[Guild Channel: Guild vault successfully established! ] 【

Guild Channel: Guild Strategic Warehouse Successfully Established! 】 】

【Guild Channel: Due to development needs, the guild opens the territory expansion mission! 】

"The vault and strategic warehouse can be considered built."

Xu Wei immediately adjusted the vault and strategic warehouse.

【Ding! Guild Channel: The guild opens the collection development mode! During the collection mode, coins obtained by ordinary guild members except through trading channels can only be used for system transactions or deposited in the guild vault! And automatically collect 70% of coins to deposit into the guild's vault at 23:55 every day! 【

Ding! Guild Channel: The guild opens the strategic warehouse contribution mode! Members with a contribution value of 50 or more can redeem their contribution points for strategic warehouse materials! [

(Guild Channel) Evil Wolf: Regarding the collection of game currency, now everyone in the guild has signed a contract with the wolf, and the collection of game currency is to maintain the development needs of the guild. If it is necessary for the mission, you can find the leader of the squad to report to the spare office, and ask the captain to contact Akiba to withdraw the fee from the guild treasury. 【

(Guild Channel) Evil Wolf: Regarding the exchange of contribution points, all items exchanged by contribution points are at their disposal, whether they are sold or sent, the guild does not care, and belongs to personal private property. 【

(Guild Channel) Evil Wolf: The contract signed between the guild and you is not a deed of sale, if there is any objection to contact Akiba for negotiation, the content will be modified as appropriate if it meets the conditions. [

(Guild Channel) Evil Wolf: Regarding the detailed rules, Akiba will be posted to the guild bulletin board later, you can go and take a detailed look. The

successive announcements made members talk.

"Isn't it? Do you want to hand over the game currency you get to the guild? I don't think it's appropriate..."

"What's wrong?" Otherwise, people will pay you a salary for nothing? And if it weren't for guild support, would you be able to reach this level now?

"There's nothing wrong with this, people also said this when signing the contract, what kind of mentality does this want to pay money, should it be that you want to sell the game currency privately, and then continue to use the resources of the guild?"

"I, I just said something inappropriate, it's not as dirty as you think!"

Although the contract was signed, some people were not very happy to think that 70% of the money they received every day would be recovered.

So is the human heart.

Xu Wei contacted Qiuye privately: "Those ordinary members, if they don't want to pay money and it doesn't make sense, they will recycle the equipment and resources supported by the guild, and then terminate the contract and ask them to leave the guild, it is useless for that kind of person to stay." Akiba

: "I understand. "

People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants, and Xu Wei does not want to raise white-eyed wolves.

Xu Wei went to the strategic storekeeper of the guild territory and stored a batch of equipment that he had hit today.

[Guild Channel: The evil wolf puts a twilight robe into the strategic warehouse! ] 】

【Guild Channel: Thirty years of fighting wild to deposit a bladeless epee in the strategic warehouse! 】

【Guild Channel: Mantou deposits a plain silver shield to the strategic warehouse! 】

【Guild Channel: Buns deposit thieves' daggers into the strategic warehouse! 【

Guild Channel: Evil Wolf

...】【Guild Channel...】A

series of more than twenty pieces of equipment were stored in the strategic warehouse, and someone immediately opened the guild page to check the equipment attributes.

"Groove! Silver gear is available! "

That silver-level thief dagger can only be used at level 18..."

"With so much equipment, if you exchange it for contribution points and sell it, won't you be able to make a lot of money!?"

As soon as the equipment was put into the strategic warehouse, the members were immediately excited.

Especially those members of general contracts.

Their main activity in the past two days is to do guild tasks to collect resources, and now they have accumulated some contribution points!

If something is redeemed, it belongs to them!

Now a silver-level equipment, let alone a hundred thousand R starts!

Some people want to exchange, but find that the exchange is not open for the time being.

[(Guild Channel) Drizzle: Boss, when will the strategic warehouse open for exchange? 【

(Guild Channel) Akiba: We are still discussing a suitable exchange standard, and tomorrow we should mark all the contribution points, and then we can redeem them. 【

(Guild Channel) Heartless Fairy: Run hard in the guild resource task, sit and wait for the exchange! As

soon as the strategic warehouse opened, the equipment in front of him directly stimulated the enthusiasm of running guild tasks.

Before most people thought they were running for the guild, but now, they are running for themselves!

At this stage, even if you exchange a bronze-level equipment, you can sell it for a lot of money!

