
Draw effects to trigger, the Poison Spell constantly triggers damage, and his health is recovering quickly!

"What a thing! How could the evil wolf suddenly return blood so quickly! This is still a fart! "

The group of mages who had seen that the evil wolf's health had dropped below 30 did not have time to rejoice for a while, and found that the evil wolf's health was recovering quickly.

At this time, the body of the mage who had been hit by the fierce poison technique suddenly exploded and turned into white light.

Poison dance effect triggered!

The five random unlucky eggs next to them were all poisoned, and the amount of blood was crazy.

And Xu Wei's health quickly returned to full value!

PK divine skill, what you want is this unexpected effect!

Xu Wei grinned, fighting to absorb the effect when it was triggered, and went and returned.

"He's coming! Beat! "

A large number of fireball techniques hit Xu Wei's body, and even triggered the burning effect.



Hit by so many fireball techniques, Xu Wei's health dropped significantly, but then the recovery effect of the extraction and healing medicine quickly replenished the health points.

Poison Technique!

Hang up the Poison Spell on a normal player.

Highly toxic magic bomb!


A highly toxic magic bullet exploded directly on the person who had applied the fierce poison technique, and the poison dance effect was triggered again!

In the state of extraction, Xu Wei was an invincible existence in the eyes of the group of mages who could not cause him a large amount of damage!

"This poison is so cruel, I'm going to die!"

The mages of the Aurora group were extremely terrified at the moment, the evil wolves really surpassed them too much, and they couldn't defeat them at all!

In this case, even if the second and third teams come, it is a food delivery!

With a total damage of 136 and an 8% bonus to the strong magic staff, the fierce poison spell that triggers damage once a second is a nightmare for these crispy mages!

For three or four seconds, the white light fell.

The poison dance effect plays a supreme role in PK, 1 pass 5, it is simply a killing skill!

In just 10 seconds, only three of those mages died scattered and fled.

Xu Wei took advantage of his high agility to catch up and send them one highly toxic bullet plus a free return to the city package.

At this point, the core members of the Auror Guild were all destroyed!

Jiang Chenguang, who was resurrected in the novice city, saw the members resurrected one after another, and his face was very ugly.

Yuan Dong contacted Jiang Chenguang privately and persuaded: "Guild President, the evil wolf moves too fast, and the magic damage is particularly high. And I heard from the mages that he also has a skill that returns blood. As long as he is not stupid, it is difficult for us to beat him at this stage. What

the team members said in the team channel, Jiang Chenguang had already seen it.

He immediately notified the captains of the second and third teams to cancel the operation and go back to level up.

"Let's go, level up. This hatred will be repaid after the transfer! Ask people to collect information carefully, and if you find hidden professional clues about the fighter, report it to you with a reward! Jiang

Chenguang, who had seen the effect of the poisonous dance with his own eyes, knew that it must be a skill for the evil wolf to turn into a hidden profession.

At present, the price of wanting revenge is too great.

Endure for a while, wait for the core team to transfer, and then find the evil wolf to settle the account!

The other side.

Xu Wei, who personally killed Jiang Chenguang, finally let out a bad breath.


With his level and equipment suppressed, he killed a team of core members of the Aurora Dragon, including Jiang Chenguang, in one go, and his mood became much brighter.

But that's not enough!

Xu Wei looked grim.

Jiang Chenguang, Jiang Chenguang, wait for me to cultivate the core team of the guild in the past few days, and then I will let you not even build a guild building in the southern region!"

Thirty people exploded a lot of money, and there were a lot of potions.

However, Xu Wei's backpack was originally full, and he could only call them all over to pick them up.

"Groove! The potions of this place, big brother, how many people have you killed!? "

The three people were stunned when they ran over, there were so many potions on the ground, it was like a stall.

"Jiang of the Auror Guild just now—uh... The Dragon King, with one of his core teams, was all killed by me. Recalling

Jiang Chenguang's aggrieved and angry eyes just now, Xu Wei's heart was happy and refreshing!

Mantou: "The evil wolf guild leader is awesome!!

After Tano was shocked, he said, "I'll just say let's big brother, right?" His current speed and magic damage, poison those low-level players are simply poisoned one by one, and when they die, they also have a poisonous effect sputter! When more people come, it is also a dish!

"It's me underestimating our boss."

The steamed bun was busy picking up potions, and soon his backpack was full.

He made a bitter face: "I'm full, so many potions, won't it be wiped out later?" Xu

Wei knew that it would take half an hour for the items to be brushed off by the system.

He said with a smile: "There is no way if the bag is full, if it is brushed off, it will be brushed off." Let's hurry up and brush the monsters.

Wu Qingfeng said worriedly: "Guild leader, the Auror Dragon Guild is a big guild, in case they call more people to come, there are only four of us, wouldn't it be too risky to continue to brush monsters here?"

"This time, their core team has all dropped level 1, and they dare to come over, that is a fool." Now I don't bother them, they all have to burn high incense. Saying

that Xu Wei directly opened the monster, he was very sure that Jiang Chenguang would not dare to trouble him again in a short time.

Although Jiang Chenguang is crazy, he is not stupid.

Sure enough, half an hour passed, and no one came to the swamp again.

Xu Youyu also got the news there.

Qiu Qiu: "Young and young, Jiang Chenguang led a team of people to kill the evil wolf, but they were all counter-killed and returned to the city, and now Jiang Chenguang has fallen out of the top one thousand of the rank list!"

"And our people reported that they didn't see the wolf originally mobilizing the guild personnel, and the evil wolf should have won more with fewer enemies."

Hearing this news, Xu Youyu's heart moved slightly.

Jiang Chenguang was frustrated, which she was happy to see.

She had long been very dissatisfied with Jiang Chenguang, and if it weren't for the handle on her mother's side to be held, she wouldn't even bother to pay attention to this so-called second young master of the Jiang family.

"Jiang Chenguang's team can't beat the evil wolf, and it's not surprising that four people are not surprising."

"The wolf's spell damage should be close to 100 and it moves fast. PK with him, at this stage with low level and no equipment, who will be his opponent?

"Jiang Chenguang can be regarded as a big heel this time."

Saying that, Xu Youyu showed a hint of a smile.

Qiu Qiu couldn't help but ask: "Young child, I see why you seem to be a little happy?" Didn't your aunt say that you and Jiang Chenguang will get engaged next month? Then you'll be a family..."

"Shut up!"

Xu Youyu interrupted Qiuqiu's words angrily, her eyes became sharp, and she glanced sideways at Qiuqiu: "I don't need others to decide for me in my life, and I won't be engaged to Jiang Chenguang!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I lost my words! There are still a lot of things for me to deal with in the guild logistics, so I'll leave first!" Looking

at the ball like a frightened and running kitten, Xu Youyu sighed.

She didn't want to.

I don't know when, but the two became in such a relationship....


Whether it is an unconscious mother or a fear of her girlfriend, it makes her feel helpless and lonely deep inside.

Throwing all these worries aside, she opens her friends list and sends a message to the wolf.

But there was no response for a long time.

I'm more irritable in my heart....

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