The two people of Thief Yi Dao and No Thief in the World were targeted by squatters, and they were killed several times after leaving the city, and then went offline.

Some players posted the beginning and end of this incident to the forum.

[Thieves also have a way and there are no thieves in the world, are they too fierce? ] Even the Wolf Origin Guild dared to provoke, and now it was chased and killed by the people of the Wolf Plain, I am afraid that I can't get mixed up in the southern region! 】

【I heard that Akiba, the guild manager of Wolf Plain, was killed and burst a lot of money, and the two of them should have made a lot of cash in this wave alone. Chased and killed by Wolf Yuan, the big deal is to delete the number and retrain, no loss! 】

【I advise the people upstairs to have similar thoughts, God is willing to delete the number and retrain the price is to lose the big profession of deleting the number, that is to say, if you are a warrior, then you only have the mage option after that. If you choose a mage and then delete the number, I don't know if you can continue to play? 】

【Who is not good to provoke the Wolf Yuan Guild, if these two are not killers paid for by someone, then their brains are broken. [

The evil wolf has already given the order to chase and kill, and there is a special team to chase and kill these two people, and they are considered wasted. ] 【


forum was hotly discussed.

It's not good to kill whom, you have to kill the administrator of the Wolf Original Guild, isn't it useless to poke a hornet's nest at close range?

Xu Youyu got the news early in the morning.

"Two level 13 assassins and battle thieves, among scattered players, they can currently practice this level is also relatively powerful."

"These two people will not go to sneak up on Autumn Leaves for no reason, I am afraid that someone secretly ordered them."

Hearing Xu Youyu's words, Lin Xin guessed: "Youyou, do you say these two people will be Jiang Chenguang's people?"

"It is most likely related to Jiang Chenguang, but it doesn't make sense."

Xu Youyu said: "Wolf Yuan killed those two people to the point that they didn't even dare to come out of the novice city, but now it has contributed to the power of Wolf Yuan.

"Look at it, in a similar situation, few people with strength and courage among the scattered people will take it."

Today's Wolf Origin Guild equipment and equipment even the third-tier teams have begun to wear the bronze level, and they are still growing.

And they didn't do anything to make the majority of players resist, and no one wanted to provoke them.

This incident even made the team led by Zhong Sanyuan famous.

The majority of players discovered that even the second-tier team was already so strong.

Not to mention a core team of thousands of people.

Those talents are the elite masters of Wolf Yuan.

Western region.

Merriken, the president of the Temple of Odin, has been following any news about Wolf Plains.

After learning about the incident and seeing the screenshot, her brows furrowed.

"The second-tier members of the Wolf Origin Guild are already so powerful, Bob, find a way to delay their development speed."

"Master, our people have gathered about eight thousand members in the southern region, as long as you give an order, you can hinder the development of the Wolf Origin Guild at any time."

"So what are you waiting for? Let's get moving!

"Obey your orders, master."

"Hmph, as long as we act, the forces of other countries will follow suit, everyone will cower, this leader will be my leader!"

Merriken smiled dismissively.

She laughs at forces that want to do something but dare not act.


Ground lizard territory range.

Rin was a little disappointed: "Originally, I thought I could show something, but I didn't expect that the members of our guild were too powerful, and they killed people to the offline line at once, and now I didn't have a mobile phone meeting."

"Don't worry, there will be a chance for you to perform."

Xu Wei smiled when he heard this, the guild members are strong, which is a good thing.

He can also understand Rin's mood of taking two pieces of dark gold-level equipment and wanting to show his majesty in front of the public.

"The eldest brother is right, how long has it been serving, and there will be opportunities to show it in the future."

Tano said.

He also remembered that Xu Wei said that he would not deal with Xu Tianxia.

Moreover, Xu Tianxia investigated him to go to the house, and it is estimated that this matter is not so easy to pass.

Xu Wei was probably waiting for a reason to attack Xu Tianxia.

After all, the Wolf Origin Guild is in a high-speed development stage, if you launch a large-scale guild battle against a large guild at will, the guild members are estimated to have ideas at that time.

Xu Wei smiled and glanced at Taye.

"You guys brush here first, Cindermia went to the Demon Fortress, maybe there is some mission, I'll go over and see the situation."

The attack and killing of autumn leaves has already been attacked by the Sanyuan team of the company in cooperation with other personnel, and Xu Wei went to the Imperial Demon Fortress as originally planned.

It's just that before he arrived at the Demon Fortress, a major event occurred in the guild - the guild players who collected resources in the Demon Wolf Slope were killed back to the city by a large group of players!

[Slash the world: The people who attacked our guild are basically foreign players! ] Grass! Fuck him! 】

【The enemy is three thousand nai me: Grandma is a hammer, the president will speak, my big knife is already hungry and thirsty! 】

【Akiba: Don't get excited, everything is arranged by the guild, and if you can't bear it, you will make a big plan! 】 【


he knew the news, Xu Wei looked gloomy.

He contacted Akiba: "Have you found out what the other party is about?" "

Akiba:" is a foreign force calling itself the "Hand of God", initially estimated to be more than 6,000 people, basically composed of foreign players, most of them between level 10 and 14.

"This force launched an attack on the encirclement of the resource points of the Demon Wolf Slope without warning, and also issued a "declaration of resistance" on the official forum, saying that opposing our Wolf Origin Guild occupying the resource points alone has received the support of many players, and it is definitely prepared.

"I guess that someone is eyeing the development speed of our wolf plain and deliberately manipulating this force to target us and slow down our development speed."

Xu Wei frowned.

"Now our guild must focus on collecting materials for repairing the teleportation array, and there is no way to allocate a large amount of energy to surround those people for the time being."

"But you can't just let it go, otherwise this time it's the Demon Wolf Slope, and the next time you may directly attack the members of our mission."

"In this way, I let Drunk take a few core regiments, plus the second-line regiment to counterattack in the past, and we must fight the momentum of our Wolf Origin Guild."

The task of repairing the teleportation array must be completed within three days.

However, the occupation of the Demon Wolf Slope resource point should also be handled carefully.

"No, I think I should give up the resource points of the Demon Wolf Slope for the time being."

Akiba thought for a while, refuted and continued: "Since they are 'resisting' us on the Internet under the banner of 'resisting' us, and want to 'sanction' us from the height of justice, then we will plan and let them occupy." "

In this way, if they target our Wolf Origin Guild again, then 'justice' will not be able to attack itself, and it will not be too late to fight back when the time comes."

"If they stop in the past two days, wait for us to finish the current guild mission, free up our hands and strangle them from the angle of "counterattack", we will not pay attention to the loss.

"After all, this is a game world, and all resources have to be fought for on their own, not distributed fairly."

Akiba analyzes well.

Xu Wei thought for a moment and gritted his teeth.

"Okay, then follow your suggestion, temporarily abandon the Demon Wolf Slope stronghold, and the entire guild will focus on completing the task of collecting materials from the teleportation array."

"But the emotions of the guild members need to be calmed."

Akiba smiled slightly: "Don't worry, there is a precedent for the Auror Dragon Guild, and no one will think that we are swallowing our anger."

"Temporary forbearance is for a better outbreak."

"I'll come forward and say it, and the guild members will understand."

"And I'm sure they'll definitely hold their breath these two days, and this explosion will be more beneficial to us."

"Hmm..." At

this moment, Xu Wei felt the power of the autumn leaves again.

In her previous life, she was able to become the first person recognized as the management guild, and it definitely did not rely on simple financial and personnel transfers.

I believe that in her previous life, the Holy Law must have heard a lot of advice from her.

The guild can get an autumn leaf....

I promise the blessing of being born again.

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