Xu Wei contacted drunk.

"The equipment in the strategic warehouse can be freely called and configured to elite members, but don't take it all out at once and leave some on display."

"Also, organize the team inside the guild to brush the copy of the ordinary level demonized lair as soon as possible, and the income of the copy is much higher than outside."

Drunk: "Okay, I see.

Drunk grinned slightly.

Being able to call up the equipment in the warehouse, and knowing the situation of the monsters in the quest, organizing a team to clear the normal-level copy is not a big problem.

Xu Wei ordered the dance breeze again.

"Xiao Wu, after you return to the city, you will refine all the violet grass collected by the guild into an instantaneous potion, and you can directly store it in the strategic warehouse of the guild from the city warehouse manager."

"I see."

Xu Wei said to the others: "Next, I will find a place to level up and eliminate black names by myself, and you will also find a place to level up."

"By the way, after the white name, you can go to the church in Wind Song City to baptize and increase your health points, and the materials and money you need will come out of the guild."

"Buns, steamed buns, Xiao Wu, you are all white names now, pull a team to ventilate the road, first go to the Wind Ming City to baptize, by the way, go to the pharmacy to buy a batch of powerful potions and store them in the strategic warehouse, I can't enter the city in this situation now."

"Okay, the second team is still leveling up in the wind and song, I'll let them go with us."

"Well, I will ask Qiuye to prepare the materials for you, and when the time comes, you will be able to pick them up yourself in the warehouse of Wind Song City, now go directly."

After arranging it, Xu Wei broke away from the team.

He is now level 17, and in order to rise to level 30 for 2 turns as soon as possible, he plans to go to the Chasing Wind Plateau for a single brush.

The Jiang family in the capital.

Xu Tian, founder of the Xu Foundation, came to visit.

Two old men sat together.

One is a high-ranking authority who is not angry.

One is a long-standing shopping mall, stable as Mount Tai.

The old head of the Jiang family, Jiang Chong, slowly took a sip of tea before he said leisurely: "Mr. Xu, this is not the first time we have dealt with each other, you should understand my rules."

Xu Tian: "Xu naturally understands that the Xu Foundation has always done things openly and legally, you can rest assured."

"Well..." "

After talking about things at work, we'll talk about the children."

Jiang Chong put down the teacup, glanced at Jiang Chenguang, who was sitting on the side, and then looked at Yang Shujie, who was sitting on the other side of Xu Tian.

"Ms. Yang, I heard that you have a daughter, it seems that you are not married?"

Here comes the business.

Hearing these words, Xu Tian's little finger trembled slightly.

"Yes, my daughter graduated from college for two years and is now in charge of a small company, and she has not talked to anyone so far, but I am sad!"

Yang Shujie had long known Jiang Chenguang's main purpose today.

She deliberately looked at Jiang Chenguang and said with a smile: "I heard that Young Master Jiang is also single, or else, I will give a contact information, and the two children will talk by themselves?"

Jiang Chenguang looked at Yang Shujie and said with a smile: "Auntie, I have the contact information of Youyu." I fell in love with her at first sight and had a good chat.

"Is it? That's great! After all, our young concubine is a little shy, you have to take the initiative. "

I've always been proactive."

Jiang Chenguang said with a smile.

Jiang Chong looked at Xu Tian and said, "It seems that the two children are quite compatible, do you want to find a time for the two families to have a meal together and meet?" "

This is forced marriage, marriage."

Xu Tian was not very comfortable in his heart.

However, this is a large project of tens of billions of yuan, as long as it is obtained, it can save the decline of the Xu Foundation and solve the crisis unknown to outsiders....

"If Youyu is also interested, then find a time for everyone to sit down and have a meal."

"Duke Jiang, there are still some things in the group that I need to deal with personally, so I won't bother you, goodbye."

"Goodbye. Chenguang, send Mr. Xu on my behalf.

Jiang Chenguang got up and sent the person out.

Before getting into the car, Yang Shujie glanced back at him, made a look, and smiled.

Jiang Chenguang watched the car drive away, and his face was full of smiles.

For a multibillion-dollar project, if the Xu consortium wants to get its hands, it must obediently send Xu Youyu to the Jiang family.

Xu Tian has a son, and Xu Youyu is an only child.

Once he marries Xu Youyu, isn't the future Xu consortium his Jiang Chenguang's?

What's more....

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