Just when Su Chen's hand was about to touch Xuantian Dao Fruit.

A sudden change occurred!

I saw the Xuantian Dao Fruit the size of an orange suddenly split open on its own and turned into eight petals!

At the same time, bursts of strange fragrance floated out from this Taoist fruit.

Hearing it makes people feel relaxed and happy, and the power in the body is ready to move, and there are actually signs of slow growth!

"Ding! You are stimulated by the escaping energy of [Xuantian Dao Fruit], and the [Strength] attribute +0.1!"

"Ding! You are stimulated by the escaping energy of [Xuantian Dao Fruit], and the [Strength] attribute +0.1!"


However, this strange fragrance only lasted for a moment, and was immediately restrained by the eight-petal Dao Fruit.

"I wipe it! So lucky? Was this thing directly ripened by those two guys?"

Su Chen didn't hesitate at that moment and took the Dao Fruit into his hands.

"Ding! Congratulations on getting [Xuantian Dao Fruit]*1!"

【Xuantian Dao Fruit】

Grade: Ancient Grade

Function: After swallowing, the strength can be greatly improved!

A person can only swallow one clove in his life. It is useless to eat more.

If there is special magical cooperation, it may be possible to continuously absorb the energy of two Tao Fruits.

Description: A divine object that has absorbed the essence of hundreds of millions of years of stalactite liquid and contains huge and pure energy. Please note that if you take it forcibly if your qualifications are lower than 100 stars and your strength is lower than god level, your body will explode and die immediately!

The sudden scene shocked Yun Zhongzi and Li Changfeng, who were resting.

You must know that this is the Xuantian Dao Fruit that the two of them spent half their lives forcibly ripening.

Moreover, the strange fragrance that escaped at that moment, and the sight of Xuantian Dao Fruit suddenly turning into eight petals, also made the two of them surprised and happy.

This is clearly a sign that Xuantian Dao Fruit has fully matured!

The fully mature Xuantian Dao Fruit possesses 100% pure energy.

The two of them only need to eat one of the petals to be promoted to god level immediately!

If used in conjunction with Xuantian Dao Sect's special magic [Xuantian Forbidden Breaking Technique] and taking the second petal, even generals and gods can break through instantly!

In the eyes of Yun Zhongzi and Li Changfeng, this Xuantian Dao Fruit is as important as their wealth and lives!

If someone kidnapped their parents and asked them to hand over this Dao Fruit, I'm afraid they would choose the latter without hesitation.

But now, a third person suddenly appeared in the stone room!

And as soon as they came, they took away the Xuantian Dao Fruit, which they regarded as their life!

How can this not make them very angry?

"Be bold!"

"Who dares to steal our sect’s divine fruit!"

Regardless of the injuries inside their bodies,

Yun Zhongzi and Li Changfeng immediately activated their strongest magic and blasted towards Su Chen.

Two cyan rays pierced the void and shot towards Su Chen instantly.

"Ding! You are attacked by a demigod, this attack is invalid and you are immune!"

"Ding! You are attacked by a god-level attack. This attack is invalid and you are immune!"

Two immunity reminders floated up from Su Chen's head.

When the latter saw [Xuantian Dao Fruit] entering the backpack space, he turned around and slashed at Yun Zhongzi and Li Changfeng with two swords.

These two people were no longer of use, of course. Killing in exchange for experience points is even more worthwhile.

Chi! Chi!

Two bloody swords were slashed out instantly.

(2x critical hit) -172,325,397!

(4x critical hit) -344,650,794!

One hundred and seventy million and one three hundred and forty million Tens of millions of ultra-high critical hit damage values ​​​​wafted out from the heads of the two people.

Both damage values ​​were far beyond the limit that the two of them could bear.

Yun Zhongzi's eyes suddenly widened.

This familiar and terrifying bloody horse trainer , made him suddenly realize the true identity of the strange young man in front of him.

But it was precisely because he realized the true identity of Su Chen who used the [Deceitful Mask] that

Yun Zhongzi felt even more shocked and angry!

Dare the two of them fight to the death here, He was so tired that he vomited blood and was seriously injured, but in the end he ended up making wedding clothes for the enemy of the six realms camp?


Unfortunately, his exhausted and weak body could not dodge or withstand Su Chen's fatal blow.

Yun Zhongzi only had time to say one word, and together with the great elder Li Changfeng, they both went to their deaths and exploded into a mist of blood.

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully killing the leader of the Xuantian Dao Sect [Yun Zhongzi] and gaining experience points*100 million! Your reputation in Xuantian Dao Sect is -100 million!"

"Ding! Congratulations on successfully killing the Great Elder of Xuantian Dao Sect [Li Changfeng] and gaining experience points*50 million! Your reputation in Xuantian Dao Sect is -50 million!"


Two skill books fell from the blood mist.

Su Chen quickly caught them

"Ding! You get the special skill book [Xuantian Breaking Forbidden Technique]*2!"

"Huh? Special skill book?"

Special skill books generally record skills with some special purpose.

Because the purpose is too single, the skills that are issued are usually relatively useless.

For example, the"Quick Counting of Game Coins" method that Su Chen has seen before"、"Breeding pig breeding"、"Predict the weather"、""Black Peony Cultivation Technique" and so on, are all weird special skills developed by players.

However, the name of the special skill book in front of me is"Xuantian Breaking Forbidden Technique", and it is obtained from the master and great elder of Xuantian Dao Sect. It fell off my body, it must not be too bad.

I immediately checked it

【Xuantian's Forbidden Breaking Technique】

Level: Semi-god level (special)

User status restrictions: [Xuantian Dao Sect] Sect leader, elder

Level requirement: Level 100

Function: After learning this skill, you will break through the [Xuantian Dao Fruit] or other divine objects Limit the number of times you can eat or use it, and get an extra chance to eat or use it.

"I go! Can this skill break through the limitations and take two pieces of Xuantian Dao Fruit?!"

Seeing the description of this skill, Su Chen was surprised and happy.

Before, he was worried that if he wanted to break through the limit of taking Xuantian Dao Fruit, he would need to spend super god-level fusion times to forcibly combine this divine-level Dao Fruit. The fruit is integrated into the body.

Now with this [Xuantian Forbidden Breaking Technique], the problem is easily solved.

Liu Yuanzong, the number one god in the heaven, can increase his strength by 10% by taking one piece of Xuantian Dao Fruit.

If he can take two pieces, then it will be fine Directly restored to 20%.

The overall strength has reached 30% of the peak state!

With one attribute, he can definitely break through to the main god level, or even the intermediate main god level!

As for the identity restrictions of learning this [Xuantian Forbidden Breaking Technique], Su Chen doesn't care at all..With the [Infinite Fusion] talent, if you can't learn something, just fuse it directly!

Anyway, there are two books, and they are also semi-god-level skill books, so there is no need to spend the number of super-god-level fusions.

When the time comes, Liu Yuanzong will fuse one book, and he will Wouldn’t it be beautiful to combine one book?

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