Xu Wei held a glowing rod of judgment, and the picture was placed on the forum.


Please, how did Guangwu come about?" Buy a handful of ornamental light martial arts at a high price! "


the forum was hotly discussed.

God wishes 80 million players, the only one with a light weapon, what a scenery.

Xu Youyu browsed and closed.

Even weapons with light effects are available, and the reputation of the evil wolf is getting louder and louder.

What's even more uncomfortable is that Xu Tianxia and Wolf Yuan are one region.

She contacted Lin Xin: "It's been a few days, and you haven't found the right time?"

Lin Xin: "There are a lot of things to arrange after the establishment of the guild, and I haven't had contact with him in the past few days except for seeing him in the morning."

"The miscellaneous affairs of the guild are put aside in advance, and today I will determine his identity." You give me the offline now to find a way to force him to go offline, and it won't take a while to know if he has been playing wild for thirty years.

"If he hadn't been fighting for thirty years, then he'd definitely be a wolf."

Once the true identity of the evil wolf is determined, it is Xu Wei's words...

Xu Youyu had a general idea in her heart.

“...... I see, when the time comes, I will call you, using the phone as a signal. "


After ending the call, Lin Xin immediately went offline.

In the old room that was not very bright, Lin Xin took off the game equipment.

After adjusting to the light a little, she picked up her phone and prepared the key to speed dial.

"Hiss... Whew..." Taking

a slow, deep breath, she left the house.

After observing the situation around me, I could hear the sound of the excavator operating outside.

That longan field is already digging the foundation.

This will allow the national standard to watch from the outside.

Lin Xin turned her gaze to the room where Xu Wei was, and walked over gradually with a normal posture.

The door is closed.

The door lock of the Xu family house is still the old outdated door lock of decades ago.

Grabbing the slightly rusty doorknob, Lin Xin's wrist tendons were slightly raised, slowly turning downward, trying to see if he could hit the door.

She was careful.

The doorknob turned to the end, and she pushed slightly, trying to open the door.

Resistance hits.

The door was promised to be locked from the inside.

"This is trouble..." The

door was locked, and she couldn't get in.

Pulling back a little, I glanced at the window, which was locked.

If you want to make something to make Xu Wei exit the game to check, it must be very large.

Either break the window or bang the door.

Both of these methods are forced to do, and after doing it, Xu Wei may take this opportunity to drive her away.

Although she doesn't like to live in this kind of broken house, if the identity of the evil wolf is really Xu Wei...

Lin Xin frowned, thinking of a way.

"By the way, when I moved in, Xu Guobiao gave me a door key, and the lock was the same..." Thinking

of this, Lin Xin walked back to the room and found the key.

Then he returned to Xu Wei's door and plugged in.

Unable to turn.

Lin Xin tried to turn the key again, and then pulled out the key little by little to try to turn it.

When she was a child, she used this way to open the locks of her grandfather's old house with the keys of different doors.

When the key was pulled out nearly a third, her hand suddenly lightened!

Her heart jumped!

Slowly turning the key, when it reached the heavier feeling, she twisted the key slightly harder.


In the noise of the digger, she could still clearly hear a crisp sound, and the door lock was opened!

Then twist the doorknob and push inside, and the door is opened a slightest gap!

She glanced back and saw no one before opening the door and walking in.

I tried to pull out the key, but found that it was stuck.

She was a little anxious, but according to her experience as a child, she locked the door from the inside and then tried to pull out the key.

Pull out the key smoothly and hide it in the pocket of your high-waisted denim skirt.

Turn the door handle again so that the lock is open.

Lin Xin dialed Xu Youyu's mobile phone number with a shortcut key, and then walked to Xu Wei lying on the bed.


Wei, Xu Wei..." In the game -

Xu Youyu received a call from Lin Xin, retreated to the back, and connected, but did not speak.

At the same time, she sends a message to an ID of her friends list.

Bai Yiyi, who was running the task entrusted by the guild with the team, received news from Xu Youyu.

She moved her eyes and glanced at her teammates around her.

Then I found an ID called "Hua Liangying" from the list of many friends, and sent a message over-

[Brother Hua, are you still leveling up with the team chasing the wind plateau? ] When will you take me! 】


At the same time, Xu Wei received a prompt from the gaming device.

【Warning! Discover that there are security risks in reality! Please go offline in time to check the safety situation!

Xu Wei frowned and hurriedly got off the line.

After shouting a few times, Xu Wei did not respond, Lin Xin stretched out his hand and was about to wake him up.

Suddenly, Xu Wei suddenly grabbed her wrist!

At the same time, sit up straight.


Xu Wei's sudden action frightened Lin Xin, causing her to let out a scream.

"What is the ghost called!"

Through the black crystal glasses, Xu Wei could clearly see that it was Lin Xin.

He took off his glasses.

"How did you get in?"

Lin Xin saw that Xu Wei's eyes were very scary at this moment, and he was obviously very angry.

"I, just open the door and come in." I'm just going to go to the market to buy some food and ask what you want to eat, why is it so fierce?

Lin Xin withdrew his hand, but was grabbed by Xu Wei.

"You let go, it hurts!"


Xu Wei snorted coldly and shook off Lin Xin's hand.

Ignoring Lin Xin, who looked aggrieved, he got out of bed and walked directly to the door, locked the door without closing the door, and then tried to open it from the door handle outside.

The door lock is stuck and cannot be opened at all.

The lock is not broken.

Seeing that he was checking the door lock, Lin Xin was nervous.

She forced herself to calm down and walked over: "What are you doing?"

Xu Wei raised his eyes slightly to look at Lin Xin.

"I'm pretty sure I locked the door, but the lock wasn't broken, how did you get in?"

"I, I just twisted the doorknob, and then the door opened! I don't know if you lock the door or not..." said Lin Xin with a hard head.

"And lying."

Xu Wei faced Lin Xin, looking down slightly, his eyes staring at her eyes.

He said word by word:

"Lin Xin, you are a manager of a large company, personally went to the countryside to supervise the progress of the project, and still lived down, it is indeed conscientious."

"But I asked the master when I was jogging, you have only been to the construction site twice in so many days."

"I went once when I came, I went once the day before yesterday, and I left in a few minutes."

"This is strange, since you are here to supervise the project, you did not find a family to rent nearby, and you did not often go to check the situation, what do you say you are here for?"

Being stared at so closely, Lin Xin was very nervous.

She subconsciously bit her lip and her eyes dodged.

"I, I'm just here..."

"Don't think I'm a liar, you're not here to supervise the project at all."

Xu Wei interrupted Lin Xin's words, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at her coldly.

"Xu Tianxia Qiuqiu, please pack up your things immediately and leave my house!"

"Xu for me..."


Xu Wei interrupted Lin Xin's words again.

This cold look, this tone.

In Lin Xin's mind, the evil wolf and Xu Wei completely coincided.

She was second confirmed!

Xu Wei is a vicious wolf!

The heart is pounding.

The atmosphere drops to freezing.

Lin Xin didn't dare to breathe.

At this moment -

"Lin Xin, you can come back."

Xu Youyu's voice came out of Lin Xin's pocket.

And so coincidentally, the excavator outside paused.

Xu Youyu's voice in the mobile phone, both of them heard it clearly!

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