"A team of all members go with me, let's go and grab the boss of the evil wolf!"

Jiang Chenguang's order, the core team of 30 people immediately cheered up.

Rob the boss of the evil wolf, the boss is going to do a big wave!

The captain of the first team, Yuan Dong, spoke to Jiang Chenguang in private: "Dragon King boss, can we beat the evil wolf?" And once you rob his boss, you will be hostile to Wolf Yuan.

Jiang Chenguang: "Even if the level of the evil wolf and the thirty years of fighting wild are several levels higher than us, but there are only four of them, are we thirty afraid that we can't fight?"

"Today I'm not only going to rob his boss, but I'm going to kill him!" As for hostility? My Auror Guild is not afraid of anyone in this area. "

The limelight in the game these days has all been robbed by the evil wolf, Jiang Chenguang is very unhappy in his heart, and now he has finally found such an opportunity, and he must not let it go.

As long as you kill the evil wolf and fight the wild for thirty years, the reputation of the Auror Dragon Guild will spread at once.

Thirty people ran towards the swamp where the poisonous frog monster was.

At this time, Xu Wei was playing a boss in a team of four.

[Poison Frog Monster Leader] Level: 13

Health Points: 2764/3500

The level 13 Poison Frog Monster Leader

spewed out a mouthful of venom, and a high damage of -36 immediately floated above the steamed bun's head, accompanied by continuous toxin damage.

A gray spell hits the poisonous frog boss and paralyzes the toxin.

The movements of the poisonous frog monster suddenly became stiff and sluggish.

Xu Wei said: "Mantou, be careful, don't attract too much hatred, let me and Daye take turns topping."

Mantou: "Got it, president." "

The leader of the poisonous frog monster belongs to the high-law wound monster, and although the warriors with all-endurance plus points also add resistance, they do not have high returns from high mental points.

Xu Wei and Fight Ye for thirty years have high spell resistance, and with the blessing of the blood bottle, there is no danger at all in taking turns to top monsters.

With the paralyzing toxin, the attack frequency of the poisonous frog monster slows down, and it is even less threatening.


The three toxins of fierce poison, fire poison, and cold poison continued to hurt, and the health of the leader of the poison frog monster fell very quickly.

A bolt of thunder landed on the boss.


"It's still the eldest brother's poison method is powerful, it seems that the damage is not high, but after a while, hundreds of blood will be knocked out, and there is also slowing down and paralysis, how do I feel that my hidden profession is fake?"

Thirty years of hitting the field with one damage in 2 seconds felt that his output was a little low, and he couldn't help but sigh.

Xu Wei drank a bottle of healing medicine and said: "The main thing is the problem of equipment, without this strong magic wand, my output will be miserable."

Tano: "It makes sense, boss hurry up and blast the staff, I want to take off!"

Xu Wei smiled slightly.

Don't say, this poisonous frog monster boss really dropped the mage equipment, but just don't drop the magic staff.

The four people who concentrated on fighting the boss, none of them noticed that there was a person hiding in the distance and secretly observing them.

"President, their boss is fighting so fast, I look at the blood bar and there is only half left!"

Jiang Chenguang: "We are on the way, you go up and harass them, even if it is death, don't let them beat the boss to death so quickly!"

"I know!"

After getting the command, the mage player with the ID named Yu'er immediately ran up.

As soon as he approached, Xu Wei immediately noticed it.

How can any players drill here at this time? Is it a loose play to explore the map?

Ignoring this [fish], Xu Wei continued to output.

A fireball shot flew from behind and hit him.


Groove! 25 points of magic damage to hit the wolf 1 point of blood!

When the fish saw the damage value floating out, the people were numb, turned their heads and ran in a hurry!

【Ding! Warn! Player fish launch a malicious attack on the party members! Get the right fight back against it! 【

Just Counterattack State: When the state exists, counterattack kills enemy players without accumulating sin points.] "

Groove! This forced cub to attack us maliciously!

"Want to run, hurry up and pass my thunder falling technique!"

After thirty years of fighting, he immediately charged the spell, and the thunder falling technique with a wide range of spells fell on the top of the fish's head at once.


The skill damage bonus of the Falling Thunder Technique is 130%, and the other party is a crispy mage with a little agility, and he is directly taken away by one shot.

The fish turned into light under the thunder and burst out something.

The steamed bun smiled and said, "President Taye is awesome!" One shot is a blast, it's so handsome!

"Besides, I'm also a hidden profession, aren't I?" Playing a level 5 mage is not yet hand-to-hand?

Tano raised his chin slightly and said, "It seems that something exploded, you went over and picked it up."

"Hey! As a T, my favorite thing to do is pick things up! "

The steamed bun fart ran over.

Wu Qingfeng frowned slightly, feeling that the player named Yu'er was a little strange.

She reminded: "Seeing that the first and second in the rank list are here, and they dare to open the PK mode attack, that fish is definitely not a scattered player, it should be a person from which guild."

"Xiao Wu is right, we should be targeted." Hurry up and beat the boss, maybe the next big army will arrive.

Xu Wei frowned and thought for a moment.

First rule out the possibility of the Holy Law Temple, Saint Law will not be stupid enough to be hostile to the Wolf Origin Guild at this time.

Xu Tianxia... With Xu Youyu's character, she will not tear her face before she is absolutely sure.

It is very likely that it is Jiang Chenguang of the Auror Dragon Guild, and that person has always been relatively arrogant.

In the previous life, the people of the Aurora launched group PK battles at every turn, and many studios and scattered players who disobeyed them were beaten very badly.

But even if Jiang Chenguang brought all the core members to encircle today, Xu Wei was not afraid.

With his agility and spell damage, those warriors who have not changed jobs and have no skills will not be able to get close at all.

As for the mages of the long-range profession, without equipment, those low-level mages would not hurt him at all.

Rather, he was a little expecting Jiang Chenguang to bring someone to make trouble.

The fish was resurrected in the novice city and immediately reported to Jiang Chenguang.

"Guild Leader, I was killed by a thunder spell that was farther away than the mage fireball technique in thirty years, and his magic damage was too high!"

"Also, my 25-point magic wound only hit the evil wolf with 1 point of blood!"

When Jiang Chenguang heard this, his brows frowned: "How much blood does the evil wolf have?" "

Fish:" Total health 65 points.

Jiang Chenguang: "Okay, I know, report the loss to the subsidy."

After getting the news, Jiang Chenguang frowned.

He thought for a moment, and then contacted the other teams that were leveling up again.

"The second team and the third team all gather at the coordinates I sent!"

After receiving the order, the people of the second and third teams of the Aurora immediately took action.

Someone in Xu Tianxia saw it and immediately reported it.

Qiu Qiu contacted Xu Youyu: "Young child, the people below said that all the members of the Auror Guild ran outside the West City, I don't know what happened."

Xu Youyu: "Whatever they do, as long as it doesn't affect us."

Qiu Qiu: "You forgot?" The evil wolf took a few people to go out outside the western city, do you say that the actions of the Auror Dragon Guild may be related to the evil wolf? Hearing

this, Xu Youyu's brows furrowed slightly.

She thought for a moment and sent a message to the wolf.

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