Xiaoyue said softly:"Good boy, the medicine is very expensive. After drinking this bowl of medicine, we won't drink it, okay?"

Su Chen blushed as his maid coaxed him with a child-like tone.

It’s just that I really don’t need to take medicine anymore.

Su Chen snatched the medicine bowl from Xiaoyue's hand and threw it out.

Xiaoyue yelled, her eyes instantly became foggy, and after a while, tears fell down.

Su Chen knew how much this girl had suffered and how much she had suffered for her naturally weak body.

He hugged the poor girl, but Xiaoyue was a little angry and wanted to break away.

However, Xiaoyue was born unable to cultivate spiritual energy. Although Su Chen had been weak since childhood, he still had the third level of spiritual energy refinement. Not to mention the strength to carry a cauldron, he was at least stronger than ordinary people.

Xiaoyue didn't break free, so she could only lie in Su Chen's arms and cry aggrievedly.

Su Chen patted her thin back and said softly:"Girl, don't cry. The young master didn't lie to you. The young master will never have to take medicine again, and you won't have to pawn the things at home to be looked down upon by others."……"

Xiaoyue cried harder.

She is a fifteen-year-old girl after all!

She had to bear all the grievances she had endured in the past few years alone, and she still had to use her young shoulders to support a family and support a useless young master like herself.

Su Chen whispered in Xiaoyue's ear:"Do you know why the young master is sick?"

Xiaoyue was still crying.

"Because the young master’s exercises are wrong!"

"Well……"Xiaoyue raised her pear-shaped face and looked at the young master.

Strips of tears washed away the thick makeup, revealing some of her stunning beauty.

Xiaoyue's eyes widened, and after a while, her face showed sadness and regret, because she had accidentally picked up the technique that the young master practiced.

Xiaoyue broke away from the young master's arms. Su Chen saw that she looked wrong and hurriedly said:"Girl, this is not your fault, someone wants to harm us! Do you still remember how you picked up the piece of paper recording the exercises?"?"

Xiaoyue was stunned and said:"Not long after the master and his wife passed away, I saw that the young master was getting more and more depressed, so I went to find if the master had left any skills or other things, although I knew that the young master had already looked for it. Many times...I searched for a long time but couldn't find it. Then I heard someone knocking on the door outside, so I opened the door. Then I saw the piece of paper on the ground, but I couldn't see the person knocking on the door.……"

Su Chen took out the yellowed piece of paper from under the pillow.

It was the Qi refining method recorded on this piece of paper that made me feel like a treasure when I got it ten years ago, but it also almost cost me my life.

Su Chen was certain that someone definitely did this on purpose.

The person who did this must have a deep hatred for his family, and maybe the attack on his father was also related to this person.

This is to cut off the descendants of your own family!

Even if Su Chen didn't have much feelings for his parents in this life, he couldn't tolerate anyone trying to harm him.

Fortunately, I had discovered the error in the technique on the piece of paper by comparing it with the mental method of the immeasurable true method in the Qi Refining Layer in my mind.

I hope that the wretched old man didn't lie to me and really gave me a chance to change my fate.

Now he can only accumulate strength. Su Chen believes that as long as the person who harmed him finds out that he is still alive and well, he will definitely try his best to erase him.

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