"Jifubao received 120 Huaxia coins."

In Youlemei Milk Tea Shop, Deng Chuan was wearing a staff uniform, looking at his phone happily.

After selling the resources collected in the mobile game, they made a small fortune.

Both of his parents died when he was young, and Deng Chuan lived with his uncle and aunt. It can be said that he has experienced all the hardships in life. Fortunately, after university, he finally relied on his own efforts to work and study, and gradually he was able to live on his own.


"The host's effort points have been accumulated!"

"Supreme European Emperor System Awakened!"

"System binding... Binding complete!"

Deng Chuan showed ecstasy after confirming that he had no auditory hallucinations.

Deng Chuan, who has been poisoned by many novels, naturally understands the wonderful taste of owning a system, "Sure enough, the harder you work, the luckier you get!"

In the next second, a virtual light curtain automatically popped up in front of his eyes.

Deng Chuan straightened up slightly, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and pinched his face severely, "It hurts!"

It's really not a daydream!

Deng Chuan hurriedly looked at the light curtain.

Host: Deng Chuan

European imperial value: 0

Luck value: 6 (4) normal people's luck value in brackets

(People's luck will fluctuate according to their own choices and circumstances.)

[Wall of Luck]: The host's luck will not decrease under any circumstances.

Props: Supreme European Emperor Token Experience Card x1 (Function: Increase your luck by 10000000 times in half an hour)

Novice task: Please use the Supreme European Emperor Token Experience Card within one day.


If the task is not accepted or fails, the luck will drop ten times for one day.

After Deng Chuan had read all of them, he immediately accepted the novice task first, and then the light curtain disappeared, and there was an extra "gold card" in his hand for no reason.

A crown is simply engraved on the gold card.

"Using this card, can my luck be multiplied ten million times in half an hour?!"

Deng Chuan was dumbfounded. His luck value was slightly higher than that of ordinary people by 2. If he used this card, it would become 60 million luck. What would happen?

I am afraid that if you buy six-color balls, you can directly win the first prize, right?

Buying stocks should also make a lot of money, right?

Deng Chuan calmed down a bit. He had to use up this Kaou Imperial Token within a day. On the surface, it seemed the most cost-effective way to make money, but there was one more thing to happen today, something related to the fate of everyone in Blue Star.

That was a news that was announced a month ago when the global official teamed up with the world's top ten game manufacturers.

"The 100% fully immersive virtual reality game [Xiantu] (external network translation name: Shentu) will conduct the first batch of internal testing without deleting files at 10:00 p.m. on August 20, 2027. The internal testing quota is 100,000. Daily global public beta."

And today is August 20th!

For Deng Chuan, who has been moving bricks in the game for a long time and has a small income, he is keenly aware of the importance of this epoch-making game [Xiantu] closed beta.

Even Dream Westward Journey and Rise of All Kingdoms can make people a little rich, with a monthly income of tens of thousands, not to mention this kind of legendary game that is almost epoch-making in the game industry?

Deng Chuan took a deep breath. He has already decided that even if Six Color Ball earns a few million, it is only a one-off, and the lead in this kind of game will be very important. Let alone millions, maybe even tens of millions can be earned return!

He can still tell the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

Deng Chuan's thoughts became a little clearer, and he asked in his heart, "System, what is the value of the European Emperor?"

"The European Emperor value is equivalent to the advancement of luck value. The specific method of obtaining and using it will be announced after the host completes the task."

In the blink of an eye, it was nine o'clock in the evening, and after chatting casually with Wang Lihong, who came to take over the shift, Deng Chuan put all three mobile phones into a bag and rushed back to his rental house.

Sitting on the bed in his rented house, Deng Chuan glanced at the virtual helmet he bought for a huge sum of money a month ago, picked up his phone excitedly, and flipped through the forum.

Now Douyin, Kuaishou, Tieba, Microwave and other apps have been blasted by 【Xiantu】!

