The Wolf Origin Guild drove all the members of the Aurora Guild away, and quickly occupied the resource points of Qingquan Village and Demon Wolf Slope.

"President! Not good! The guild resource points were all occupied by the people of Wolf Yuan! Many of the members who gathered resources were killed back!


Hearing the news, Jiang Chenguang's face immediately became gloomy: "How many of them are there?"

"They have a lot of people in Demon Wolf Slope and Qingquan Village, at least more than a thousand people! Moreover, the demon wolf slope is led by the evil wolf himself, and there are thirty years of fighting wild and steamed buns on the side of Qingquan Village, looking at this situation, it should be that the whole guild has moved! "

The whole guild is dispatched! Also killed the Dragon's man!

The evil wolf is officially going to war with him!

The guild territory he chose is in the Demon Wolf Slope, and this has all been bullied to the doorstep, and this breath must not be swallowed just like that!

Otherwise, how will you gain a foothold in the world of God's will!

[(Guild Channel) Dragon King: Attention everyone! ] All buy good potions and gather in Qingquan Village! 【

The Wolf Yuan Guild robbed our resource points and killed our people! 】 Although we are weaker, we can't back down and let others see our jokes! 【

All members let go and kill!】 All losses will be borne by the guild! "

The Wolf Yuan Guild deceives people too much! The Dragon King boss is right, even if they fight to drop the level, they must give them a little color to see!

"! But a game, who is afraid of whom!

"Can't beat the core team, can't you beat those ordinary members?" Just stare at those people and kill! Being

bullied to the doorstep, the people of the Aurora Guild were indignant and began to move towards Qingquan Village continuously.

Jiang Chenguang contacted Xu Youyu again.

"The Aurora is going to go to war with Wolf Plain in an all-out way! I want you Xu Tianxia to send someone over to help!"

Xu Youyu: "You guys go to war, what is the matter with Xu Tianxia?"

Jiang Chenguang's tone was slightly threatening: "So, you don't help?"

"Don't help!"

Xu Youyu's voice said coldly: "If there are photos and videos this time, please send them directly to my father's mobile phone!"

After that, she directly ended the call.

Jiang Chenguang's face was very ugly, and Xu Youyu's lofty posture made him very unhappy!

But he couldn't choose to tear his face with Xu Youyu at this time.

"! Slut! Sooner or later, I will have your mother and daughter kneel before me together!

He cursed in his heart, and then also moved towards Qingquan Village.

The collection team of nearly 2,000 people in Devil Wolf Slope, escorted by Xu Wei and others, continuously went back and forth to do the tasks of the architects, bringing back batch after batch of resources to hand over the tasks.

Xu Youyu sent a call request, but Xu Wei refused.

Soon she sent another message-[Auror Dragon wanted to unite with Xu Tianxia to deal with you, but I refused. The people of the Auror Guild are now gathering in the direction of Qingquan Village, you guys be careful! In

his previous life, he was fawning over Xu Youyu, and this time, it was Xu Youyu who constantly showed favor.

However, Xu Wei was not moved in the slightest.

Xu Youyu looks pure and kind, but that is just a disguise for her to hide her fangs.

Once paralyzed, when she shows her fangs, it will be too late.

Xu Youyu now told him that she rejected the alliance of the Auror Dragon Guild, but what was the actual situation, who knows?

Xu Wei would not believe her words.

[Thanks. ]

replied, Xu Wei expressed "gratitude", and first stabilized Xu Youyu on the bright side.

When he frees his hand, it is time to strike at Xu Tianxia.

The mobilization of a large number of members of the Wolf Yuan and Auror Guild immediately made the players smell gunpowder.

Anonymous posts have been made by people familiar with the matter on the forum.

The post tells the ins and outs of the matter, and says that a big war between the two guilds is inevitable today.

"Let's fight, let's fight! It's good if the levels are gone!

"The front row of the rank list is full of people from the Wolf Origin Guild, how dare the Auror Guild go to war with the Wolf Plain, it won't be the brain getting into the water, right?"

"The territory of the Auror Dragon Guild is in the Demon Wolf Slope, and the evil wolf personally led people to directly clear the resource points of the Demon Wolf Slope, this is hitting people's doors, this must not be tolerated!"

"Have you forgotten? The Auror's founding order should be auctioned by the evil wolf, and now turn around and suppress the Aurora Dragon, wouldn't it be too immoral?

"What moral immorality is it to play a game to grab resources?" In the game world, whoever has the ability and resources is whoever is, no problem! "

The Auror Guild posted a bounty! Kill a wolf original member below level 10 once, and bring a video to receive a reward of 5,000 yuan! Minimum 20,000 for level 10 and above! Kill the top 1,000 on the level list, one 50,000! Killing evil wolves offers a reward of up to 2 million at a time!

"Groove! The bounty order is out, the Auror Guild is bloody, it's ruthless enough!

"Wolf Yuan is so strong, whoever receives the reward is stupid!" Is money so easy to take? "

Inside the Divine Wish Forum, it has completely exploded.

[President, the Auror Guild posted on the forum to reward us! ] 】

【That is, fight when you fight, and post a bounty, you can't afford to play! 】 】

【Tano: What are you afraid of, he can send a bounty, we can also send it! 】 Xu

Wei frowned when he saw what Tano said, and immediately spoke in the guild.

[Wolf: We don't give bounties. Once attacked by scattered players, fight back immediately! If you can't beat it, report the ID and record it, never let it go! [

Evil Wolf: Drunk first abandons the poisonous swamp and gathers at the South Bridge to prepare for battle. Others continue to do guild tasks for the time being, and I will respond to the forum posts. 【

Drunk: Received! 】

Xu Wei thought for a while, opened the forum and posted a post - [Wolf, is vengeful. Content


[We are the Wolf Plains Guild. Everyone in the guild is a brave wolf, our family. 】

【Wolf Yuan and Aurora have long had a grudge, scattered people with self-respect. [

I have already commanded that once you are attacked by any scattered player, you will be prepared to be madly retaliated by us.] [

Provoke Wolf Yuan, we will kill you back to the city, and let you not even cross the stone bridge outside the city. 【

Whether it's for a bounty or if you like excitement, you can try it! 】 【

The wolves are angry and do not die! 】 【

Wolf Plain Guild, fearless! 】 As

soon as the post came out, it immediately attracted many comments.

"The evil wolf god is awesome! Please take in, you can sign a contract! "

Please take in +1!"

Thirty years in the wild: "The wolf is vengeful!" The boss is mighty!

He immediately shouted in the guild: [All members go to the forum, top the boss's post!] All-haired wolves are vengeful! Keep up with it all! ]

Repeat three times in succession, all the original members of the wolf are on the top post of the forum!

Wu Qingfeng: [The wolf is vengeful!]

Drunken Moon: [The wolf is vengeful! Storm

Little: [The wolf is vengeful!] Sword

Whistling Kenichi: [The wolf is vengeful! ]

Donglin Kid: [The wolf is vengeful!] 】

Mantou: [The wolf is vengeful! ] 】


All the members of the Wolf Yuan Guild were posted, and the guild members who came down in a row responded to help, which was extremely shocking!

Many people who read the post involuntarily felt a sense of horror in their hearts, and the ruthlessness of the Wolf Origin Guild seemed to gush out from the game!

Wolf Plain!

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