperor and the blood of the Dragon Emperor?!"

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