Some Muggles are still questioning the authenticity of this game, suspecting that it is false propaganda, on the grounds that the virtual helmets bought back have no response.

In a blink of an eye, the whole family was warmly greeted by friendly netizens, and hundreds of greetings were received in the blink of an eye.

"Didn't the announcement make it very clear that the virtual helmet can only be activated after obtaining the internal test qualification or the public test?"

"What kind of game can the world's top ten game manufacturers jointly release? The major officials will come forward to endorse it? The host's IQ is touching, and he co-authored with people from all over the world to deceive the host together!"

Some people raised the question of whether it could be alien technology, but this argument was seconded by many people.

Because although it is now 2027, various game devices are constantly improving in the process of upgrading, but there is still a huge gap in technology from fully immersive virtual reality games.

The fiery metaverse that has been hyped up in recent years is just a gimmick.

And now suddenly the whole world announces [Xiantu] (external network translation: Shentu), as if your child flew away immediately after being born.

But the world's top ten game manufacturers jointly released it, and many powerful countries around the world jointly endorsed it, you have to believe it.

Times have changed, drastically!

Just a month ago, [Xiantu] (extranet translation name: Shentu) was released globally.

Players all over the world are enjoying themselves!

However, the popularity of other popular games such as Glory of the King, Eat Duck, and League of Kings on major platforms has plummeted!

Just one announcement overwhelms all games in the world!

All the anchors are ready to move to 【Xiantu】.

It is conceivable that once ten o'clock tonight, other games besides [Xiantu] will be even cooler!

Time slowly arrived at 9:45.

Deng Chuan suddenly slapped his head, and he hastily took out the golden Supreme European Emperor Token.

A thin gold card, but it seems to have a mysterious magic power to confuse people's hearts, making people intoxicated by it at a glance. Just now, he suddenly thought that buying six-color ball stocks and grabbing the qualification for the internal test of the game are not in conflict!

Because the effective time of this Supreme European Emperor Order is half an hour!

As long as he has a good time, he can fly together and enjoy the blessing of being equal to everyone!

Deng Chuan exited other apps excitedly, and opened the six-color ball purchase page in Jifubao. He planned to use the Supreme European Emperor Token one minute before the announcement of the qualification for the internal test, and then purchased a six-color ball number.

He restrained his greed, his luck was ten million times unimaginable, if he bought too much, it would be bad if someone wanted to track him down.

Time passed slowly.

Countless people on the Internet are waiting for 10 o'clock, but Deng Chuan is waiting for 9:59 with a stopwatch.

58 minutes and 57 seconds....

58 minutes and 58 seconds....

58 minutes 59 seconds....

Deng Chuan took a deep breath, quickly clamped the golden Supreme Ou Huang Token between his fingers, raised it high above his head, and Zhong Er shouted: "My turn! Draw the card!"

"It's up to you! Supreme Ouhuangling!"

The golden card turned into countless golden light spots, and slowly disappeared into the air, like a dream.

But Deng Chuan felt an inexplicable change in himself at this moment, as if the whole world was revolving around him, and he was the person favored by the heavens.

He felt that he became the child of destiny at this moment, he could succeed in anything, and he could get whatever he wanted immediately.

Deng Chuan calmed down slightly, knowing that this was an illusion, and there are many things in the world that cannot be achieved by luck.

He seized the time to buy a lottery ticket, and then took out the 60,000 yuan he earned from part-time jobs and games in the past two years, and bought a stock called Deep Sea Technology.

After completing these two tasks, Deng Chuan excitedly watched the countdown to the closed beta on the [Xiantu] official website, slowly returning to zero.

At least one-fifth of the world's 8.3 billion people are looking forward to this moment in front of the screen!

When the time jumped to ten o'clock, Deng Chuan clicked on the search column with anticipation, and entered his ID card and name.

Sure enough, I found my name on the internal test list!

Closed beta player: Deng Chuan.

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