Casting spells with ivory in hand, isn't this purely crazy, cool and dazzling, showing the true qualities of a local tyrant?

Deng Chuan glanced at the experience bar, level 15 (1226723/3246800), "There are still about two million experience points to reach level 16, and then go forward to see if there are more suitable monsters, if there is no one, I can only go back I'm looking for [Sharp Crocodile] [Three-Forked Deer]. And the backpack is about to be full, it's really troublesome, 130 grids are not enough."

................................................... ...................................................

The capital of the Tang Dynasty, Luoyang City.

This is also the birth city of all Magic City players.

On the outskirts of Luoyang City, countless players are fighting wild monsters in full swing.

And a little further away, a team of five was fighting some level 8 [Crispy Chicken].

Qin Wuxie beheaded the [Crispy Chicken] with a single sword, and picked up the [Crispy Chicken Feet] that exploded on the ground with a speechless face. This kind of thing can only be sold in shops, and he deliberately ran to a place far away Selling is a waste of time.

He looked at the empty backpack, except for the elixir that returned blood and mana, and the rest was a pile of rags that could only be sold in stores. His mentality collapsed for a while, and he roared helplessly, "Is there a mistake? There are 70 backpacks in total. Grids, what’s the use? Who can fill them up? Five of us only created three pieces of white equipment in two days, so what’s the use of so many backpack grids! Can anyone tell me?”

Ding Lei, a young man with an inch head, also had a sour face, "Yeah, I don't understand why the drop rate of this game is so low. According to the evaluation on the Internet, the normal drop rate of monsters of the same level is less than 1/1000. If you can leapfrog and kill monsters The explosion rate can be higher, but there is not enough data to support it, because few people can leapfrog to kill monsters."

Fatty Wang Haonan also felt powerless to complain, "The most outrageous thing is that the map of this game is really big, and every time I go back to the city, it will be troublesome. The auction house has to be settled once a day, and we can't buy the equipment we want immediately. I spent a lot of hard work and collected a lot of gold coins, but now they are about to depreciate, and I haven't spent them all yet."

A group of them spent tens of millions of Huaxia coins and received 3,500 gold coins, but they didn't get the [Mushroom King's Hammer], and they also missed the other red equipment on the first day.

As a result, when it came time for the public beta, only a few people went to the trading area to buy white equipment and came out to spawn monsters.

Although their configuration has already surpassed most of the players in the public beta, but they want to call the wind and rain in this fairy road.

So I immediately went to the auction house to buy the second-tier red equipment, but I had to wait a day to get it in my hands. In vain, the upgrade speed of the first day of the public beta slowed down.

And you must know that the value of game coins is constantly falling, and holding gold coins in your hands and not spending them is tantamount to depreciation.

On the first day of the internal test, Qin Wuxie and the others bought it in at the price of three or four hundred and one brass coins. On the second day, one brass coin was only worth two hundred, and today, it was only worth one hundred. left and right.

And a few people could only bid a few pieces of red equipment at an inflated price, and they didn't know how much Huaxia coins they lost in just three days. If they had to calculate carefully, they might have a heart attack.

Ding Lei, a young man with an inch head, sighed and said, "There's no other way. I made a wrong step. We can only wait for the price of the game currency to stabilize, and then we can spend money to collect it and go to the auction house to buy the equipment."

Fatty Wang Haonan looked at the time in the game, and suddenly said: "Duoyu, the red equipment we bought can be taken from the auction house, and you practice the agility [Gone with the Wind], which is fast, go Get it for us."

Zhen Duoyu, who is thin and thin and looks like a bamboo pole, shook his head, "Is the fat man so bossy? I'm an assassin, okay, I'm not running errands!"

Qin Wuxie spoke at this time, "Duoyu, you go. I will give you 5 gold coins for running errands later."

Zhen Duoyu saw that the leader had spoken, and knew that he couldn't hide, so he could only agree, "Okay. It's better to talk to Brother Qin, you fat man's weapon will be taken later!"

Wang Haonan hurriedly begged for mercy: "Brother Duoyu, I didn't mean that!"

The few people were also amused, and felt that their irritable moods were a little more comfortable. When they got the red quality equipment that was photographed today, they could upgrade a little faster.

Only Zhen Duoyu, who ran far away, muttered: "Damn it, if I knew I didn't choose [Flying Wind and Shadow], I turned out to be an errand from an assassin."

................................................... ...................................................

Deng Chuan continued to run fast by the lake, ignoring the [little elephants] and [shield elephants] playing around by the lake. There are not many of these monsters, and they are rough-skinned and thick-skinned, which is completely unremarkable sexual interest.

[Silver Horned Deer King] Although he has an agility of 137, it is still far behind Deng Chuan, who has agility of 261, so he can only hold it, which makes him a little helpless, "Go back and see if there is any way to get this Put away the spiritual pet, otherwise it will be a bit troublesome when you are on the road, and it will be easy to be recognized by others."

After running for about half an hour, some tall trees began to appear on the wide and flat lake in front of us.

Deng Chuan rushed in without hesitation.

"You have entered the new map [Lakeside Forest]"

"This place is far away from human habitation. It is the fringe area of ​​the Tang Dynasty. Monsters and beasts are rampant here, and it is a forbidden place for ordinary people without cultivation. However, it is also rich in elixir, so there are still herb pickers who are not afraid of death."

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