Xu Wei contacted Akiba.

"Call back the people who are doing the gathering mission in Qingquan Village and the poisonous swamp, and go to the quartermaster in Naka City to pick up the task entrusted by the guild."

"The Demon Wolf Slope collection point continues to collect, and the hall and strategic warehouse of the new territory will be established first in the past few days, and I will arrange it later."

"Also, unless there are special talents, it is only necessary to recruit new members at level 7 or above. Those who want to sign a contract will be screened according to the qualification conditions we have previously formulated, and those with insufficient contributions from the guild will not be considered for the time being.

Akiba: "I'll start arranging it." "

At this time, the maximum number of people in the guild has been raised to 13,000.

Xu Wei contacted Drunk again.

"First put aside the matters at hand, except for the people guarding the South Bridge, the core regiment has more than a dozen teams all arranged, and the quartermaster who returns to Naka City will receive the task entrusted by the guild and escort those low-level members to the collection site."

"Okay, I'll call people back to the city."

After arranging the affairs of the guild, Xu Wei sent another message to the Holy Law, telling him that the people of Wolf Yuan had left the guild's resource collection point.

Saint Fa was overjoyed and immediately began to arrange for a large number of members to go to collect tasks and collect resources.

Xu Wei did not inform Xu Youyu, but soon after the people of Wolf Yuan evacuated, she got the news.

"The people of the Holy Law Sanctuary are already gathering, and our people have also passed. Send more people, and let the second and third teams escort the poisonous swamp. "

The battle between Wolf Yuan and Aurora is about to come to an end, and Xu Wei also gave up the two collection points in Qingquan Village and Poison Swamp as scheduled.

Many guilds immediately scrambled to gather resources.

However, although there was some friction, it did not really fight.

The wolf was pressed on top of their heads, and they fought without any sense at all.

【Ding! Guild Channel: The drunken team completed the city commission mission and earned 15 silver coins for the guild! Guild area reputation increased by 1 point! 【

Ding! Guild Channel: Dingdong team completes the city entrusted mission...]

[Ding! Guild

funds are constantly increasing.

At this time, Qiu Ye finally understood why Xu Wei was not afraid of the consumption of gold coins.

A full team can get 15 silver coins of guild running funds in about two hours.

And now the Wolf Origin Guild has more than three hundred teams!

Every two hours of output is forty or fifty gold coins!

If you spend a day, there are hundreds of gold coins!

This gold-absorbing speed can be called terrifying!

According to the current price of the game copper coin 9R, it is a profit of 20 or 30 million in one day!!

If only this lasted for a while....

Thinking of this, Akiba's heart beat faster.

Wolf Plains Guild has 5% of her shares!

Before she still felt in her heart that the shares given by Xu Wei were a little less, but now that she wants to look at it, 5% is already a lot!

This is only the early stage of the game, who knows what kind of gold-making monster Wolf Yuan will grow into in the later stage!

Don't get excited, hold steady!

The price of game currency has been falling, so we must seize this opportunity to eat a big wave of dividends!

Akiba contacted Xu Wei.

"Xu Wei, now the guild funds have entered quite a lot. At this rate, guilds can earn hundreds of gold coins a day, and I think we should sell them off in large quantities before the price of game coins drops even lower to replenish our guild's real liquidity.

Akiba's thoughts coincided with Xu Wei.

But the truth is not as beautiful as Akiba thinks.

He explains: "There is a limit to the number of delegated tasks, and the entire southern region can only complete 30,000 times a day, and then no more tasks can be submitted. So you can only get up to 150 gold coins a day.

"And what you didn't notice is that 40% of the funds obtained are earmarked funds, which can only be used for guild maintenance and construction, and cannot be withdrawn."

Now in the case of two territories, the maintenance cost of the guild is at least 10 gold coins per day.

As the guild has more buildings, the territory has grown in size and maintenance costs have increased.

To build guild defenses in the back, those need to be maintained at a cost.

However, the current maintenance consumption is small, and this wave of dividends can be eaten very refreshingly!

"Ah, that's so, I thought I earned 30 or 40 million a day!"

That being said, Akiba is not too disappointed either.

Even so, this guild alone can earn nearly 10 million a day.

Moreover, the special funds in the guild are used for the guild, which reduces the cash investment, in fact, it is also making money.

"Then I will freely transfer the guild funds and sell them in batches, if you have any plans that require a large amount of funds, remember to tell me in advance."

"Throw it, or you won't be paid next month."

"Huh~" Hearing

Xu Wei's deliberate ridicule, Qiuye laughed.

The two ended the call, and Akiba began to sell guild funds in batches.

A sum of cash was deposited into the account of the Wolf Origin Guild, and the shriveled funds began to plump.

At the same time, players are widely recruited to join the club.

Everything is in order.

However, the number of people joining the guild is uneven, and a small number of people are actually undercover agents sent in by other guilds.

The news of the Naka City quartermaster issuing the commission was all over the place, and it was even exposed to the forum.

This was probably expected, and this kind of news cannot be covered.

"A team can earn 15 silver coins in 2 hours, how much money does a guild have to earn with so many people in a day!?"

"Groove! Am I witnessing the rise of a behemoth! This gold absorption speed is much faster than industry, too terrifying! "

Not only the players were amazed, but the big guilds in other regions were crazy in an instant!

"Order, all members go all out to collect guild resources! Strive to become the first guild in the western region to be eligible to take on entrusted tasks! This wave of dividends must not be missed!

"All members stop leveling and invest in expanding the size of the guild!"

For a time, in addition to the southern region, the friction between the major guilds in the other three regions continued to escalate in order to compete for guild resources!

The news that various guilds are fighting each other broke on the forum.

"In the face of huge interests, those capitals can't sit still."

Seeing those messages on the forum, Xu Wei was not surprised at all.

Knowing that the quartermaster's entrusted task can make money, all the guilds go crazy to attack and fight each other.

It's just a repetition of events from a past life.

"If the hearts of people are not enough, how long can the southern region be peaceful?"

Xu Wei was determined that for the sake of interests, the war in the southern region would soon break out again.

What about the Grand Guild?

Soon, groups of players who want to form a guild will unite to form a force that cannot be underestimated.

Except for a small number of players who actually come in to experience the game, tens of millions of players are inevitably caught in the vortex of interests.

With profit-driven and limited resources, plunder becomes the norm.

"Grab it, the more fierce the robbery, the better."

So many guilds pull and stumble on each other, and their development speed is actually very slow.

As for the resource points of the Demon Wolf Slope, with the Auror Guild, there is definitely no guild that dares to interfere with it at this stage.

The level of guild members is already increasing rapidly, and the resource points of the wind whisper will soon begin to be collected.

Leaving two resource points for those guilds to pinch each other, which Xu Wei is happy to see.

"The most important thing at this stage is to raise the level, as long as the core team reaches level 18, they can enter the Calamity level Demonization Lair copy, and then they will have the opportunity to obtain dark gold-level equipment..."

"The reserves of teleportation potions and special potions are also very important."

"It's a pity, I can't enter the city now, and Johnny's potions have bought a lot less

..." "There are also high-quality magic crystals and spirit stones, which are also very important materials at present..." After

thinking about it carefully, Xu Wei sent all the materials that needed to be collected to Qiuye for her to pay close attention to.

He is confident that Wolf

Yuan is bound to rise quickly and gallop through the world!

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