Grace had just received Bob's latest order to act.

He is assigning members and is ready to surprise the Wolf Plain Guild again.

"Not good boss! The Holy Law Divine Temple Guild and Xu Tianxia Guild are gathering towards our side with many people!

"What! What is their purpose?

"I, I don't know, boss..."

Useless waste! I will meet them! If they want this resource point, give it to them! "

Resource points are simply useless to Gleshan.

The priority is to follow the order of the big boss and go to snipe the members of the Wolf Yuan Guild who are doing the mission.

However, less than ten steps away, he saw the sky full of spells and arrows pouring down towards them!

"Fak! Give me a hard counterattack! Kill them all! "

The Hand of God now has more than eight thousand people, and the level is not low, where can the already warlike Gleshan endure it, and immediately order a counterattack.

Xu Tianxia's people went up the river, blocking the retreat of the members of the Hand of God.

The guild war of nearly 20,000 people is about to break out.

Spells poured out, warriors charged, and the holy light of death kept shining.

People are constantly resurrected at the resurrection point of Vatiglia City, and then there is a big battle outside the city!

The battle is in full swing without words!

Western region.

"Bob! How did you do it! How could our people fight with two great guilds other than Wolf Plain! "

Merriken was very angry.

"Master, according to Gleshan's reply, he said that it was the two guilds of the Holy Law Temple and Xu Tianxia who suddenly led people to attack them, and they were just forced to fight back."

Bob lowered his head.


"Although the Holy Law Temple posted that it was for the Wolf Origin to take a breath of evil, it was actually definitely for the resource point, and isn't the matter of Gleshan directly withdrawing from the resource point solved?"

"When this situation developed, not only could things be helpless, but also suffered a lot of losses!"

Meliken, who usually pays attention to the dynamics of various guilds, concludes that the Wolf Origin Guild does not have any allies on the surface.

This action of the Holy Law Temple is more of an act of "currying" while taking advantage of the fire and robbery.

"Master, things have happened, and it doesn't help if you're angry. What should we do next?

"Since the war has begun, it can't end like this easily!"

Merriken looked grim: "I want to involve those shrinking forces in this battle!" Immediately

, Merriken contacted the leaders of the various forces.

The proposal to establish a "United Guild" in the southern region was mentioned, and the core goal of the guild was not to make money, but to create trouble and delay the development of the guild in the southern region, mainly Wolf Plain.

There were many disputes along the way, but in the end, the eight forces led by the Temple of Odin approved the decision to establish the "Hand of God United Guild".

Under the control of various forces, the hidden teams in the southern region were exposed to the surface of the water.

Tens of thousands of people who had integrated forces from all sides suddenly participated in the battle, killing the Holy Law Temple and Xu Tianxia by surprise, and suffered heavy losses!

The sudden rise of foreign player forces appeared in the sight of the vast number of players in the southern region at a thunderous speed.

The Holy Law Temple and Xu Tianxia's two Red Cross Societies were defeated!

Even besieged by the city of Jiaosha!

The "Wish of God" forum exploded, and countless players were discussing the issue.

【Grass! The tens of thousands of forces that suddenly appeared in the southern region are all foreign players! Isn't this trying to bully us God Dynasty players? Kill them! 【

According to the latest information! 】 This force is formed by the union of 8 foreign forces! Their hands have reached our southern regions! 】

【I know that the "Hand of God" suddenly attacked Wolf Yuan is not so simple, it turns out that there are so many joint forces behind it! ] This is special! I call on the Wolf Origin Guild to lead the Southern Region God Dynasty players and kill them! Dry to quit! 【

Evil Wolf God! Our God Dynasty players are under siege! This humiliation, can't bear it! 】

【Blood and tears kneeling to beg the wolf was originally for the Southern God Dynasty players to ask for justice! 】 】

【Blood and tears kneeling to beg the wolf was originally for the Southern God Dynasty players to ask for justice! 】 】

【Blood and tears kneeling to beg the wolf was originally for the Southern God Dynasty players to ask for justice! 】 】

【Blood and tears kneeling to beg the wolf was originally for the Southern God Dynasty players to ask for justice! 】 】

【Blood and tears kneeling to beg the wolf was originally for the Southern God Dynasty players to ask for justice! 】 【


God Dynasty players followed, asking Wolf Yuan to fight!

When Akiba learned the news, he sighed secretly: It's really better to be a person than a heavenly calculation!

The sudden rise of this huge force directly broke the plan of the Wolf Origin Guild.

The guild members were also unable to hold back.

Xu Wei and Akiba talked.

"What now?"

It doesn't matter if someone is behind it.

Now public opinion on the Internet cannot be contained.

Wolf Yuan has been pushed to the cusp.

Akiba only waited for Xu Wei's decision.

Xu Wei took a deep breath.

"This battle, we ... Can't return!

"Prepare logistical support, special potions, instantaneous potions are all taken out and used."

Online posts are in the eye, his blood is boiling!

Whether it's a conspiracy or a strong enemy!


Use the true strength accumulated by Wolf Yuan to smash!

Looking at the noisy guild channel, Xu Wei directly banned all words!

He turned on his voice and opened his mouth.

Finally, with a roar, he gave the order that everyone expected -

"All members obey the order!" Naka City, Assemble ——! The

roar of the evil wolf was transmitted to the ears of every member of the wolf original.

Fangs are exposed!

Blood rain is coming!

"President is mighty! Gather! "




this moment, all the guild members trembled with blood because of Xu Wei's roar!

Xu Wei was on the high-ranking post, silently replying -

[The wolf is coming. 【

Groove! 】【Groove! The evil wolf god replied! He said the wolf was coming! They're coming! 】【

Lying groove! 】【Lying groove! 】 I'm going to war too! 【

The moment of witnessing history is coming! 】 【

The wolves are angry and do not die! 】 【

The wolves are angry and do not die! 】 【

The wolves are angry and do not die! 】 【

The wolves are angry and do not die! 】 【


scattered player copied Xu Wei's previous words and replied, and a building below followed the trend.

In just a few minutes, it has exceeded 300,000 replies!

All the members of Wolf Plain are rushing to Naka City as fast as they can.

Akiba commanded the logistics regiment to constantly mobilize and prepare supplies.

This battle must be won!

Once won.

Wolf Plain will shock the world from now on!

A more important point!

Not only players, but also the official is definitely watching the outbreak of this big war!

The forces of all parties were mobilized, and the players who had changed jobs in the southern God Dynasty spontaneously began to gather and form teams.

Even some who did not change jobs wanted to contribute.

Southern region, the sky has changed!

More than an hour later....

Xu Wei, who held the +9 radiant Judgment Staff, finally arrived in Naka City!

Under the cheers of the crowd, Xu Wei joined the team of Naka City.

"Drunk, you lead a team..." In

the crowd, Qiu Ye silently looked at Xu Wei's silhouette.

Xu Wei....

This is a success.

You will become a national hero in another sense!

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