Deng Chuan didn't expect that the basic bad luck card was so easy to use, and it could also find out the opponent's name, luck and location.

And this unlucky kid's luck value was originally low, and now it's almost zero. He suddenly became curious, "Follow up and see, this scumbag has only 0.01 luck left. I don't know what will happen. Anyway, I I'm about to resign, so close the shop first, and call Lihong to take over. It's time to leave."

................................................... ...................................

On one side, Deng Chuan began to pack up his things and was about to close the door, while on the other side, Zhao Shi ran back to the Welfare Lottery Center.

Li Zhengdao took a few leaders who came down to supervise and wandered around the site of each link of the Welfare Lottery Center, and introduced with a serious face: "Leaders, our Hangzhou Welfare Lottery Center has been fair and just for many years. ! Every link is under the control of a special person, and there is no possibility of any malpractice for personal gain."

Several leaders who came down from above also carefully checked around, but found no obvious problems for a while.

Although there are air conditioners in the office, Li Zhengdao still has a slight cold sweat on his back. Fortunately, he received the news a day ago and threatened and lured the people in all departments in advance, and the results of the previous lottery draws were all unreliable. Modifications were made.

Yang Jianchun stretched out his hand to look through the list of winners and documents for each issue, and suddenly heard a shout from outside the office.

"Uncle, where are you?" Zhao Shi obviously knew this place very well, and he found this reference room after asking two staff members.

Li Zhengdao never expected how the nephew came back, and immediately winked at him, implying him to leave quickly.

The gazes of several leaders immediately turned to the fat young man who walked in. Yang Jianchun raised his head and said, "Ju Li, are you relative?"

"Yes, my nephew." Li Zhengdao nodded embarrassingly, then hurried over to pull Zhao Shi, and whispered: "What are you doing here, hurry up, don't you see that this place is busy?"

When Zhao Shi saw these leaders looking through the materials, the unwillingness just now surged up again, and he closed the door cruelly, "I won't leave!"

At this moment, several inspection leaders were obviously stunned for a moment, wondering what the relatives of Director Li were doing.

Zhao Shi hurriedly broke away from Li Zhengdao, and said loudly: "Uncle Uncles, I won the lottery today, but I will give half of it to everyone! Don't worry, let's make money together!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone in the office changed.

Yang Jianchun stood up abruptly, with a strange expression on his face, "How much do you want to share with us?"

Li Zhengdao hurriedly covered his nephew's mouth, while turning back and explaining embarrassingly: "My nephew has some brain problems, don't listen to his nonsense."

Zhao Shi pulled his hands together with Li Zhengdao, and shouted in disbelief: "Isn't 50% not enough? Then you will get another 10% at most!"

................................................... ...................................

After Deng Chuan closed the store, he quickly walked towards the location indicated by the system. After a detour, he came to an old building with the sign of Hangzhou Welfare Center on it.

He stood outside the building, looked at it for a while, rubbed his chin and said to himself: "I thought I would be hit by a dump truck when I went out, but I can still go back to work safely? Is this scum working in the Welfare Lottery Center? Know how bad luck can play out."

"Oh, oh, oh!"

Suddenly, a siren sounded from behind him. Deng Chuan looked back and saw two police cars coming.

After the two police cars parked on the side of the road, seven or eight policemen got off and rushed directly to the building of the Welfare Lottery Center.

Soon, these police officers escorted Zhao Shi and another middle-aged man with a gloomy face out.

Deng Chuan was dumbfounded, "Is this low-level bad luck card so powerful? Just send someone to step on the sewing machine?"

Until Zhao Shi, who was still struggling and begging for mercy, and the middle-aged man were escorted into the police car and drove away.

The system only leisurely reminded: "The low-level bad luck card target Zhao Shi was discovered on the spot because he bribed public officials many times and embezzled more than 10 million yuan in the welfare lottery."

"It turns out that this is the case, then this Zhao Shi really deserved what he deserved, and he was greedy for the welfare lottery money of the majority of lottery players."

Deng Chuan was secretly surprised that the cheapest props in the rudimentary store had such powerful effects. Then the remaining Ouhuang skill points, the rudimentary protagonist's luck, the rudimentary Zhou Tianyi (projection), the rudimentary longevity card, and the rudimentary skills that he thought were of little use The attribute cards are probably far more powerful than he imagined.

It's just that his Ouhuang value is only 86 points at this time, and it is difficult to use the props in it at will.

Deng Chuan turned on his phone, looked at the balance of more than 1.3 billion, thought quickly and concluded: "There are three most important things for me now. The first thing is that the money is completely enough now, and I have to find a way to continue If you find a girl you're attracted to, use another wave of Ouhuang Points."

"The second thing is, I have to find a powerful martial arts gym, learn various martial arts, and make better use of my powerful attributes."

"The third thing is that I have already bought enough shares of Deep Sea Technology. With so much money left, I can't just put it here to eat interest. If I want to find a way to manage money, I myself study finance, but there is no Any practical experience. Maybe it’s better to wait for the Ouhuang value to be enough, use the junior Zhou Tianyi (projection) to calculate the luck value required for inevitable success, and it’s safer to do this with the junior protagonist’s luck.”

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